Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2711 Dragon of the Void

Chapter 2711 Dragon of the Void
  Time flew by, and three days passed in a flash.

Tang Yi and his party rode Ling Fengtian's Luxing warship and quickly advanced in the void. Under the superb speed of the Luxing warship, everyone traveled very fast, and they were getting closer and closer to the Void Forest.

But on this day, in front of the Luxing warship, a bright light like the horizon appeared in the originally dark void.

Seeing this bright light, Ling Fengtian immediately spoke to everyone and said: "Did you see the horizon-like bright light in front of you? In front of you is the edge of the three thousand small worlds. As long as we pass through that light, it will be considered official It has left the scope of the Three Thousand Worlds."

Since it was not the first time for several other realm kings to leave the Three Thousand Worlds, they still knew the boundaries and geographical locations of the Three Thousand Worlds very well. Even if Ling Fengtian didn't say anything, they could still know what the light in front of them represented.

But for Tang Yi, a newcomer, everything in front of him was a bit strange.

Tang Yi had never heard of what Ling Fengtian said.

Therefore, these introductions made by Ling Fengtian were actually only introduced to Tang Yi and meant for Tang Yi to listen to.


Hearing Ling Fengtian's words, Tang Yi looked at the bright light in front of him in surprise and looked at it curiously.

At this time, Ling Fengtian introduced: "After leaving the scope of the Three Thousand Worlds, we can enter the star realm. The Void Forest is in the star realm. And the so-called star realm is actually not a world. It is an infinite void space with no boundaries and no clear size. The only thing that is known is that this infinite void is filled with many dangerous areas. The Void Forest, Death Tomb, Tianlong Valley, Piaomiao Island, etc. These dangerous areas are all in this infinite star realm. In addition to these evil areas, there are actually many unknown mysterious areas in the infinite star realm. But based on my knowledge, there are still many unknown areas. I know, I just don’t know.”

"I see!"

After listening to Ling Fengtian's introduction, Tang Yi had a rough understanding of the situation beyond the three thousand worlds.

Of course, although it's not very clear yet, I have a vague understanding of it, and I am no longer as ignorant as before.

During Ling Fengtian's introduction, the Luxing warship passed through the horizon-like light and entered a 'new' space.

  On the other side of the horizon, there is no difference between what is within the horizon.

The same darkness, the same nothingness, nothing, just a dark world.

At this time, Ling Fengtian introduced: "Okay, now we have entered the star realm, and we will reach the Void Forest in two or three days."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and everyone's expressions were full of anticipation, as if they were very much looking forward to what would happen next.

But at this time!


There were some noises in the void.

As the sound came, several light spots appeared in everyone's eyes in the distance.

Seeing the light spots appearing in the distance, Yu Zun couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What is that?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the light spots in the distance.

However, because these light spots are too far away, no matter how everyone looks, they can't see clearly what those light spots are.

Of course, although they couldn't see clearly, everyone was alert. After all, this is the void, and anything that can appear in the void is definitely not simple. No matter what it is, if it appears at this time, at this place, it must be evil.

and so!
  Seeing the light approaching, everyone became alert.

As time went by, those light spots got closer and bigger, and everyone finally saw what those light spots looked like!
  Those spots of light were actually five giant black dragons with huge wings, huge bodies, and majestic bodies!

Black dragon!

A black dragon head, black minions, an extremely strong and huge body that is thousands of meters long, and a dragon tail that looks like it can sweep everything!

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a giant dragon!
  Those few light spots are five black dragons.

Before, because the distance was too far, it looked like just a few small dots from a distance.

But in fact, they are huge monsters.

In addition to their huge bodies, they also exude an extremely terrifying aura, like mountains, very heavy and suffocating.

As they fly, they also emit golden light. These golden lights make them look more powerful and imposing!
  The reason why Tang Yi and his party could see the light spots before was because of the light produced by these divine lights on their bodies.

And the most surprising thing is that one of the five black dragons even reaches a size of five thousand meters!
  Five thousand meters black dragon!

Let's not talk about what it looks like up close. From a distance, it is already extremely terrifying, like a dense black cloud, rolling rapidly in the void.

The five giant dragons quickly approached the Luxing warship where Tang Yi and others were located.

Seeing clearly that the light spots were five-headed dragons, Ling Fengtian suddenly exclaimed in panic: "Dragon of the Void! That's the Dragon of the Void! And, it's also a five-headed dragon of the Void! Run!"

As he spoke, Ling Fengtian immediately controlled the Luxing warship to turn around without thinking, and quickly fled in the opposite direction.

At this moment, he looked very panicked and frightened, as if the dragon of the void was something terrifying.

"What! The Dragon of the Void! We actually met the Dragon of the Void! Is it real or fake? No way? So unlucky?"

"In the vast void, the Void Dragon is very rare. Under normal circumstances, you will never encounter it at all. Even if you are unlucky, the chance of encountering it is very slim. I didn't expect that we actually encountered it! Our character is too bad. Alright."

"I heard that the Void Dragon specializes in hunting creatures in the void. As long as they are not of the same race, they will become their targets. And under their hunting, no one can escape! We are in trouble this time."

"Hurry, hurry, run away quickly. If we are not fast enough, let alone explore the Void Forest, it will be impossible to survive even if we want to."

"What should we do? Ling Fengtian, do you have any other methods for your Luxing warship? Can it be faster? Use it quickly, we have to be faster!"


Hearing that the several light spots in the distance were the Void Dragon, a terrifying creature in the void, the other realm kings immediately became panicked.

"What other methods are there? This is already the fastest speed of our Luxing warship!" Ling Fengtian replied helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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