Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2692 Tianyang Realm comes for revenge?

Chapter 2692 Tianyang Realm comes for revenge?

The supreme combat power index of these dozens of supremes has reached at least one million points!

More than thirty million supreme beings!

However, the powerful man flying out from the depths of the palace was more than just that!

At this moment, a figure wearing a golden robe and a purple gold crown flew out from the depths of the palace and stood in front of everyone.

Seeing this figure wearing a golden robe and a purple gold crown, the thousands of black-robed warriors and dozens of white-robed old men all showed respectful expressions and lowered their heads slightly.

After the figure wearing a golden robe and a purple gold crown fell down, he squinted his eyes and said to Tang Yi: "You are finally back. I thought you were not coming back!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man wearing a purple gold crown had endless murderous intent in his eyes. He looked at Tang Yi as if he were looking at a dead person.


Tang Yi threw a Heavenly Eye Technique at the middle-aged man, then sneered and said: "Who is it? It turns out to be the Realm King of Tianyang Realm. What? Come to take revenge?! My son was killed by me. Don't you feel convinced?"

That's right, the middle-aged man with the purple gold crown in front of him is none other than the Realm King of Tianyang Realm, Yang Zhitian.

Back then Yang Wenshu, the son of the King of Tianyang Realm, came to the Mengyue Empire to provoke him, and even wanted to rob Mu Xianling and take Mu Xianling away.

However, he was killed by Tang Yi who came back later.

Because Tang Yi killed the son of the realm king of Tianyang Realm, Tang Yi and Tianyang Realm formed a deadly feud.

Tang Yi knew that because he killed the son of the realm king of Tianyang Realm, the realm king of Tianyang Realm would definitely not give up and would definitely come to take revenge.

But Tang Yi didn't know exactly when he would take revenge.

When he returned to the Mengyue Empire, Tang Yi was still a little worried, worried that people from the Tianyang Realm would come to take revenge when he left.

It would be bad if Mu Xianling and others were placed in the Mengyue Empire and people from the Tianyang Realm came to take revenge.

Therefore, Tang Yi was still thinking about whether to place Mu Xianling and others elsewhere.

  What he didn't expect was that just when he returned to Mengyue and was thinking about where to place Mu Xianling and others, people from Tianyang Realm came!

This is really hard to find, and it takes no effort at all!
  It came just in time!
  Not only was Tang Yi not unhappy when he saw the people from Tianyang Realm, on the contrary, it was too late to be happy!
  As long as the threat of Tianyang Realm is solved, it will be much safer whether it is to place Mu Xianling and the other girls in Mengyue, or to place Mu Xianling and the other girls elsewhere.

After all, the people who can pose a threat to them now are the people from Tianyang Realm.

Without the people from Tianyang Realm, who else would be harmful to them?

Therefore, Tang Yi was not unhappy when he saw the people from Tianyang Realm coming. On the contrary, he was very happy.

Seeing people from the Tianyang Realm is like seeing a treasure, and their eyes shine.


"You killed my son and you convinced me? You told me not to come for revenge? Do you think it's possible?"

Yang Tiantian said coldly, then took a deep look at Tang Yi and asked doubtfully: "It seems that you are very happy to see me?"

"Of course I'm happy. I was still thinking about when I would go find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door yourself. You took the initiative to die. How can I not be happy?" Tang Yi said with a smile.



Yang Zhitian sneered and said, "You are so arrogant! How did you know that you were the one who defeated me? Instead of me killing you?"

"Because I have this confidence!" Tang Yi said lightly. "Ah."

“Confidence is a good thing, but being overconfident is arrogance.”

Yang Zhitian smiled and said: "I hope you have the strength to support your arrogance."

With that said, Yang Zhitian ordered some men in black clothes behind him: "Go and try him."

Hearing this, hundreds of black-robed warriors came out and surrounded Tang Yi.

These hundreds of black-robed warriors are all at the supreme level, and they are elite warriors from the Tianyang Realm. Among the supreme beings, they are very powerful beings.

Facing the same level of supremes, they can fight five of them.

In other words, they are five times more powerful than the outside world!
  When hundreds of supreme beings gather together, they can unleash terrifying power!

In this way, hundreds of supreme beings gathered around Tang Yi, wanting to test Tang Yi's strength.

  These hundreds of supreme beings in black clothes had just surrounded Tang Yi. They had just formed a circle of encirclement. They had not yet begun to shrink the circle, but Tang Yi said: "Don't waste time, let's go together. I don't have much time, I don't have to." Time is playing tricks on you.”

While speaking, Tang Yi waved his hand gently.


The hundreds of black-clad supreme warriors who had just gathered around turned into blood mist, floating in the air like red mist, permeating the scene.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a Supreme from Tianyang Realm and gaining 45623 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a Supreme from Tianyang Realm and gaining 41254 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a Supreme from Tianyang Realm and gaining 45266 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a Supreme from Tianyang Realm and gaining 42541 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a Supreme from Tianyang Realm and gaining 43654 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."


These hundreds of supreme beings dressed in black didn't even react. They didn't even know how they died. They died tragically in the hands of Tang Yi.

Of course, let alone the hundreds of black-clothed supremes who didn’t react, even those black-clothed warriors who didn’t take action, even those old men in white clothes and white robes, even the Kaio Yang of Tianzhou Realm God, I didn’t even react!
  Don't even know what happened!

I don’t even know how Tang Yi killed those hundreds of black-clothed warriors!

When they reacted, the hundreds of black-clothed warriors who took action were all turned into blood mist.

Seeing this scene and hearing Tang Yi's words, Yang Xitian, the king of Tianyang Realm, frowned slightly and his eyes became serious.

He looked at Tang Yi deeply, and then ordered: "This person is very strong, we must not be careless. Elders of Tianyang Realm, come together!"


Hearing this, more than thirty old men in white clothes and white robes accepted the order, and then surrounded Tang Yi with the warriors in black clothes.


Just like this, thousands of people moved together this time, and the darkness was overwhelming. The momentum was astonishing and menacing, as if a terrifying black wave was about to drown Tang Yi!

(End of this chapter)

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