Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2678 The little tiger who has undergone tremendous changes

Chapter 2678 The little tiger who has undergone tremendous changes
  After Tang Yi left on the Supreme Warship, he summoned Mu Xianling and others from the Supreme Mountain and River Fan.

What Tang Yi didn't expect was that in addition to Mu Xianling and others, Xiao Huzi and Yaoyue Beast also came out together.

It's been a year. Tang Yi hasn't seen Xiaohuzi and Yaoyue Beast for more than a year.

Although Tang Yi, the Supreme Mountain and River Fan, has always been with him, he has never summoned Little Huzi and Monster Moon Beast.

For more than a year, he has been running around, completing missions, fighting monsters and leveling up. It has been a long time since he paid attention to these two little things.

Not to mention paying attention, he even forgot about the existence of Xiaohuzi and Yaoyuemon!

At this moment, Tang Yi was both surprised and pleasantly surprised to see Little Huzi and Demon Moon Beast coming out of the Supreme Mountain and River Fan together!
  Compared to a year ago, Yaoyue Beast has not changed much.

The body shape is still the same, about 40 to 50 centimeters long, with black plush, green emerald eyes, and a light blue crescent on the forehead.

But Xiao Huzi has changed tremendously!
  At this moment, the size of the little tiger has grown to a very huge point.

The body length reaches more than ten meters, and the height is six or seven meters. Hibernating there, it looks like a wild beast, looking extremely ferocious.

at the same time!

Little Huzi's body has also undergone tremendous changes. His skin has turned into a pure white color without any impurities.

If the little tiger wasn't on all fours, and if the little tiger's fangs weren't so ferocious, it would look like a white bear at this moment!
  And besides that!
  There is actually something extra on Little Huzi's forehead!
  There is an extra golden circular mark.

Tang Yi looked carefully and discovered that this circular mark was actually a sun symbol. A sun symbol that matched the Demon Moon Beast?
  Yaoyuemon has a blue moon symbol on its forehead.

At this moment, a golden sun symbol actually appeared on Xiao Huzi’s forehead?

Is this a coincidence?

Or does it mean that there is God’s will in the dark?

This made Tang Yi very surprised and puzzled.

In addition, in addition to the changes in appearance, the strength of the two monsters has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, Monster Moon has actually broken through the God of War and reached the strength of the Holy King. It is very fast and can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

After all, there are not many monsters that can break through the God of War, reach the Holy King level, and complete multi-level jumps in one year.

Compared with Yaoyue Beast, Xiaohuzi is even more exaggerated.

Its strength is actually stronger than the Monster Moon Beast!
  Now its strength has actually reached the Holy Emperor level, which is a big step higher than Xiao Huzi!

I remember that when Xiao Huzi and Yao Yue Beast were put into the Supreme Mountain and River Fan, Xiao Huzi's strength was still far behind that of Yao Yue Beast.

At that time, Yaoyuemon was already a tenth-level beast god, which was also the god of war level.

As for Xiao Huzi, it seems that he has not yet reached the level of War Emperor!
  Just over a year!
  It broke through the Holy Emperor, completed a huge leap, and at the same time completed the overtake of the Monster Moon Beast!
  This is what surprised Tang Yi the most.

However, just as Tang Yi looked at Yaoyue Beast and Xiaohuzi, slightly surprised, several crisp and worried voices rang out.



"Husband, you are finally back." "Oh, oh, oh, we are worried to death."

These crisp sounds, of course, came from Mu Xianling and the girls. Seeing that Tang Yi was safe and sound, the girls immediately came over to greet him. They looked at Tang Yi up and down, wanting to see if Tang Yi was injured. Their faces were full of concern. .

Feeling the care of the women, Tang Yi's heart felt warm, and something called happiness rose in his heart.

"I made you worry!"

Tang Yi smiled at the girls, and at the same time touched Binglian's head, whose eyes were now watery, and comforted them.

"We can't take such risks in the future. Husband, you have to remember that you are not alone now. You still have us. What should we do if anything happens to you?"

Mu Xianling said something, then realized something was wrong, and immediately said: "Bah, bah, bah, what am I talking about. My husband will be fine, that's what I mean."

Yuwen Jinyu also said: "Yes, husband. You can't take such risks anymore. You have a family."

The other girls also nodded.

"Okay, okay, I won't take such risks in the future. Next time I encounter an opponent of this level, I must be fully prepared and confident before I take action, okay." Tang Yi said.

With Tang Yi's repeated consent, the women finally let Tang Yi go.

At this time, Xiao Huzi came to Tang Yi.


Although the size has grown to the level of a giant beast, although it looks extremely extraordinary, but
  The little tiger's cry is as cute as ever, and it's still the sound of a cat.

And this cry was full of grievances and resentment.

It seemed that he was blaming Tang Yi for not looking for it for so long.

Hearing Little Huzi's cry, Tang Yi smiled sheepishly, stepped forward and stroked Little Huzi's white fur, and said comfortingly: "I'm sorry, I have been really busy during this period and I have neglected you."

Little Huzi lowered his head in cooperation and let Tang Yi stroke him obediently.

On the side, Yaoyue Beast snorted coldly and said: "Humph! Man."

As he said that, Yaoyue Beast's little head suddenly turned to the side, showing a look of disdain.

As for the man, he didn't know whether it was talking about Tang Yi or the little tiger who was trying to flatter Tang Yi.

In short, the word "man" was full of ambiguity, and seemed to scold both Tang Yi and Xiao Huzi.

Seeing Yaoyue Beast's arrogant look, Tang Yi smiled again, caressing Little Huzi with one hand, and said to Yaoyue Beast: "Little Yuezi, I didn't expect that you still have such a personality after not seeing each other for more than a year. Ah. How are you? Are you living in my fan world? But what's the matter with your strength? How come you are at the Holy King level? This improvement speed is a bit slow. Look at my little tigers, they are already at the Holy King level. Now! I have overtaken you! Could it be that in the fan world, you are lazy? Didn't practice well?"


"You dog man, you have the nerve to say that! You tricked me into entering the small world, and then you ignored me. You kept me in there for so long!"

"Although inside, my strength breaks through very quickly, but so what! You are just a treacherous and stinky man."

Yao Yue Beast snorted coldly, glanced at Xiao Huzi, and said: "Besides, who is lazy? I'm going to practice hard in there, okay? Didn't you see that I have already broken through to the Holy King? As for why there is no competition. That Hanhan, that's because he is special than me and can practice faster than me!"

(End of this chapter)

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