Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2684 Demon Moon Beast is promoted to the top holy god

Chapter 2684 Demon Moon Beast is promoted to the top holy god

Seeing that Tang Yi had taken back the elixir, Yaoyue Beast eagerly agreed.

But after agreeing, I immediately regretted it.

What kind of temperament does she have?
  How is this possible for her to obey other people's orders?

not to mention.
  Yao Yue Beast turned to look at Xiao Huzi.

The little tiger in front of me is just a fool.

How could she be willing to be a fool's wife?

How could you be willing to listen to a fool's words?

The reason why she agreed to Tang Yi in the first place was just because she took a fancy to Tang Yi's potential and then reluctantly agreed.

Not actually sincere.

After all, if she was asked to be Hanhan's wife sincerely and listen to Hanhan's words, it would be more uncomfortable than death. How could she be willing?

  So what if I regret it now.

All the promises have been made.

Even if you regret it again, you must swallow it.

Turning his head again, he glanced slightly. Although he was a strong and mighty little tiger, he looked a bit naughty and naive. Yaoyuemon could already imagine the miserable life in the future.

However, he comforted himself immediately and said: "However, although he is a little stupid and naive, at least he looks pretty good. At least he has good talent, at least he is a god. At least, after I agree, I can get that magical The elixir can improve your strength."

After comforting himself for a few games, Yaoyuemon's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Hearing Yao Yue Beast's words, Tang Yi immediately smiled and said: "That's right, why bother with yourself? There is no good fruit for being arrogant. And if you think about it, Xiao Huzi is my partner. With my strength And talent, can you suffer a loss by following him? In addition, he is a god himself and has extraordinary talent. If you listen to him carefully, you will not suffer a loss."

"Normally I can listen to him, but when something happens, I have to make the decision. After all, I don't want to be fooled to death by him. With his current wisdom, I don't think he can come up with any solution when he is in danger. "

Yaoyuemon said.


Hearing this, Xiao Huzi lowered his head in grievance.

Tang Yi glanced at Xiao Huzi and felt that what Yaoyue Beast said made sense.

After all, the little tiger is now very strong, more than thirty meters tall, which is big enough, but
  Still a little too immature.

The idea is not mature at all.

Just like a child.

It is too difficult for such a little tiger to make decisions on major matters and dangerous situations.

So after hearing this, Tang Yi nodded and said, "Okay, that's it. Normally you have to listen to him and abide by women's ethics. When encountering major events or dangers, you make the decision and he listens to you."

"Okay!" Yao Yue Beast was very happy this time and did not hesitate.

Seeing that Monster Moon agreed, Tang Yi took out a bottle of pet pills, poured all the pills in the bottle into his hands, and said to Monster Moon: "Come here, this is yours." .”

Hearing this, Tang Yi Yao Yue Beast was very fast and jumped into Tang Yi's arms. Then without thinking, he swallowed the pet pill with a roll.


Like a little tiger, after swallowing the beast pet pill, the aura of the demon moon beast increased rapidly.

In one fell swoop, he broke through the Holy King Beast level and was promoted to the Holy King Beast level!

What is different from Xiao Huzi is that after Xiao Huzi swallowed the first wave of pet pills, he suddenly broke through from the Holy Emperor Beast level to the Holy Emperor Beast level.

The level suddenly increased by thirty levels.

Completed a triple jump!      The speed of improvement is very fast.

However, Yao Yue Beast took the first wave of pet pills and only upgraded it from the level of the Holy King Beast to the level of the Holy King Beast.

Just a normal upgrade
  With ten pet beast pills, she was promoted to ten levels.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was slightly stunned at first, and then couldn't help but secretly said: "It seems that even taking pills depends on talent. If the talent is high, the effect of the pill will be good, and if the talent is low, the effect will be poor. "

After giving the Beast Pet Pill to two different monsters, Tang Yi also roughly understood the efficacy of the Beast Pet Pill, and understood that the Beast Pet Pill was not a fixed improvement, but based on the monster's talent, physique, and bloodline. Give promotion.

While Tang Yi was enlightened, the Demon Moon Beast on the other side had an ugly expression.

Because she also discovered this fact.

Discovered the talent gap between her and Xiao Huzi.

She discovered that even after taking the pill, there was a huge gap between her and Xiao Huzi.

Isn't it?

People take ten pills to advance to three major stages.

And when she took the elixir, she only improved by a big stage.

This gap can be seen by anyone who is not blind.

When Yao Yue Beast discovered this, he was unwilling and helpless.

Unfortunately, she was unwilling to lose to Xiao Huzi.

Helplessly, even if she didn't want to lose to Xiao Huzi, she had to lose to Xiao Huzi.

After all, Xiao Huzi's talent and bloodline are too strong.

He is a god, what can you do?

and so!
  Demon Moon Beast is both unwilling and helpless.

Seeing that the demon moon beast's bottle of pills had only improved by one big stage, Tang Yi didn't say anything. He immediately took out the remaining six bottles of pet pills and poured them one bottle at a time for the demon moon beast to swallow.

The pet pill only has an increase limit, but no usage limit, so even if you take more, it will have no effect.

Although Yao Yue Beast can only improve one big stage with a bottle of pet pill, but what does that matter?

If a bottle of beast pet pill cannot elevate the demon moon beast to the top holy god, then
  Just have another bottle.

If one more bottle doesn't do it, get a few more bottles.

In short, keep eating until the top holy god.

As long as you take more pills, your level will definitely improve.

Anyway, the Pet Beast Pill is just a drop in the bucket for Tang Yi, who currently has one million Supreme Coins.

In this way, with the help of Tang Yi, Yaoyuemon continued to take pet beast pills, and her level also improved rapidly, from the level of Holy Emperor Beast all the way up, to Holy Zong Beast, Holy Lord Beast, Holy Emperor Beast, and Holy Beast. Divine beast. Top holy beast.

After taking several bottles of pet pills in a row, Yao Yue Beast has also been upgraded to the top holy god level!
  Feeling the terrifying power of the top holy beast, Yaoyuemon was overjoyed, with a small cat face showing endless joy.

Seeing the excited and happy Yaoyue Beast, Tang Yi immediately smiled and said: "How is it? Is it okay to follow me? You are not being treated badly, are you?"

Hearing this, Yao Yue Beast said arrogantly: "It's not bad. You boy worked hard and did not live up to my expectations. Although you put me in the Supreme Mountain and River Fan for more than a year, I still hope that you will Give me these elixirs, and I will be promoted to the top holy beast all of a sudden, so I won’t argue with you.”

Yes, this monster moon beast is still like that, extremely arrogant.

Tang Yi didn't bother with her and just touched the little tiger's fur. The latter narrowed his eyes in enjoyment. Tang Yi smiled slightly and turned to look at the fifth daughter Mu Xianling.

(End of this chapter)

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