Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2687 The second gift, a beautiful long dress

Chapter 2687 The second gift, a beautiful long dress

"Yu'er, this is yours. I don't know you well, but I know that the exercises you practice are more masculine, so I picked a book that is similar to the exercises you are practicing now. This skill is also a supreme skill, and its name is Ben Lei Xiao Yu Jue. It also has your name in the name, and I think it suits you very well."

Tang Yi said.

Seeing how attentive Tang Yi was, Yuwen Jinyu took over the technique and said sweetly: "Thank you, husband."

At the same time, like Bing Lian, he kissed Tang Yi and gave Tang Yi a big bang.

Seeing that both Bing Lian and Yu Wen Jinyu kissed each other, Mu Xianling felt that she was not good enough to Tang Yi, so she also added a mouthful and smacked Tang Yi on the face.


Enjoying the happiness that ordinary people can't get, Tang Yi picked up the fourth skill book, handed it to An Huanlan, and said: "Lan'er, this is yours. The supreme method, the red flower magnolia method. You also have the method. A word in a name.”

"Thank you, husband."

An Huanlan took the spell and followed the example of Binglian, Yuwen Jinyu and Mu Xianling, and gave Tang Yi a kiss.

"Yu'er, yours, Shenyuan Yi Yujue. The name also contains one of your characters."

Tang Yi handed the last exercise book to Shangguan Siyu.

After receiving the exercise, Shangguan Siyu was very moved.

Because she never thought that Tang Yi would also give her exercises.

I never thought that Tang Yi would treat her like others.

Although Tang Yi didn't say anything all this time.

However, she knew that there had always been a gap between her and Tang Yi.

Because of this gap, even though they already have that level of intimacy as a couple, they are still distant from each other.

She and Tang Yi were not as close as the other girls.

There is usually no interaction, and there is no scheming against Tang Yi like Mu Xianling, or quarrels with Tang Yi like Bing Lian.

Although there is no intimate interaction, this has a certain relationship with herself, but!
  It was because of that sense of alienation that she did not dare to interact with Tang Yi.

But what I didn't expect was.

Tang Yi gave her a gift but did not forget her.

Treat her no differently than you treat other women.

Even if the exercises were given as gifts, each person was given a copy.

You know, this is the supreme skill, not some cat or dog skill.

This kind of skill is very precious.

It is very difficult to take out one copy of such a technique, let alone five copies.

Therefore, Tang Yi was very sincere in giving the fifth book of exercises to her.

Shangguan Siyu was very moved and very happy when he saw that Tang Yi was so sincere and that Tang Yi did not treat him badly and treated him the same as he treated Binglian, Mu Xianling and others.

"Thank you, husband."

Shangguan Siyu also said softly.

At the same time, he walked up to Tang Yi, stood up gently on his tiptoes, took a bite on Tang Yi's face, and then ran back shyly.

Seeing the shy Shangguan Siyu, Tang Yi shook his head.

Then, he said to the five girls: "I've given you the skills, but if you want to improve your strength, the skills are just an auxiliary, just a means to improve your strength. The key is to rely on yourself. If you want to quickly improve your strength, you have to Only slaves can practice.”



"I will practice hard."

"I will definitely follow in your footsteps, husband."

"I won't be a burden to you, husband, don't worry."

Several women said one after another.


Tang Yi nodded and started to take out the second gift. Tang Yi’s second gift was five pieces of clothing.

Five dresses, to be exact.

These five dresses were carefully selected by Tang Yi for the five girls of Mu Xianling. They are all dresses that are very suitable for them.

At the same time, these five skirts are all supreme-level armors. They have very strong defense capabilities, are equipped with many additional methods, and even have various life-saving skills.

And besides that, the most important thing is
  These five dresses are all very beautiful.

What was given to Mu Xianling was a white pleated long skirt with four pleats on the hem, like petals blooming at Mu Xianling's feet.

At the same time, it was like white clouds floating at Mu Xianling's feet.

This skirt is very fairy-like. If Mu Xianling wears this skirt, her temperament will definitely be improved to a higher level.

The skirt given to Binglian was a light blue long skirt.

This light blue dress looks like the water by the lake, so clear and clean.

Wearing this skirt will make Binglian look very clean, and at the same time, she will be like a little princess, well-behaved and lovely.

The skirts presented to Mu Xianling and Binglian were very formal, with not much exposed areas.

But the one presented to Yuwen Jinyu was not so formal.

The skirt given to Yu Wen Jinyu was a strapless long skirt, wrapped in a layer of purple tulle on the outside, and purple pleated fabric shaped like a circle of petals on the inside.

If Yuwen Jinyu wears this long skirt, her temperament will be improved to a higher level, she will look more elegant and more like a noble.

The one given to An Huanlan was also a strapless dress.

But this skirt is red and has no pleated pattern.

If someone else were to wear such a skirt, I'm afraid it would look monotonous and might be unmanageable.

After all, most people can't control the color red.

If there is something wrong with your figure or your temperament is insufficient, you will look very bloated and old.

Therefore, this skirt is actually beautiful if you say it is beautiful, but if you say it is not beautiful, it is really not beautiful.


Such a skirt, if worn on An Huanlan, would probably improve An Huanlan's beauty geometrically.

Make her become more of a goddess and more like a lady.

Followed by Shangguan Siyu.

Tang Yi chose a white long skirt with spots for Shangguan Siyu.

This long dress is very pure. If Shangguan Siyu wears it, Shangguan Siyu will probably become a pure beauty.

In fact, purity is not in line with Shangguan Siyu's temperament.

Shangguan Siyu has the air of an icy goddess.

An icy goddess type long dress is more suitable for her.

The red dress for An Huanlan and the purple dress for Yuwen Jinyu are actually more suitable for Shangguan Siyu.

The reason why Tang Yi chose this pure white spotted dress for Shangguan Siyu was actually because he wanted Shangguan Siyu to be more cheerful, more neighborly, and more integrated with everyone.

The current Shangguan Siyu seemed too depressed to Tang Yi.

He hardly talks at all.

While everyone was discussing, she stood aside, like an outsider.

Therefore, Tang Yi wanted to choose some dresses for Shangguan Siyu that were not so cold, more cheerful and sunny, and closer to life.

And this long skirt with white spots was Tang Yi's choice.

In his opinion, although this skirt does not suit Shangguan Siyu's temperament, it does suit Shangguan Siyu's beauty.

Wearing this skirt, Shangguan Siyu will definitely become more beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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