Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2686 The first gift from the 5 girls, practice skills

Chapter 2686 The first gift from the five girls, practice skills
  Tang Yi didn't expect that just by smiling, Mu Xianling and the other girls could make various associations.

Moreover, Lenovo still
  bad thing?

  What is this?

  After knowing that Mu Xianling and the girls had misunderstood, Tang Yi immediately explained: "Actually, the reason why I laugh is because I want to give you gifts."

With that said, Tang Yi immediately took out the gift he had chosen in the system store.

Tang Yi selected a total of three gifts. The first gift was the practice method.

This should be something Mu Xianling and the girls urgently need.

After all, Tang Yi's current strength has reached the supreme level, and at the supreme stage, he is extraordinary.

This kind of strength has already opened up the five women a lot.

At this moment, the five Mu Xianling girls were very anxious. They were practicing desperately, trying to catch up with Tang Yi and not delay Tang Yi's retreat.

However, due to various restrictions, even if they worked hard to practice, their progress was extremely slow.
  Of course, compared to their peers and others, their progress is actually quite fast, and their cultivation speed is considered genius.

But compared to Tang Yi, it was still extremely slow.

Now among the five women, there is not even a single holy level, and it will take some distance to even break through to the holy level.

Under such circumstances, it would be impossible to catch up with Tang Yi.

Let alone chasing Tang Yi, whether he can break through the holy level is still unknown.

and so!
  At this moment, the five Mu Xianling girls were extremely urgent.

Because they were so eager, their hearts became a little confused.

Although he appeared to be fine on the surface, privately he was very worried.

Therefore, in order to solve the cultivation problem of the five girls of Mu Xianling, the first gift Tang Yi gave them was the cultivation method!

Tang Yi has selected a total of five books on cultivation techniques at this moment. Each book is carefully selected by him. Each book is of the supreme level!

And it is also the best among the best in the Supreme Kung Fu!
  These five skills were carefully selected by Tang Yi based on the characteristics of Mu Xianling and other five girls. If the five girls practiced the skills given by Tang Yi, they would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Tang Yi took out all five books of Kung Fu, and then took one inside. He first handed it to Mu Xianling and said, "Ling'er, this is for you. This is a book of Supreme Kung Fu. It's called Yuling Fairy Feather Jue, which is very suitable for your practice. When you practice this technique, not only can you practice faster, but the fairy temperament in you can also gain huge growth and gradually become richer. In the future, you will be promoted Supreme, this fairy temperament will definitely be of great help to you."

"For me?"

"The Yuling Fairy Feather Jue?"

Seeing Tang Yi hand over a simple book, Mu Xianling was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Tang Yi would actually give him a practice book.


This cultivation method is still the supreme method!
  The supreme skill!
  In Mu Xianling's view, the Supreme Being is such an elusive and unattainable existence.

She originally thought that with her qualifications, she might not be able to be promoted to Supreme in her lifetime, and even if she could be promoted, it would not be when she was young and upright.

Maybe you can be promoted when you are 70, 80, or even older.

But what she didn't expect was that Tang Yi actually gave her a copy of the Supreme Kung Fu!
  With the supreme skill, maybe.
  The Supreme is no longer so high and high, no longer so unattainable
  Maybe, when she is still young, she can be promoted!
  Seeing Tang Yi gifting him a copy of the Supreme Kung Fu, Mu Xianling was surprised and happy, and was completely stunned. In addition, what she didn't expect the most was that Tang Yi was not the first to give such a precious item like the Supreme Kung Fu to Binglian, An Huanlan, or anyone else, but to her first.

Tang Yi was the first to give it to her, which made her feel that she was valued by Tang Yi.

This made her very touched and very happy.

This brought her happiness to another level.

After receiving the brochure handed over by Tang Yi, Mu Xianling felt happy and sweetly shouted: "Thank you, husband."

Mu Xianling is usually quite sinister, and she did not hurt Tang Yi when she was with him.

But at this moment, she was like a little daughter, calling Tang Yi very delicately and sweetly.

This made Tang Yi and the other four women, who were familiar with Mu Xianling, all look at Mu Xianling in surprise.

"What's wrong? Why are everyone looking at me like this? I thank my husband, what's the problem?" Mu Xianling asked in confusion as she felt everyone's eyes on her.

"No problem, no problem."

Everyone shook their heads.

At this time, Tang Yi took out another book of exercises, handed it to Bing Lian, and said, "Lian'er, this is for you. Likewise, this is a book of supreme exercises called Zihuang Ice Art." . This magic book is very suitable for you, and it can be said to be tailor-made for you. Although your Bing family's magic book can also upgrade you to the supreme level, the upper limit is not high. Yu Zihuang Ice Magic It's far worse than that. If you practice this method of mine, not only will your practice speed be faster, but the upper limit will be higher! You will be able to achieve greater achievements in the future. Of course, when you practice unfamiliar methods, you will definitely not be able to practice them. The Bing family's magic arts are smooth to practice. After all, the Bing family's magic arts are tailor-made for you. When you practice them, you will naturally become more comfortable. In short, each has its own advantages, it depends on how you choose. "

With that said, Tang Yi handed the Purple Phoenix Ice Jue in front of Binglian and let Binglian choose.

He did not force it into Binglian's hands and force Binglian to choose, but let Binglian make his own decision.

Although Binglian was married to him and should have listened to him, Tang Yi respected Binglian very much.

As long as Binglian doesn't want to, he will definitely not force Binglian.

In addition, asking Binglian to give up his family's skills to practice his own skills is a bit difficult.

If he forced Binglian again, it would be too much.

Therefore, Tang Yi let Binglian make his own choice.

Whether he chooses not to, or whether he chooses to accept it, it doesn't matter, Tang Yi can accept it.

But when Tang Yi handed over the technique, Binglian smiled, accepted it without thinking, and said happily: "I have it too! Wow, my husband is so kind to me! Thank you Husband!"

Saying that, Binglian slapped Tang Yi's face.

Although Tang Yi acted indifferent on the surface and let Binglian choose, in fact, he was still very concerned about Binglian's choice and wanted Binglian to choose the technique he sent.

As for his own skills and the skills he gave as a gift, Binglian chose the latter, which made Tang Yi very happy.

It is a very happy thing to have your woman accept the gift you give.

While feeling a little proud and happy in his heart, Tang Yi also felt that his pain for Binglian was not in vain.

After feeling proud for a while, Tang Yi picked up the third exercise book and handed it to Yuwen Jinyu.

(End of this chapter)

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