Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2693 1 snap of fingers to solve

Chapter 2693 A snap of the fingers solves the problem

In the eyes of everyone in Tianyang Realm, no matter how strong Tang Yi was, he could not be stronger than the Realm King of Tianyang Realm.

The strength is the most powerful, which is equivalent to the Kaiwang of Tianyang Realm.

In fact, it is even slightly inferior to the King of Tianyang Realm.

They are such a force that even the realm king of Tianyang Realm is a little afraid of them and cannot resist them.

In their opinion, not even the Kai-King of Tian-Yang Realm can stop him, let alone the young man in front of them who is slightly inferior to the Kai-King of Tian-Yang Realm.

Not to mention other people in Tianyang Realm think so, even Yang Zhitian, the realm king of Tianyang Realm, thinks so.

He felt that although Tang Yi was very powerful and had very strange methods, he could kill hundreds of his men in an instant, but!

No matter how strong he is and how many weird tricks he possesses, he cannot be his opponent!
  How old he is!

At such an age, no matter how strong he is, how strong can he be?
  Yang Zhitian wouldn't believe it even to death, the other party would be stronger than him.

Even if you fight to death, you won't believe that a mere warrior from the other side can reach his level!

and so!
  In his opinion, no matter how strong Tang Yi is, he can't be stronger than him.

And even he couldn't deal with thousands of elite supremes and dozens of million-level supremes, let alone the young man in front of him who was weaker than him.

and so!
  With all his men acting together, he felt that they would be able to defeat Tang Yi!
  Of course.

Although he didn't think Tang Yi was his opponent, he still kept his eyes fixed on Tang Yi. As long as something went wrong, he would immediately take action!
  What Yang Zhitian, the king of Tianyang Realm, did not expect, and what all the warriors of Tianyang Realm in the audience did not expect.

They overestimate themselves.

Seeing thousands of warriors approaching with great momentum, Tang Yi smiled brightly.

He said: "That's right. Let's go together and let me solve it together. This saves time! You go one by one. How long do I want to kill?"

After speaking, Tang Yi raised his right hand with a smile.

the other side.

Hearing Tang Yi's words and seeing Tang Yi's movements, Yang Xantian, the king of Tianyang Realm, suddenly frowned. Somehow, he felt a very dangerous aura from Tang Yi's body!

This is something I have never felt before!

Feeling this aura, at this moment, the Realm King of Tianyang Realm looked at Tang Yi and felt the aura on Tang Yi's body carefully.

Previously, because they underestimated Tang Yi and felt that Tang Yi was not his opponent, the realm kings of Tianyang Realm did not take a good look at Tang Yi.

I have never felt the aura of Tang Yi.

Moreover, because they were separated by a distance, the aura they could feel was not clear.

  You don't know this, but when you look at it, the king of Tianyang Realm was immediately startled.

No matter how strong Tang Yi was before, in the slight impression of Yang Zhitian, the king of Tianyang Realm, he was just average and nothing too special.

But now, the Realm King of Tianyang Realm took a closer look at Tang Yi. After taking a closer look at Tang Yi, he discovered this!

Tang Yi possesses a terrifying temperament, which is mysterious, sacred, aloof, and at the same time extremely powerful.

It seems like a god in the sky, so unattainable and untouchable.

This aloof temperament made him so incompatible with the surrounding environment and the people around him.

It's like one heaven and one underground.

Seeing Tang Yi like this, even the realm king of Tianyang Realm felt ashamed and felt like a clown.

In front of such Tang Yi, the Realm King of Tianyang Realm felt that he was incomparably insignificant, like an ant facing a giant, so powerless and so afraid.

Feeling this feeling, no matter how stupid the King of Tianyang Realm is at this moment, he seems to understand something!
  This person!

It’s not something they in the Tianyang Realm can handle!

Even if they use all the strength of Tianyang Realm, they may not be able to match the young man in front of them!

Thinking of these, combined with the words that the young man said just now, and the action of the young man in front of him raising his hand just now, the Kaiwang of Tianyang Realm, Yang Xitian, shrank his pupils, and quickly reminded loudly: "Don't go, everyone is gone." Come back to me!"

but! It's too late.

At the moment when Yang Xiantian issued the reminder, Tang Yi raised his right hand, his index finger and thumb came together, and then squeezed hard.


There was a snap of fingers.

And at this moment of snapping fingers.

"Puff Puff Puff Puff!"

The bodies of the thousands of supreme-level black-clothed warriors surrounding Tang Yi exploded and turned into blood mist.

Thousands of supreme beings just disappeared.

Thousands of Supreme Beings!

How terrible is it to disappear with a snap of your fingers? How scary?
  It was like hell.

Not only these thousands of supreme-level warriors in black clothes, but also those thirty-odd old men in white clothes and white robes whose strength has reached the million-level supreme level.

Just like these powerful warriors in black clothes, they turned into blood mist and disappeared!
  The place went from being crowded to becoming spacious again.

Except for the foggy rain of blood, everything else ceased to exist.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a millionaire Supreme from Tianyang Realm and earning 9851325 Supreme Points and 10000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a millionaire Supreme from Tianyang Realm and earning 9757826 Supreme Points and 10000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a millionaire Supreme from Tianyang Realm and earning 9688741 Supreme Points and 10000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a millionaire Supreme from Tianyang Realm and earning 9852123 Supreme Points and 10000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a millionaire Supreme from Tianyang Realm and earning 9658412 Supreme Points and 10000 Supreme Coins."


"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his level promotion. He is currently a four-star, fourth-level supreme player, and his supreme combat power index has increased by 2000 points."

This scene is simply too terrifying, it feels like hell on earth now.

Countless lives were harvested, countless people died and disappeared from the world.

And if those thousands of supreme level warriors died, then forget it.

But those more than thirty old men in white clothes and white robes are the strongest among the strongest in the Supreme!

Anyone who comes out can crush dozens or hundreds of supreme beings.

It can be said that any of these million-level supreme beings, those old men in white clothes and white robes, are all prince-level beings and are extremely powerful.

It's not that simple to kill.

If more than thirty people are together, let alone how strong they are.

However, the more than 30 million supreme beings who were so powerful now turned into blood mist and disappeared from this world in an instant.

Such a scene is such a terrible sight.

Seeing such a scene, even the experienced King of the Tianyang Realm, Yang Zhitian, who had seen big winds and waves, stood there dumbfounded.

How many subordinates he has and how strong his subordinates are, as the realm king of Tianyang Realm, Yang Zhitian naturally knows it.

Even he was afraid of the power of his men and did not dare to confront it head-on.


Such a force was destroyed as soon as it was said to be destroyed!


He was just slapped by the young man in front of him!
  With a snap of his fingers, he destroyed thousands of supreme beings and dozens of millions of supreme beings. This is too terrible.
  Seeing such a terrifying scene, the Kaiwang of Tianyang Realm, Yang Xitian, was just stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned back and quickly fled in the opposite direction very decisively!
  (End of this chapter)

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