Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2695 Harvest, Sun Marrow Fire

Chapter 2695 Harvest, Sun Marrow Fire

Seeing the properties of Lei Yang Xuanhuo Leggings, Tang Yi immediately equipped it on the equipment list without thinking.

This piece of equipment is neither strong nor weak, but it is not weak either.

The supreme combat power index increased by 1.5 million points, barely enough to be used.

The original leggings were replaced with Shique Gufeng leggings.

The supreme combat power index increased by Shique Gufeng Leggings is 9000 points.

The supreme combat power index of Lei Yang Xuanhuo Leggings is 1500000 points.

One plus and one subtraction, in the end, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index was increased by 1491000 points.

Previously, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index had been upgraded and reached 41243896 points (+46000).

At this moment, another 1491000 points were added, and the supreme combat power index immediately increased to 42734896 points!
  Move on to the next catch.

[Sky Fire Barrier]: Supreme Skill
  Attributes: After use, it can cast a sky fire barrier. The sky fire barrier can resist all attacks except fire.

If the intensity of the attack is greater than the defense of the Sky Fire Barrier, the Sky Fire Barrier will be broken.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3000000 points.

Another good ultimate skill!

Seeing this supreme skill, Tang Yi suddenly felt that his time and space barrier could be eliminated.

The efficacy and function of this sky fire barrier are the same as the time and space barrier.

The increased supreme combat power index and defensive power are much stronger than the time and space barrier.

and so!
  After seeing the sky fire barrier, Tang Yi replaced the time and space barrier without thinking.

[Time and Space Barrier]: Supreme Level

Attributes: Players can use the power of space to create a time and space barrier. Within the barrier, players can be immune to all damage except time and space.

Supreme combat power index increase: 300 points.

Subtract 300 points for the space-time barrier and add 3000000 points for the sky fire barrier.

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index has been updated again.

From 42734896 points, it increased to 45734596 points!
  Strength becomes stronger again.

Fifty million is not far away!

As Tang Yi replaced the time and space barrier, all five of Tang Yi's old supreme skills were updated.

None of the supreme skills at this moment has a supreme combat power index lower than 100,000.

At this moment, among Tang Yi's five supreme skills, the one with the lowest increase is Shadow Soul-Destroying Slash's 700,000 points!
  Move on to the next harvest.

[Sun Marrow Fire]: Special enchanting material.

Attributes: Can be used on weapons and armor. After use, the fire attributes of weapons and armor can be increased. The supreme combat power index can be increased (100 million to 1000 million points). At the same time, there is a chance to change the structure and quality of the equipment.


Seeing the attributes of this item, Tang Yi was slightly startled: "Can it increase the attributes of weapons and armor? Can it also increase the supreme combat power index? But what about this item that has the chance to change the structure and quality of the equipment?"

This special enchanting material is undoubtedly a very high-quality material.

Whether it is increasing the fire attributes of equipment or increasing the supreme combat power index, they are all very good attributes.


What puzzled Tang Yi was.

What is the construction and quality of this altered gear?
  Tang Yi understood whether the quality of equipment could be improved or reduced.


Can the structure of the equipment still be changed?

This made Tang Yi a little confused.

"How about giving it a try?" Tang Yi thought.

Thinking about it, he immediately checked the equipment column to see which piece of equipment he wanted to try.

Tang Yi was obviously unwilling to try it with ordinary equipment, or with some equipment that would have to be replaced sooner or later.

This is too wasteful.

But if you try it with good equipment.

If the enchantment fails, or causes any bad consequences, or even damages the equipment, then the gain is not worth the loss, and this is not what Tang Yi wants to see.

Therefore, now he has to choose a suitable piece of equipment to try out the effect of this material.

"Thunder Tower has the attribute of thunder and lightning, and the Thunder attribute is an extension and enhancement of the fire attribute. It is of the same origin as the fire attribute. Therefore, if I enchant the Sun Marrow Fire on the Thunder Tower, it will also fit in. In addition, the Supreme of Thunder Tower The combat power index is only 1.4 million. Even if this weapon has some bad effects after being enchanted, even if it is damaged, it will not have much impact on me, which is acceptable. At worst, I can find another weapon. This part of the supreme combat power index is replenished."

Thinking of this, Tang Yi immediately decided to enchant his secondary weapon Thunder Tower.


Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.



The Sun Marrow Fire and the Thunder Light Tower turned into two streams of light and flew out of Tang Yi's body and flew into the mid-air.

Waves of mysterious power also flew out of Tang Yi's body, and then connected the Thunder Light Tower and the Sun Marrow Fire.

The Sun Marrow Fire was attracted by the Thunder Light Tower, quickly approached, and then turned into a milky yellow energy and merged into the Thunder Light Tower.


The Thunder Light Tower began to erupt with powerful momentum, and waves of momentum rushed out like huge waves.

At the same time, on the thunder tower, the electric light was lasing, and the golden and red light kept changing and shining, like a revolving lantern, beating rapidly.

After about three minutes, the light on the Thunder Light Tower gradually dimmed, and the aura of power and energy on it gradually weakened.

Finally, calm was restored.

And this time.

A reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully enchanting."

"Ding, because the player Tang Yi has successfully enchanted, the properties of the enchanting material Sun Marrow Fire have been activated, and the structure and quality of the Thunder Tower will be changed and improved."

"Ding, the quality of the Thunder Light Tower has been improved three times, and its attributes have been greatly improved."

"Ding, the structure of the Thunder Tower has been changed, and its appearance, name, and characteristics will change."

"Ding, the Thunder Light Tower changes into the Sun God Tower."


The moment Tang Yi remembered the reminder, in mid-air, the Thunder Light Tower, which had calmed down, bloomed again, like a small sun, lighting up the entire sky, making the entire sky gurgling with golden light.


Waves of golden energy and waves of terrifying momentum spurted out like huge waves, sweeping across the surrounding areas.

Just like this, the next moment Tang Yi remembered the prompt, the Thunder Light Tower continued to release waves of golden energy, impacting the surroundings, like waves of water, constantly releasing ripples and rippling.

Although these waves of golden energy were not very strong, they had no impact on Tang Yi.

But for Mu Xianling and others not far away, it is very powerful and has a great influence.

Facing these golden shock waves, Mu Xianling and the other girls' breathing became difficult, as if mountains were crushing down, which put them under great pressure.

Seeing that Mu Xianling and others not far away were also affected, Tang Yi was slightly startled for a moment, then casually cast a beam of energy towards Mu Xianling and others, letting the energy wrap Mu Xianling.

(End of this chapter)

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