Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2685 Misunderstood.

Chapter 2685 Misunderstood.

Mu Xianling and the others are Tang Yi's wives. They have a close relationship with each other. At this moment, the two pet beasts, Xiaohuzi and Yaoyue Beast, have received rewards and promotions. If Mu Xianling and the girls had not, That would be too unfair to them.

Previously, due to lack of Supreme Coins, Tang Yi was too embarrassed to buy gifts for them. Now with millions of Supreme Coins in hand, he can already flex his muscles to choose suitable gifts for the five girls of Mu Xianling.

After glancing at the five girls, Tang Yi smiled, and then quickly entered the system to buy gifts for Mu Xianling and the other five girls.

The five Mu Xianling girls didn't know what Tang Yi was thinking. When they saw Tang Yi turning around and smiling at them, they suddenly felt creepy.

"What does my husband mean when he looks back and smiles? Is he possessed by evil spirits? When I see his smile, I feel so terrible. He can't mean it."

Binglian whispered.

"Lian'er, what are you talking nonsense about? How could this smile be about wanting? It's definitely not the case anyway! As for why he is laughing, maybe he wants to do something bad? When I see my husband wanting to do something bad, this is the look on his face." An Wanland Road.


Mu Xianling snorted coldly and said: "You smile so sinisterly, you must have bad intentions. Sisters, please be careful. Although he is our husband, we can't be too spoiled by him, let alone let him take advantage of him. If If we really want to do something bad, we have to join forces.”

"That's right! Unite!"

Bing Lian clenched her little hand, looking righteous.

Yuwen Jinyu said: "Looking at that smile, it really doesn't look like a good thing. Let's be more careful later and stay out of my husband's way."

"Sisters, are you worrying too much? Maybe your husband just smiled and didn't have any bad intentions." Shangguan Siyu said.


The four girls, Mu Xianling, Binglian, Yuwen Jinyu and An Huanlan, said at the same time.

After saying that, the four women looked at each other and smiled in understanding.

And they who are familiar with Tang Yi know that Tang Yi cannot smile for no reason.

That smile just now, they felt, must have a deeper meaning.

As for whether it is a good intention or a bad intention.
  They couldn't tell this.

However, they felt that it was definitely not a good intention.

After all, who would smile like that when nothing happens?

It was clear that Xiao Huzi and Yao Yue Beast were being upgraded, and Yao Yue Beast had just been promoted to the top holy god level, but he suddenly turned around and smiled. How scary this was.

and so.

The fourth daughter Mu Xianling thought that Tang Yi's smile was not a good thing and refuted Shangguan Siyu.


Shangguan Siyu was stunned for a moment when the four women retorted, then smiled and shook his head and stopped talking.

Mu Xianling, Bing Lian, An Huanlan and Yuwen Jinyu were carefully watching Tang Yi to prevent him from doing anything bad.

He even stepped back a few meters, guarding Tang Yi as if he were guarding against thieves.

At this moment, Tang Yi, who knew nothing, was buying items in the system store.

If he knew that his smile caused such a big misunderstanding and made Mu Xianling and the other women think that he was doing something bad, and made Mu Xianling and the other women guard him like a thief, then he would have been sure just now Wouldn't laugh that much.

If you want to smile, your smile will definitely be gentler and brighter.

Just like that, on one side was Tang Yi who didn't know anything and was buying gifts.

On the other side, the Mu Xianling girls were on guard, as if they were guarding against thieves.

The scene was split into two sides in an instant and became very interesting.

Watching this scene, Xiao Huzi was confused. He didn't understand what his master and several mistresses were doing, and why they stood so far away?
  Why do the hostesses look at their masters warily?    Is it possible?

What happened to the master?
  Thinking of this, Xiao Huzi suddenly became worried about Tang Yilai, and whimpered from time to time.

But Yaoyuemon was still immersed in the exhilaration of improvement and did not notice the changes in the scene.

Of course, even if she finds out, she won't pay attention to it, it's none of her business.

Tang Yi sank into the system store for a long time. After searching and purchasing, he finally bought all the gifts from Mu Xianling and the girls, and exited the system store with satisfaction.


As soon as he exited the system store, Tang Yi immediately discovered that except for Shangguan Siyu, the other women were very far away from him, guarding him as if they were guarding against thieves, staring at him as if they were looking at a bad guy?


"What's going on? What happened? Why are you looking at me like I'm guarding against a thief?"

Seeing the looks and movements of the women, Tang Yi was a little confused and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

Hearing this, Mu Xianling immediately said: "If you confess, you will be lenient, but if you resist, you will be stern. Tell me, what conspiracy do you have and what bad things are you thinking about?"

Binglian also said: "Yes, tell me quickly, what bad things are you thinking about? I'm warning you, although you are our husband, you can't think about bad things! If you really think about it, well. Actually, I don't think so. No, besides, I think we can be more exciting.”


Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu and An Huanlan stopped in unison.

They didn't expect that Binglian, who originally said they wanted to unite, would sell them out the next second.

And, what else can be said to be more exciting?
  What is going on in this girl’s mind?
  What's more exciting?
  Want some excitement?

Seeing Mu Xianling and the other girls looking at him with indignation, Binglian stuck out his tongue and stopped talking.

On the side, Tang Yi was confused by Mu Xianling and the others. What is this?

What bad thing, what excitement?

Why can't you understand?
  He just entered the system store to buy something, and it didn't last long. Why did he do something bad?

How can it still be exciting?
  what happened?
  Could it be that when he entered the system store to purchase items, what happened here?

"No, what are you talking about? Did something happen to you when I was in a daze just now?"

Tang Yi asked.

"what happened?"

Mu Xianling looked at Tang Yi strangely and said, "You ask us, we still want to ask you, why are you smiling at us if it's okay? What does that smile mean? What's the plot?"

"That smile? What smile?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi was still confused.

"That's the smile you just gave us. You smiled like that, which made us all a little creepy. Tell the truth, were you thinking of something bad when you smiled like that just now?"

Mu Xianling said.

After hearing Mu Xianling's words, Tang Yi finally came to his senses and understood.

The emotion was caused by the smile he made just before entering the system store.

The reason why he smiled just now was because he wanted to buy gifts for Mu Xianling and the girls. It was a gentle smile.

Unexpectedly, they were misunderstood by Mu Xianling and the other girls.

(End of this chapter)

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