Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2679 Divine Seed

Chapter 2679 Divine Seed
  After a pause, Yaoyuemon continued: "Originally, I thought he was just an ordinary species, but I didn't expect that he was a rare species, even an ancient species, maybe even a divine species. And the possibility of an ancient species is extremely high, otherwise, It is impossible to improve so quickly. Moreover, it is impossible for his appearance to have such a huge change, and even the color of his fur has changed. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the hair of our monsters to change color. The only ones that can change color are those from ancient times. He is a god and a god, but his color has changed, which shows that his origin is not simple! With such an origin and heritage, how can I compare with him? "

"Oh? Ancient species? Even divine species?"

Tang Yi was also stunned when he heard Yaoyue Beast's words. He stared at Xiao Huzi closely, his face full of disbelief and surprise.

He had no idea that Xiao Huzi was not only no ordinary monster, but also had such a big background.

When he rescued Xiao Huzi, Tang Yi thought that Xiao Huzi was just an ordinary tiger monster. Even if it was stronger than the tiger monster, it was just a stronger tiger monster.

But did not expect!

Little Huzi is actually not a stronger tiger monster, but probably an ancient monster, or even a god-level monster!
  But for some reason, he was left in Fengyue Forest in Tianxing Domain, and was rescued by him!
  It turns out that Xiao Huzi has such a rich background!

The hair is all white, the appearance is majestic, and the body is huge. How can a monster with such an appearance be an ordinary monster!
  "Huh? That's right! I have clairvoyance. I can see the attributes of the little tiger. What kind of monster it is, can I know it just by looking at it?"

Tang Yi suddenly said.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi used the Heavenly Eye Technique and threw it at Xiao Huzi.

Name: Golden-Blooded White Tiger.

Level: Level 165 (young, five-star holy emperor beast)

Category: Divine species.

Description: A mysterious tiger monster with unknown origins. Golden holy blood flows in its body. It is extremely powerful and has extremely high growth potential.

"God's seed!"

"He is actually a god!"

Tang Yi was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Huzi’s body still has the blood of the mythical beast flowing in it!
  And what Tang Yi didn't expect was that as Xiao Huzi grew up, his attributes had undergone tremendous changes.

Just like the name!
  If Tang Yi remembers it correctly, Xiao Huzi's original name was Golden-Blooded and Blue-Eyed Tiger.

The description is that the tiger king demon beast in its infancy has golden holy blood flowing in its body and is extremely powerful. When it reaches adulthood, its strength can reach the beast master level.

This is what the previous properties looked like!
  And now!

The properties have changed dramatically now.

The name changed to Golden Blood White Tiger, and the description even changed to a mysterious tiger-like monster with an unknown origin. Golden holy blood flows in its body. It is extremely powerful and has extremely high growth potential!
  In the past, it was only said that one could reach the Zun level.

But now, it is said that the growth potential is extremely high!
  What Tang Yi didn't expect the most was!

After more than a year of growth, Little Huzi is still a baby!


A five-star holy emperor beast level juvenile body!
  If you can reach the five-star Holy Emperor Beast at a young age, then
  What stage can one reach in adulthood?
  This makes Tang Yi feel incredible!

Originally, in Tang Yi's eyes, Little Huzi was just an ordinary tiger monster, but now!
  After seeing Xiao Huzi's attributes, Tang Yi could no longer regard Xiao Huzi as an ordinary little tiger.

In Tang Yi's eyes, the little tiger at this moment was full of a mysterious aura.

"No wonder, no wonder the little tiger has been unable to speak. It is said that the higher the level of the monster, the harder it is to speak human words. It is true!" Tang Yi suddenly said.

However, upon hearing Tang Yi's words, Yaoyue Beast was also shocked.

She looked at Tang Yi in surprise and said, "What did you say? You said Hanhan was a god? Is he really of the blood of a mythical beast? Impossible, how could a mythical beast be like him."

Hearing that Yao Yue Beast still dislikes Xiao Huzi after more than a year, Tang Yi immediately protested: "Hey, hey, what are you talking about, Xiao Yuezi? Xiao Huzi's character is called kindness, what kind of stupidity is that? Yes, what are you screaming about? Do you think every mythical beast is as arrogant as you? Also, he is your man, and you dislike your man so much, is this okay?"

At this time, Xiao Huzi also lowered his head in grievance, rubbed against Tang Yi, and let out a whine.

As if to say: "Tang Yi, don't blame my wife anymore. My wife has this character. I'm used to it every day. It's nothing."

Hearing Xiao Huzi's cry, Tang Yi immediately said to Yaoyue Beast: "Look, Xiao Huzi has been bullied to this extent by you, and he actually helps you to speak. Shouldn't you reflect on yourself? In addition, I asked you to marry Xiao Huzi so that you can get along well with him, not to bully him. You really don’t want to be ignorant of your blessings! Moreover, now there is a divine tiger beast as your Man, what else are you dissatisfied with?"


Hearing this, Yaoyue Beast snorted and then stopped talking.

Of course, although her face was still arrogant and she said so on the surface, she was still disgusted in her words.

But when she looked at Xiao Huzi, her eyes were completely different!
  The attitude towards Xiao Huzi is also completely different.

After all, she wouldn't have even laid eyes on Xiao Huzi before.

Not to mention dislike Xiao Huzi.

If it were before, she would have completely regarded Xiao Huzi as transparent.

However, now, although the language is ridiculing and disgusting, the tone is full of a feeling of care and closeness.

In fact, in Tang Yi's Supreme Mountain and River Fan, Yao Yue Beast has already changed its view of Xiao Huzi.

When he first entered the Supreme Mountain and River Fan, Yao Yue Beast was extremely disgusted with Xiao Huzi.

She even didn't let Xiao Huzi get close to her at all, and she didn't say a word to Xiao Huzi, but Xiao Huzi was so wronged to death.

But as time went by, as Xiao Huzi's cultivation speed became extremely fast, as Xiao Huzi's strength surpassed Yaoyue Beast.

Yao Yue Beast's attitude towards Xiao Huzi became different.

Although she still dislikes her, she no longer refuses Xiao Huzi's approach and has allowed Xiao Huzi to practice near her!
  Even occasionally, she would communicate with Xiao Huzi.

This is a huge change in the Supreme Mountain River Fan.

But at this moment, after knowing that Xiao Huzi is not only an ancient species, but may even be a god species, with god-level blood in his body.

Her attitude towards Xiao Huzi was even more different.

As Tang Yi said, with a divine tiger as her man, what else could she be dissatisfied with?
  Tang Yi ignored the arrogant Yao Yue Beast and gave him a little warning. He believed that Yao Yue Beast was so smart that he would not know how to get along with Xiao Huzi in the future.

Turning his head, Tang Yi looked at Little Huzi, and while stroking his hair, he said: "Little Huzi, I didn't expect that you are so extraordinary, and you are actually a god among monsters, but why haven't I heard you say that? ? Do you have any memory of this? For example, why did you appear in Fengyue Forest?"

(End of this chapter)

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