Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2705: Get ready, we are about to leave the Void Forest!

Chapter 2705: Get ready, we are about to leave the Void Forest!
  "The ruins of Haoyue are said to be the ancient battlefield formed after the Lord of Haoyue used secret techniques to kill powerful enemies. This battlefield ruins are covered with a large number of ancient treasures. In the place where the Lord of Haoyue fell, the remains of the Lord of Haoyue were buried. The treasures, artifacts and various artifacts he has used! As well as his opponents’ treasures, artifacts and various artifacts.”

"The Lord of Haoyue is the overlord of a party, and his strength is boundless. The artifacts, treasures and various divine objects he used during his lifetime must be very powerful. And if his opponent can fight with him, then his opponent's relics must also be extraordinary."

"So, our target this time is the relics used by Lord Haoyue and his opponents! As long as we find the burial place of Lord Haoyue and his opponents, we can find these relics!"

Ling Fengtian introduced Tang Yi.

Several other realm kings have actually known these things for a long time, otherwise, they would not be here at this moment.

It was because they knew they wanted to explore the ruins of Lord Haoyue and knew there were relics of Lord Haoyue and someone as powerful as Lord Haoyue that they were so determined to go there.

Even if it is a place with a narrow escape like the void forest area.

Even if it costs his life, he will not hesitate.

and so.

What Ling Fengtian said was actually said to Tang Yi and introduced to Tang Yi.

"The ruins of the ancient battlefield? The burial place of the Lord of Bright Moon and his opponents? Looking for their relics?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that it was no wonder that these realm kings were so diligent, even if their lives were in danger, and they would not hesitate to give up their position as realm kings.

It turns out that there are relics of the top experts in the ancient human world in this Haoyue ruins!

A relic of the top powerhouse in the ancient human world!
  This is such a precious and rare thing. If you obtain it, your strength will definitely improve geometrically and reach several levels!
  Maybe even reach the level of the Lord of Bright Moon!
  Faced with such temptation, not to mention several realm kings, not even Tang Yi could resist it.

Faced with such a thing, let alone risking one's life, one must go and find it no matter how high the price is.

"Yes, how about it, is Tang Yi tempted?" Ling Fengtian asked with a smile.

"It's a lie to say that you can't be tempted, but everyone can be tempted. But! I believe that no pain means no gain. There is no free pie in the sky. It may not be that easy to obtain the relics of the Lord of the Bright Moon." Tang Yi said rationally said.

Seeing Tang Yi's rationality, Ling Fengtian couldn't help but praise: "No wonder you have grown to this point at such a young age. This awareness and mentality are beyond the reach of us old guys. Do you know? When we heard the news, we were all so excited and crazy that we almost set off immediately. Fortunately, we restrained ourselves at the time and had no impulse. Otherwise, I'm afraid there wouldn't be many of us in this world."

Yun Zun also said: "Yes. Tang Yi's character is really good! He is neither arrogant nor impetuous. Even if he knows where the divine object is, he is not blindly impulsive. With such a character, he will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future. Maybe someone One day, Tang Yi will be able to reach such heights as Lord of the Bright Moon. And in my opinion, this day will definitely not be too far away!"

Shi Zun also agreed: "Yes, I think so too! It seems that you really have an extraordinary person in the Tianmu world!"

"Okay. Don't praise Tang Yi anymore, he's embarrassed. Let's talk about the Haoyue Ruins." Yu Zun interrupted everyone.

Ling Fengtian smiled at Tang Yi, and then said: "I have finished talking about my plans and arrangements. If everyone has no objections, then act according to this plan." "No objections."

"that's it."

"Just follow this plan."


Everyone nodded.

Seeing everyone nodding, Ling Fengtian waved his right hand and took out several small bags. From one of the small bags, he took out several colorful stones the size of two fingers.

These colored stones are available in red, yellow and orange, as well as white.

After taking out these colored stones, Ling Fengtian said: "The red, yellow and orange stones are communication stones. This communication stone can pass through any barrier, any restriction and any place to communicate, even across a space. Any obstacles.”

After distributing the so-called communication stones to everyone, Ling Fengtian said: "Each of these three communication stones represents a different meaning. Red represents danger. If you encounter an invincible enemy along the way, If there is or is dangerous, if you feel that if you go deeper, your life will be in danger, then crush this stone. When you see this stone, the other two groups should try to avoid that area. At the same time, you can choose to continue exploring or retreat immediately. "

"The yellow stone represents a request for help. If you encounter an enemy along the way and feel that you can deal with it with the help of everyone, and you feel that there will be huge gains if you go deeper, you will crush the stone. At that time, we will quickly come to support."

"Of course! If your life is in danger, you can also crush this stone. When the other two routes see the yellow signal, you can choose to rescue or not to rescue."

"And the orange stone represents discovery! Once you discover the ruins of Lord Haoyue, or encounter ruins similar to Lord Haoyue, you can crush the stone to inform everyone about it, or if you find any clues, you can also crush it. Break this stone."

"This is the function of these three communication stones."

"As for the white stone, it is the communication stone mother. The signal of the communication stone will be transmitted to this stone mother to let everyone know. In addition, the communication stones taken by each road are different. For example, our left road, left road Between me and Lao Huo, if the two of us crush the red communication stone, then the red light will flash on your communication stone mother every three seconds, a total of three times in nine seconds."

"And if Lao Yu, Lao Yun and Lao Shi in the middle crush the yellow communication stone, the yellow light will light up twice every three seconds. A total of six yellow lights will light up within nine seconds."

"By analogy, if the person going to the right crushes the orange communication stone, the orange light will flash three times every three seconds, and the orange light will light up nine times in total."

"Do you understand that? The method used by the communication stone is very simple. As long as you look carefully at the communication stone mother, you can easily identify who sent the signal."

With that said, Ling Fengtian distributed the small bags containing the Messaging Stone and the Messaging Stone Mother to everyone, each with a small bag.

After the distribution was completed, Ling Fengtian said to everyone: "Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said, and everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared. Everyone has a good rest for three days, and we will set off in three days. We will go to the Void Forest together! I hope this Together, we all have a safe return and may we all have a great harvest!”

(End of this chapter)

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