Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2682 Holy Beast Little Tiger!

Chapter 2682 Holy Beast Little Tiger!

Tang Yi purchased a total of ten bottles of such pet pills, with ten pills in each bottle.

The value of each bottle reached one hundred supreme coins.

Ten bottles are equivalent to a thousand supreme coins! !

Although this is just a drop in the bucket for Tang Yi, who currently owns several million Supreme Coins, it is already a big deal compared to before.

After taking out the pet beast pill he purchased, Tang Yi poured out one, and then said to Yaoyue Beast: "Xiaoyuezi, give it a try."

"Huh? What is it?" Monster Moon Beast asked doubtfully.

"Good food, I guarantee you'll want to eat it again."

Tang Yi said with a smile. It's like lying to a child.

"nice one?"

"No! I don't believe it! I don't eat what others give me."

Yaoyuemon refused. From Tang Yi's smile, she could feel the evil intentions.

She felt that this human being had no good intentions and the things he gave him were definitely not good things.

So, she won't eat!
  "Don't want to eat? If you don't want to eat, I will let the little tiger eat it."

As Tang Yi spoke, he handed the beast pet pill in his hand to Xiao Huzi and said, "Little Huzi, you eat it!"

Xiao Huzi naturally believed in Tang Yi and didn't have as many ideas as Yaoyue Beast.

Tang Yi handed it to him and told him to eat it. He immediately stuck out his tongue and rolled it gently into his mouth.

Then he swallowed the pet beast pill in one swallow.

Without any hesitation.


And the moment Xiao Huzi swallowed the Beast Pet Pill, a yellow halo that only Tang Yi could see lit up from Xiao Huzi's feet!

At the same time, a breath that everyone could feel emanated from Xiao Huzi's body.

Xiao Huzi's aura seemed to have become much stronger all of a sudden.

"This is."

Yao Yue Beast looked at Xiao Huzi in surprise, a little unable to believe this scene.

She could feel Xiao Huzi's improvement. It seemed that after swallowing the unknown pill, Xiao Huzi's level was promoted.

However, Monster Moon Beast has never heard of any pills their monsters can swallow to improve themselves.

So Yao Yue Beast was particularly surprised when he saw this scene.

Mu Xianling and other girls were equally surprised. They looked at Xiao Huzi and Tang Yi in surprise, wondering what Tang Yi had given Xiao Huzi to eat, which could actually make Xiao Huzi's aura increase rapidly in a short period of time!

Tang Yi smiled slightly and did not explain. Then he poured a bottle of pet pills into his hand and said to Xiao Huzi: "Come here, little Huzi, eat all of these."

Hearing this, Xiao Huzi did not hesitate and once again took all the pet pills that Tang Yi poured into his hand into his mouth.

Although Xiao Huzi didn't know why Tang Yi asked him to eat these small balls, he believed in Tang Yi unconditionally and would eat whatever Tang Yi asked him to eat.

Just like that, all the nine beast pet pills that Tang Yi poured into his hands were swallowed by the little tiger.


And as Xiao Huzi swallowed the pet pill in Tang Yi's hand, yellow haloes that only Tang Yi could see continued to light up from Xiao Huzi's feet. Like golden water waves, they are constantly stirring.

At the same time, Xiao Huzi's aura was rising rapidly, visible to everyone present.

At last!

There was a roar on Xiao Huzi's body, and a terrifying momentum shock wave spread rapidly with him as the center.

This aura shock wave was very powerful. Mu Xianling and others were overwhelmed by the aura shock wave and were immediately suffocated.

However, Tang Yi waved his hand slightly, and a burst of energy came, and they immediately recovered and were no longer affected by Xiao Huzi's momentum.

And as Xiao Huzi exuded a terrifying aura, a Saint Emperor-level aura came out of Xiao Huzi's body.

Moreover, I don’t know if it is because of the divine seed, but the aura of the Holy Emperor in Xiao Huzi is more powerful than that of the ordinary Holy Emperor!
  It was as if the emperor had arrived, very terrifying.

"No, it's impossible! How did he become the Holy Emperor?"

Feeling the aura on Xiao Huzi's body, Yao Yue Beast exclaimed in disbelief. She looked at Xiao Huzi as if she had seen something incredible.

"Are those elixirs capable of promoting monsters? But I have never heard of such elixirs."

"Yes, I have never heard of any elixir that can make a monster at the level of the Holy Emperor Beast be promoted to the Holy Emperor in one fell swoop."

"I have heard of pills that can improve the cultivation of monsters, but I have never heard of pills that can directly improve their levels. I have never heard of pills that can directly improve the level of monsters like the Holy Emperor! This is too scary. . If this elixir can continue to improve, then "

"My husband is really amazing. Not only is he powerful, but he also has endless methods."

Mu Xianling and the other girls were also surprised and praised.

After hearing everyone's words, Tang Yi introduced to everyone at this time: "The pill I gave Xiao Huzi is called the Pet Beast Pill. After taking it, the pet beast can be directly upgraded by one star level. I just gave it to Xiao Huzi." Xiao Huzi took ten pet beast pills. Logically speaking, he should only be able to break through from the holy emperor beast level to the holy sect beast level. But I didn't expect that the effect of this pet beast pill was so strong that it would suddenly make him go from the holy beast level to the holy beast level. The level of the Imperial Beast has been promoted to the level of the Holy Emperor Beast!"

As Tang Yi spoke, he waved his right hand, took out a bottle of pet pill, and then fed it to Xiao Huzi.

Little Huzi curled his mouth and swallowed the pet beast pill again.


After swallowing the Pet Beast Pill, Xiao Huzi's aura rose again, rising all the way from the Holy Emperor Beast level, and soon, he rose to the Holy Divine Beast level!

As if something was broken, there was another bang from Xiao Huzi's body, and a terrifying aura of the Holy Spirit rippled out.

Tang Yi waved his hand in advance and used means to protect Mu Xianling and others, so that Mu Xianling and others were not affected by this momentum.

And as the aura of Xiao Huzi exploded, it seemed to have been sublimated and transformed, and its body shape began to undergo huge changes!

I saw that his size expanded again, from the original ten meters in length to more than twenty meters in length!
  The height when standing on the ground is also eight meters!
  It looks like a small mountain.


Although the hair on Xiao Huzi's body still looks white, there are a few clusters of golden hair faintly appearing among the white hair!


Not orange, not gold-like.

But truly golden!
  Exuding golden light!

These golden parts are not much, but they are faintly visible, and you can see the obvious difference!
  Because of these golden hairs, Little Huzi's body seemed to glow with a faint golden color, becoming more noble and sacred!

Little Huzi roared into the sky, and the Holy God-level aura burst out from his body again, turning into a huge wave that swept across the surrounding areas!


Holy beast, little tiger!
  (End of this chapter)

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