Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2683 Little Huzi is my man

Chapter 2683 Little Huzi is my man
  With Tang Yi's help, Xiao Huzi was promoted to the Holy Beast so easily.

Just by taking some pills, he was easily promoted from the Holy Emperor level to the Holy Emperor level across three major stages!
  In fact, I only took two bottles of the elixir!

It stands to reason that if Xiao Huzi wants to advance to the Holy God, he needs to take four bottles of pet pills.

After all, the Holy Emperor Beast needs to be promoted to the Holy Sect Beast first, and then to the Holy Lord Beast before it can be promoted to the Holy Emperor Beast.


What’s great is that!

After Xiao Huzi took a bottle of pet beast pill, he jumped twenty levels and was directly promoted from the Holy Emperor Beast to the Holy Emperor Beast!

Of course, being able to be promoted so quickly is partly due to the powerful effect of the Pet Beast Pill. On the other hand, it is due to Xiao Huzi’s talent and bloodline.

Because of his strong talent and strong bloodline, the effect of the Beast Pet Pill is so powerful!
  This was something Tang Yi didn't expect.

If he knew that Xiao Huzi's talent and bloodline could affect the effect of pet pills, Tang Yi probably wouldn't have bought so many pet pills.

After Xiao Huzi was promoted to the Holy Beast, Tang Yi took out the third bottle of Pet Beast Pill, poured the ten pills inside into his hand, and then said to Xiao Huzi: "Come on, eat this place again." ”

Xiao Huzi was feeling his own power happily and enjoying the comfort of improvement. Hearing Tang Yi's words, he was slightly startled at first.

Immediately afterwards, I felt overjoyed.

With the previous two promotions, Xiao Huzi now understood what Tang Yi gave him, even if he was stupid.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he took the elixir in Tang Yi's hand into his stomach without even thinking about it.


After swallowing the elixir, Xiao Huzi's momentum increased again.

Once again, he was promoted from the Holy God level to the top Holy God level.

Then, it stagnated at the top Holy God level.

After all, Supreme is a hurdle. If you want to break through to Supreme, relying on the Beast Pet Pill is not enough.

Some other conditions must be met in order to be promoted.


The effect of the pet beast pill can only be used at the saint level at most, and it is useless if it exceeds the saint level.

So at this moment, Xiao Huzi can only be promoted to the top holy god level at most, which is half-step supreme.

But this is okay.

Breaking through to the top Holy God level from the Holy Emperor level is already a huge improvement.

Moreover, it is already very scary to achieve such a huge improvement in such a short period of time.

If it were told, other monsters would be extremely angry with Xiao Huzi.

After being promoted to the top holy beast level, Xiao Huzi's body shape changed again.

The body length reaches more than thirty meters and the height reaches nine meters!
  If Tang Yi's Supreme Warship wasn't huge enough and wide enough, it might not even be able to accommodate the little tiger as big as a small mountain.

In addition to changes in body shape.

The hair on the little tiger's body is getting more and more golden!

It was originally just a small cluster, but now, at least a quarter of it has turned golden.

The golden light emanating from Little Huzi's body became even more brilliant!
  The sun mark on Xiao Huzi's forehead also became glittering, as if there was a small sun on his forehead.


Apart from these changes.

There are actually two small sharp horns growing on the little tiger's head. This pair of sharp corners is black, so black that it turns purple, with spiral patterns on it.

And its length is only a few tens of centimeters. Compared with the huge size of the little tiger, it is very small. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all!

This pair of sharp horns has just emerged, and is only a few tens of centimeters tall. It seems that as the little tiger's strength increases, this pair of sharp horns will grow longer.

Tang Yi was very surprised when he saw this pair of sharp horns. He didn't expect that the head of a tiger monster would have sharp horns like a cow.


After being promoted to the top holy god, Xiao Huzi roared again. The terrifying sound was earth-shattering and the terrifying momentum swept across the entire sky. Countless white clouds were swept away by the momentum!

Tang Yi congratulated Xiao Huzi.


"Congratulations to Huzi for being promoted to the top holy god."

"Congratulations, little tiger."

"Congratulations to little Huzi, little Huzi has become more handsome."

"Congratulations. Although it's not as cute as before, it has become more powerful and beautiful."

Mu Xianling and his wives also joined in congratulations.

They looked at Xiao Huzi. In addition to being happy for Xiao Huzi, they also felt a little envious.

After all, it was so enviable that Xiao Huzi could be promoted from the Holy Emperor level to the top Holy God.

Who doesn’t want to level up, who doesn’t want to become stronger?
  Especially the girls Mu Xianling.

At this moment, the gap between their strength and Tang Yi was too big.

With such a big gap, how could they not want to improve their strength and try their best to catch up with Tang Yi.

Even if he can't catch up, he can't be a drag on Tang Yi, right?

Therefore, seeing Xiao Huzi's improvement in strength, the girls were very envious.

After congratulating Wei Wei, Tang Yi turned around and said to the already stunned Yaoyue Beast: "What, do you want to take these pills now? If not, I can take them back."

Yao Yue Beast was stunned when he saw Xiao Huzi's strength rapidly improving, and was suddenly promoted to the Holy God level. He was in a sluggish state, and when he heard Tang Yi's words, he suddenly came back to his senses. , without even thinking about it, he immediately said: "Yes! I want it!"

His face was full of urgency, excitement, and desire!
  But Tang Yi did not give it to her immediately, but said: "I can give you the beast pet pill, but you have to promise not to bully Huzi in the future, and to treat Huzi as a partner, and to listen to Huzi's words. After all, he is You man, you are a woman whose family is more vicious than your own man, and you even bully your own men. How is this unbecoming? How can this family survive? So, if you want to get the Beast Pet Pill, you have to agree to this. Otherwise, it’s impossible to give you the pet pill.”

"Home? Man?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Yaoyue Beast was stunned.

She had never had the concept of home.

He never regarded Xiao Huzi as his own man.

Even though Xiao Huzi became stronger and showed terrifying talents, she still did not accept Xiao Huzi, but regarded him as her companion.

Therefore, after hearing Tang Yi's words, Yaoyue Beast was a little dazed and didn't know how to answer.

I don’t even know whether to agree or not.

Seeing the Demon Moon Beast hesitate, Tang Yi immediately frowned and said, "What? Not willing? If not, then forget it."

Tang Yi said, pretending to take the beast pill back.

Seeing Tang Yi take back the pet pill, Yao Yue Beast suddenly became anxious and said without thinking: "I promise, I promise you! From now on, Xiao Huzi is my man, and I will listen to him in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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