Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2706 Luxing Warship

Chapter 2706 Luxing Warship
  Three days flew by.

Under Ling Fengtian's arrangement, Tang Yi rested in the shrine for three days and relaxed.

Three days later, Tang Yi, Ling Fengtian and six other people gathered in the Xunyi Hall again.

This time, they came to the backyard of Xunyi Palace.

The backyard of Xunyi Palace covers several thousand square meters and looks extremely wide, like a small square.

At this moment, in this spacious backyard, there was a warship about a hundred meters long.

This warship is no different from an ordinary warship. It is black as a whole, with a large script printed on the hull, and a statue of a deer-shaped monster on the bow.

This deer-shaped monster is very similar to the deer in the earth world. The difference is that the eyes of this deer-shaped monster statue are red.

On its chest, there are many armored stomachs covering it, and on its back, there are a pair of transparent wings like elves.

The deer-shaped statue is about tens of meters high, with a pair of antlers rising straight into the sky. At this moment, it holds its head high and its chest high, like a king, looking up to the sky, full of infinite momentum.

And at the stern of the warship, stood a huge crossbow that was dozens of meters high and two or three meters wide!
  This crossbow arrow stood upright like a benchmark, exuding an inexplicable chilling aura.

And this warship is the warship of Ling Fengtian, the king of the Tianmu Realm.

Seeing this warship, Tang Yi couldn't help but ask: "Are we going to take this warship later?"


Ling Fengtian nodded and answered from the side: "Because the Void Forest is three thousand worlds away, the journey is very long. If we take an ordinary warship to get there from our Tianmu Realm, it will probably take more than half a year. This period of time For us, it is really too long. In such a long time, some changes will inevitably occur in the Void Forest. If someone gets there first, or other changes happen, it will be bad. Therefore, we cannot Time is wasted on the journey, and since time cannot be wasted on the journey, it is natural to speed up the journey."

After a pause, Ling Fengtian looked at the warship and introduced: "This warship is a void warship that I have spent my whole life building. Its name is Luxing, and it can travel through the void. In addition to traveling through the void, it can also leap like a deer in the void. If we take this warship to the void forest, we can greatly shorten the time."

"Lu Xing?"

"Can you jump while traveling through the void?"

Tang Yi was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Because Tang Yi's supreme warship can only travel through the void, but it cannot do any leaping.

Don't say it, I haven't even heard of it.

Tang Yi didn't even have a concept of what leaping was.

After hearing Ling Fengtian's words, Tang Yi suddenly had a question in his mind. Can he jump while traveling through the void?
  What is a leap?
  How fast is the jump?

Is leaping faster than normal void travel, or slower than void travel?

In addition, Tang Yi was also curious about who was better than Ling Fengtian's Luxing warship and his supreme warship.

At this time, seeing Tang Yi's surprise and confusion, the Fire Lord on the side came over and said: "Tang Yi, Ling Fengtian's Luxing warship is a good thing, even we are jealous! Its speed, It's many times faster than a warship that can travel through the void."

Yu Zun also came over and said: "Yes, it is not an exaggeration to say that this deer-shaped warship is a treasure. It is really very powerful! If we take our warship to the Void Forest, it will probably take several months. time. As for Ling Fengtian's Luxing, I estimate that it will take no more than five days at most. This shows how fast this warship is."

"So fast?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi was also shocked.

After all, it was shortened from several months to five days, which is a huge improvement!

And a warship that can travel through the void is fast enough. It is simply incredible that the Luxing warship is several times faster than the warship that can travel through the void.

You know, Tang Yi's supreme warship is only a little faster than ordinary warships that can travel through the void.

Not to the extent of several times.

Based on this comparison, it seems that this Luxing warship is really good.

It's just a pity that Tang Yi doesn't know the distance from the Sky Curtain Realm to the Void Forest, and he doesn't know how long it will take for his Supreme Warship to reach the Void Forest.

Otherwise, he would compare his Supreme Warship with the Luxing Warship, so that he could intuitively see how much faster the Luxing Warship was than his Supreme Warship.

Looking at the surprised expression on Tang Yi's face, Ling Fengtian was very satisfied, thinking that he could finally surprise this kid for once. He waved his hand slightly, and Ling Fengtian said with satisfaction: "Okay, stop looking, everyone, go up, we should Let’s set off.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded and followed Ling Fengtian onto the warship.

When everyone boarded the warship, Ling Fengtian thought, and the deer-shaped warship flew into the sky.


A black space crack appeared out of thin air, and the deer-shaped warship dived into the space crack and entered the void.

After entering the void, the deer-shaped warship jumped up and down quickly like a deer.

She is also like a dancing beauty, showing her beautiful dance posture.

And under this strange leap, the Luxing warship traveled in the void at an incredibly fast speed.

Feeling the sense of rapid movement, Tang Yi was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

The speed of Lu Xing's warship is much faster than his supreme warship!

Although Ling Fengtian and other realm kings had previously praised the Luxing warship, Tang Yi also knew that logically speaking, the Luxing warship was faster than his supreme warship.

But since there was no reference, no matter how much they praised, Tang Yi didn't feel anything.

But it is different now.

Tang Yi was amazed when he personally felt the speed of the Luxing warship.

Only then did we know how powerful the Luxing Warship was, and how fast the Luxing Warship was.

This is a feeling that others describe as incomprehensible.

After realizing the superb speed of Lu Xing's warship, Tang Yi already had a scale in his mind and understood the gap between his supreme warship and Lu Xing's warship.

What Tang Yi didn't expect was that the supreme warship he had spent so much effort upgrading could not compare to the warships from the outside world!
  And compared with the Luxing warship, the gap is actually so big.

If the quality of the Supreme Warship is three stars, the quality of the Luxing Warship at this moment is at least seven stars, or even more.

Compared with the Supreme Warship, it is at least four stars higher!
  The gap between the two sides is huge.

The speed of the Supreme Warship may only reach one-fifth of that of the Luxing Warship, or even less!

Because the speed of the deer-shaped warship is really too fast, the leaping and passing through is really terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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