Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2694 Killing the King of Tianyang Realm

Chapter 2694 Killing the King of Tianyang Realm

The majestic Tianyang Realm King escaped before even fighting Tang Yi.

He ran away in a panic, like a bereaved dog.

He seemed to have used the strength of sucking milk to escape extremely fast.


Can you not escape?
  Thousands of supreme beings, dozens of millions of supreme beings, Tang Yi just snapped his fingers and killed them all.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, how could Yang Zhitian not run away.

He was absolutely terrified.

Although he came here with the purpose of revenge and wanted to seek justice for his son!

What to do now?
  How to take revenge?

How to seek justice?

There is absolutely no way to take revenge!
  If the current young man is only slightly stronger than him, he still has a chance and can still give it a try!
  Even at the cost of serious injury, he would kill the other party and avenge him.


The other party is not even a little bit better than him!

But it is much stronger!
  Totally capable of crushing him!

Even if he tried his best, he would never be able to defeat such a being.

in this way.

How to take revenge?

in this way,

How could you not run?

Gotta run!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but sneered: "What? Is this the king of the majestic Tianyang Realm? Just run away? That's it? Haha!"

"Today, my skills are inferior to others, but I will definitely regain this position in the future! Revenge for my son!"

Yang Xiantian, the king of Tianyang Realm, said without looking back. He left behind a harsh word that didn't seem to be a deterrent.

Hearing this, Tang Yi laughed again and said, "Haha, that's ridiculous! Do you really think you can escape? You are too naive!"

With that said, Tang Yi raised his hand again and tapped it gently!

Just under Tang Yi's touch, he saw in the distance that the limbs of Yang Xitian, the realm king of Tianyang Realm, exploded one after another, blood flew out, and he fell quickly like a kite with its string broken.

After a moment, it fell to the ground like a sandbag.
  Of course.

How could Yang Zhitian escape?

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index is more than 40 million points, while the realm king Yang Zhitian of Tianyang Realm only has a supreme combat power index of more than 10 million points.

Compared with Tang Yi's more than 40 million supreme combat power, the supreme combat power of more than 10 million is simply a world away. There is an endless gap!
  More than 40 million supreme combat power against 10 million points of supreme combat power is not too simple or easy. It is easier and easier than squeezing an ant to death.

Therefore, Yang Zhitian wants to escape in front of Tang Yi, how is this possible!

If Tang Yi hadn't held back at this moment and didn't kill him, Yang Zhitian, the realm king of Tianyang Realm, would have died countless times.

And the reason why Yang Zhitian was not killed.
  Tang Yi's body swayed, and in the next second, he arrived at the position where Yang Zhengtian fell.

Looking at Yang Zhitian, whose limbs were disabled and who looked like waste, Tang Yi sneered, his face full of contempt.

Come to take revenge?

That's it?

"My skills are inferior to those of others. If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please!"

Feeling Tang Yi's contempt, Yang Xantian said forcefully. Since he didn't run away, he had already guessed what would greet him.

Therefore, he didn't make any insignificant struggle, he just lay there and let Tang Yi kill him.

This world of the weak and the strong is very realistic. Since you are not as strong as others, you must be prepared to be killed!

Although Yang Zhitian is the master of a world, he is also a warrior. He naturally knows this truth and is naturally prepared for this.

At this moment, he had no despair, no unwillingness, and no fear. Instead, he was just waiting silently, waiting for death to come.


Tang Yi sneered and said, "Killing is definitely necessary. However, before I kill you, I just want to tell you one truth. Excessive pampering can harm relatives, friends and even family members at the least, or harm the entire world at worst. Your mistake was that you over-indulged your son, and that's why you encountered this catastrophe. If you didn't over-indulge your son, didn't pamper him to the point of being lawless, and didn't pamper him to the point of being unscrupulous, then you wouldn't have If what happened today would happen, your son would not be killed by me. So now you can’t blame me for killing you and your son. If you want to blame me, blame it on your son’s rudeness, lawlessness and unscrupulousness, as well as your excessiveness. Pampering, it is because of these reasons that you and your son suffered this murder."

"Too much pampering?"

Yang Zhitian murmured. It seems that I understand something and yet I seem to understand nothing.

Tang Yi didn't care whether Yang Tianming understood or not. After telling him, he immediately turned around and went back.

At the same time, he waved his sleeves slightly.

The next moment, there was a soft sound of 'Peng', and Yang Zhitian's body exploded, turning into a ball of blood mist, staining the ground red.

The Realm King of Tianyang Realm, a being at the level of Lord of a Realm, fell on the spot.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing Yang Xitian, the king of Tianyang Realm, and gaining 100000000 Supreme Points and 1000000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme equipment, Lei Yang Xuanhuo Leggings."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme skill, Sky Fire Barrier."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the special material, Sun Marrow Fire."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: five-star fourth-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 2000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Six-star fourth-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 2000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Seven-star fourth-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 2000 points."


"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 2000-star level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 2000-star level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 2000-star level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by points."

With the fall of Yang Xitian, the king of Tianyang Realm, a lot of reminders sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

Under his feet, dazzling circles of light continued to light up again.

"It's not bad, this wave of heads is quite fat."

Looking at the prompts in his mind, Tang Yi nodded with satisfaction.

Then, start looking at the harvest.

[Leggings of Thunder Yang Xuanhuo]: Supreme equipment.

Attributes: defense, damage reduction, blood volume, fire attribute resistance, thunder attribute resistance.

Passive special effects: Thunder and fire strengthen the body.

Black Fire Strengthening: After entering the combat state, the defense power is greatly increased, the resistance to fire and thunder attributes is greatly increased, and the toughness is greatly increased.

Additional skill: Thunder Yang Mysterious Fire.

Thunder Yang Mysterious Fire: After being used, three thunder fires will appear on the body. Under the protection of the three thunder fires, it can be immune to the opponent's three attacks. At the same time, it will increase a large amount of attack power.

Supreme combat power index increase: 1500000 points.

(End of this chapter)

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