Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2681 Embarrassed by being praised

Chapter 2681 Embarrassed by being praised

You must know that Yaoyue Beast worked hard and practiced day and night, and it only reached one hundred and forty-two star levels.

However, Tang Yi was promoted to 403 stars!

That's two hundred and sixty-one more stars than her!
  Monster Moon knows that Tang Yi is better than her!

But little did he know that he was so strong!
  There are actually 261 more stars!
  This is too exaggerated.

Hearing Tang Yi's description, Yaoyue Beast was shocked.

No matter what, she couldn't believe that Tang Yi's strength had grown so far apart from hers in just over a year.

Mu Xianling and others also opened their mouths slightly, very surprised.

According to Tang Yi's description, their star rating is only over 80 or 90 stars.

That is to say, Binglian's lamp has the highest star level, reaching ninety-eight stars. It is only one step away from breaking through the God of War level and reaching the Saint level.


They only have about a hundred stars, but Tang Yi actually has more than 400 stars, which is more than 300 stars more than them. This is too scary.

While they were surprised, they were also proud of having such a powerful husband.

However, just when Yaoyue Beast, Mu Xianling and others were surprised, Tang Yi said calmly: "In fact, when you reach the stage of supreme, you no longer look at the star rating, but the combat power. The higher the combat power, The higher the strength, the more powerful it can be."

Hearing this, Mu Xianlin suddenly asked curiously: "Husband, you defeated the Kaiou of Tianzhou Realm, which means that your combat power is higher than that of Tianzhou Realm, right? Then, the Kaiowen of Tianzhou Realm King of the Realm, what level is it?"

Before Tang Yi could speak, the Monster Moon Beast on the side first exclaimed.

"What? You defeated the Kaio?"

Yaoyuemon exclaimed.

Although Yaoyuemon doesn't know what kind of world Tianzhou Realm is, he doesn't know where it is.

But she knew what kind of existence the King of Kai was.

King of the realm!
  That is the master of a realm!

The strongest existence in a small world.

Tang Yi actually defeated such a being?

Yaoyuemon was shocked.

However, Tang Yi ignored the exclaimed Yaoyue Beast, and instead answered Mu Xianling: "The Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm is the fifth supreme level. Five hundred stars."

"Five hundred stars!"

Mu Xianling and the other girls were surprised.

While Binglian was surprised, she applauded Tang Yi and said: "Five hundred star-level kings of the Tianzhou Realm have all been defeated by you, husband. You are too powerful, husband!"

"The Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm is actually five hundred stars. Doesn't that mean that when you challenge him, husband, it is a leapfrog challenge?" Mu Xianling thought of the important point.

Tang Yi nodded and admitted: "Actually, when I challenged him, I only had more than 300 star levels! It can be regarded as a leapfrog challenge."

"What? Husband, when you challenged the King of Tianzhou Realm, you only had more than 300 star levels? The King of Tianzhou Realm had 500 star levels? Doesn't that mean that when you challenged her, husband, you were different from him? More than a hundred stars?" Mu Xianling said in surprise. of
  "There is a difference of more than a hundred stars. But at my level, the star difference is no longer so important. What matters is the combat power. Even though there is a difference of more than a hundred stars between me and him, but the combat power, But it's not much different from him! Through various means, equipment, and some props, my combat power is even better than his, so I can defeat him! And after defeating him, my realm has been improved. , I just completed a few level jumps and quickly reached the level of three-star fourth-level supreme."

Anyway, we are all our own people at the scene, so there is nothing hard to say. As long as the system is not exposed, everything else can be said, so it is not a big problem for Tang Yi to tell Mu Xianling and others these things frankly.

"I see!"

"Husband, after your strength improves, what will be the result if you face the realm king of Tianzhou Realm again?" Mu Xianling asked curiously.

"Facing the King of the Heavenly Boat Realm again?"

Tang Yi heard the words, smiled, and then replied: "If you meet the realm king of Tianzhou Realm again, you don't need to hide in the Supreme Mountain and River Fan, you can just stand there and watch the battle. I am 100% sure to protect you! In addition, you don't need to hide in the Supreme Mountain and River Fan. ! If I want to, I can crush him to death with just one finger!"

"Crush a Kaiou to death with one finger?"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, before Mu Xianling and others could speak, Yaoyue Beast exclaimed again.

She has never been so surprised in more than a year! Unexpectedly, she was completely shocked by Tang Yi today.

Tang Yi improved so quickly that his strength actually became so powerful!

Even the King of Kai can be killed!
  This is too scary.

After all, you have to know that he is the king of the realm!

The most powerful existence in the world, its strength is terrifying.

Faced with such an existence, Monster Moon couldn't even get close, let alone fight.

The Kaio could blow her to death with just one breath.

Facing such an existence, she seemed like an ant.

  Tang Yi could actually crush such a being to death with one finger.
  This is too exaggerated.

Hearing this news, how could Yao Yue Beast not be shocked.

Of course.

She wouldn't think Tang Yi was joking or bragging.

Because there is no need at all!
  What does he gain by bragging?
  Get compliments from his woman?

It's not necessary!

Those women were originally his.

There's no need to pretend like this.

and so!
  These should be the truth.

"My husband is so powerful! He can actually crush even the King of the Sky Boat Realm to death with one finger! This is too powerful."

Binglian praised.

"It's really amazing! He is indeed our husband."

"Our husband is already powerful, otherwise, how could he be the husband of the five of us?"

"What Sister Jinyu said is true. The person who can become our husband is naturally very outstanding."

"A woman is so proud to be her husband."

The other women also praised him.

"Cough cough."

Tang Yi originally just wanted to show off, but he didn't expect to be praised by a few girls, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

He coughed slightly and quickly changed the subject.

After thinking about it carefully, Tang Yi quickly sank into the system.

Afterwards, I quickly made a selection in the system store, purchased a few items, and then exited the system.

After exiting, Tang Yi waved his right hand and took out the items he had just exchanged.

What appeared in Tang Yi's hands were ten jade bottles.

Inside the jade bottle, there are crystal clear pills.

Pet Beast Promotion Pill, this is the name of ten bottles of pills.

[Pet Beast Promotion Pill]: Supreme level pill

Attributes: After use, it can directly improve the pet beast by one level. (Available to Supreme and below.)
  Price: 10 Supreme Coins.

That's right.

The elixir Tang Yi bought was the pet beast promotion elixir that could directly increase the level of monsters!
  (End of this chapter)

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