Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2710 No more envy

Chapter 2710 No more envy
  After looking at the nine appearances, although the subsequent appearances are also very good-looking.

But Tang Yi still chose Phoenix Lai Yiqin, who he thought was the most eye-catching and could never be forgotten after just one glance.

The appearance of Phoenix Lai Yiqin is what Tang Yi likes the most and what he thinks is the most suitable.

Although it may not be the best, for Tang Yi, the one that is suitable and the one he likes is the best.

and so!
  After looking at the nine appearances, Tang Yi chose Phoenix Lai Yiqin.

"Choose seven, Phoenix comes to Yiqin."

Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.

"Ding, the player chooses Seven Phoenix Laiyiqin as the appearance."

"Vehicle Appearance Changing"

"Ding, the appearance of the vehicle has been changed successfully. The appearance of Xiqin has been changed to Phoenix Laiyiqin."

"Ding, the properties of the vehicle have increased."

"Ding, the carrier has gained powerful recovery capabilities."

Looking at the prompts in his mind, Tang Yi quickly opened Xiqin's panel.

[Name]: Xiqin
  Level: Supreme Level (Power of the Void)
  Category: Quibao

Category: piano
  Appearance: Phoenix Lai Yiqin.

Function: carry.

Auxiliary attributes: Void shuttle, piano sound, phoenix cry.

Void shuttle: shuttle in the void, pass through the void nodes, and quickly reach the destination.

Piano sound: There will be melodious piano sound when flying or traveling through the void.

Phoenix Cry: Feng Cry will be accompanied when flying or traveling through the void.

Special skills: Void sneaking, Ambush from all sides, Eternal Fire.

Void Stealth: Escape into the void and hide in the void, making it impossible to detect.

Ambush from Flying Daggers: When this skill is used, a high-pitched music will sound. Under the influence of the music, the movement speed of all vehicles within ten kilometers will be reduced by 50%, and the attack capability will be lost.

Duration: 300 seconds.

Cooling time: 60 minutes.

Eternal Fire: No matter how much damage the vehicle suffers, it can recover quickly. If it is sunk, it can gain the ability to be reborn from the ashes. The recovery ability of any creature on this carrier will be greatly improved.

Duration: 300 seconds.

Cooling time: 60 minutes.

Supreme combat power index increase: 2280000 points.

This is the attribute of Xiqin after choosing the appearance image of Phoenix Laiyiqin.

At this moment, Xiqin's attributes have been greatly improved.

The supreme combat power index has also increased from the original 280,000 points to 2.28 million points!
  The supreme combat power index was suddenly increased by two million points.

This is a huge improvement.

And apart from that.

Among the auxiliary attributes, there is an additional effect of Feng Ming.

From the description, this effect seems to have no effect. ,

As for the special skill, there is an additional immortal fire.

This eternal fire not only gives Siqin the ability to repair itself, but also the ability to regenerate after being damaged.

Moreover, it can also greatly improve the recovery ability of the creatures on Xiqin.

This is also a nice special skill.

With this skill, Siqin is not only a transportation vehicle, but also can be regarded as a logistics supply place!

"Not bad!"

After taking a small look at Xiqin's latest attributes, Tang Yi couldn't help but said with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi began to use the third enhancement item he purchased, the Void Divine Walk.     “Use the Void Divine Walk.”

"Ding, player Tang Yi uses Void Divine Walk."

"Ding, please choose a vehicle to gain the ability to travel through the void."

"Choose Siqin."

"Ding, player Tang Yi chose Xiqin as the vehicle to gain the ability to travel."

"Ding, Xiqin has gained the ability to travel in the void."


As the prompt fell, Tang Yi's Xiqin gained the ability to travel in the void.

At this time, Tang Yi opened Xiqin's property panel again.

[Name]: Xiqin
  Level: Supreme Level (Power of the Void)
  Category: Quibao

Category: piano
  Appearance: Phoenix Lai Yiqin.

Function: carry.

Auxiliary attributes: Void shuttle, piano sound, phoenix cry, void movement.

Void shuttle: shuttle in the void, pass through the void nodes, and quickly reach the destination.

Piano sound: There will be melodious piano sound when flying or traveling through the void.

Phoenix Cry: Feng Cry will be accompanied when flying or traveling through the void.

Void Divine Walk: Travel through the void and move forward quickly in the void with the attitude of a god.

Special skills: Void sneaking, Ambush from all sides, Eternal Fire.

Void Stealth: Escape into the void and hide in the void, making it impossible to detect.

Ambush from Flying Daggers: When this skill is used, a high-pitched music will sound. Under the influence of the music, the movement speed of all vehicles within ten kilometers will be reduced by 50%, and the attack capability will be lost.

Duration: 300 seconds.

Cooling time: 60 minutes.

Eternal Fire: No matter how much damage the vehicle suffers, it can recover quickly. If it is sunk, it can gain the ability to be reborn from the ashes. The recovery ability of any creature on this carrier will be greatly improved.

Duration: 300 seconds.

Cooling time: 60 minutes.

Supreme combat power index increase: 12280000 points.

"The supreme combat power index has increased by ten million!"

After using the Void Divine Walk, Xiqin's auxiliary attribute has an additional Void Divine Walk ability.

In addition, Xiqin's supreme combat power index increased by 10 million points again, reaching 12.28 million points!

"Not bad! It's just a pity that it's not very convenient now. Otherwise, I would like to try how fast this Xiqin can be after gaining the ability to travel in the void!"

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

After upgrading his transportation tools, Tang Yi went to see Ling Fengtian's Luxing again, and suddenly he was no longer so envious and jealous.

After all, in Tang Yi's opinion, Lu Xing's speed was fast, but it was definitely not as fast as his Xiqin.

Lu Xing's ability is just leaping, but his Xiqin is the top level of divine walking!
  One is only worth 50,000 Supreme Coins, while the other is worth 500,000 Supreme Coins. You can tell who is better and who is worse at a glance.

Therefore, after upgrading Xiqin, Tang Yi no longer envied Ling Fengtian!

On the side, Ling Fengtian was confused and surprised when he saw that Tang Yi's eyes gradually changed from envious at first to dull.

What is puzzling is why Tang Yi is not envious.

What was surprising was that Tang Yi's heart was so determined and he calmed down so quickly.

Seeing that Tang Yi's envy quickly turned to indifference, Ling Fengtian couldn't help but think more highly of Tang Yi, and thought to himself: "It's really not a fluke that Tang Yi can achieve such great achievements. With this kind of character, he is indeed A great talent."

Tang Yi didn't know what Ling Fengtian was thinking at the moment. His heart was all on Phoenix Lai Yiqin. He was constantly looking at Xiqin in his mind, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

(End of this chapter)

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