Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2712 The Fear of the Realm Kings

Chapter 2712 The Fear of the Realm Kings
  "What can we do? At this speed, we can't escape at all. The Void Dragon seems to be much faster than us. The distance between us is quickly closing." Yu Zun said anxiously.

"What else can we do? Quickly find a way to delay them! Although we may not be able to successfully delay them, but we can delay them for a while. As long as we resist the Void Forest, we will be saved." Fire Lord said.

"That's right, hurry up and intercept them! Hold on until you reach the Void Forest. As long as we reach the Void Forest, we will be saved. No matter how strong the Void Dragon is, it is impossible to forcefully break into the Void Forest." Dezun also said.

"Everyone, use your special skills to attack! Otherwise, none of us will be able to escape today!" Yun Zun said.

Hearing this, several other realm kings nodded and prepared to attack the Void Dragon.

Seeing how many realm kings were so frightened and so frightened and nervous about the Void Dragon, even Tang Yi became a little nervous. He couldn't help but ask everyone: "Well, what exactly is this Dragon of the Void? Why are you so afraid of it?"

Hearing this, Ling Fengtian quickly explained: "Tang Yi, don't look at the dark sky with nothing there, but in fact, it is full of dangers. In addition to some extremely dangerous natural dangers, in this void. There are many terrifying existences in the world, such as the Dragon of the Void in front of us. The terrifying Dragon of the Void in front of us is the terrifying existence in the void."

"These dragons of the void are the overlords of the void. They are very powerful and live by devouring living beings. Any living being who encounters them will only die. In addition, they are immune to most attacks. Generally, they are immune to most attacks. The attacks hit them and have no effect at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are turtle shells."

"In addition, they also have a mind-blowing ability. As long as you get close to them within a certain range, you will be controlled by them and finally fall into their tiger's mouth."

"With their defense like a tortoise shell, their terrifying and breathtaking power, as well as their own powerful strength and terrifying speed, they exist like overlords in the void. I don't know how many creatures are trapped by them. It can be said that this is a terrifying creature in the void! It is very dangerous. With our strength, we have no chance of winning against them!"

"Did you see the black dragon in the middle? This Void Dragon in particular is particularly powerful. If I read it correctly, it should be the king of the Void Dragons, the Void Dragon King! Compared with the Void Dragon King, Ordinary Void Dragons are more terrifying! They are stronger and their abilities are more terrifying! In short, we are in trouble this time."

After a pause, Ling Fengtian continued: "In fact, generally speaking, creatures like the Dragon of the Void are very rare. It is not easy to encounter them. Unexpectedly, we encountered them. If we can't escape this time , I’m afraid not to mention exploring the Void Forest, even a whole corpse can’t be left behind.”

The more he talked, the paler Ling Fengtian's face became, and his face was full of worry. He seemed to have aged several years in an instant.

"Stop talking so much, hurry up and stop them from approaching! Once they get close, even if we have great abilities, we will fall here today." Fire Lord urged.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Ling Fengtian immediately followed the Fire Lord and prepared to intercept the Void Dragon.

"Dragon of the Void? Dragon King of the Void?"

After hearing Ling Fengtian's words and seeing Ling Fengtian's nervous expression, Tang Yi couldn't help but become curious.

Curious about how strong those five void dragons in the distance are.

While thinking, he used the Sky Eye Technique to throw towards the largest black dragon in the middle, which was up to five thousand meters in size.

Soon, the black dragon's information appeared in his mind.

Name: Dragon King of the Void (Void Level BOSS)

Level: Level 599 (Level Supreme Beast)
  Identity: Void creature.

Description: A very rare and fierce creature in the void. It feeds on living creatures. Once it finds an enemy, it will pursue it to the end. Has strong defense and powerful control capabilities. Supreme combat power index: 25000000 points.


"It's exactly what Ling Fengtian said. This largest Void Dragon is the king of Void Dragons, the Void Dragon King! And its supreme combat power index."

"Its supreme combat power index has actually reached 25 million points! No wonder! No wonder Ling Fengtian and others are so afraid of it."

Seeing the attributes of the Dragon King of the Void, Tang Yi couldn't help but wonder, no wonder Ling Fengtian and other realm kings were so afraid of the Dragon King of the Void.

It turns out that the supreme combat power index of this Dragon King of the Void has reached 25 million points!
  This supreme combat power index, before killing Lu Li and Lu Yu, even if Tang Yi saw it, he would have to stay away!
  It's really too high, too scary.

But now.
  Twenty-five million supreme combat power indexes were not enough in front of Tang Yi.

You must know that after replacing the carrier with Xiqin, Tang Yi's supreme combat power increased again.

Increased by 12280000 point.

After deducting the 8000 points of the original supreme combat power index of the supreme warship, Tang Yi was able to increase it by 12272000 points!
  In addition, Tang Yi's original supreme combat power index was 84643896 points.

At this moment, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index has reached 96915896 points!
  More than 90 million points of supreme combat power index!
  The distance from 100 million is almost the same, and it will soon reach the supreme combat power index of 100 million!
  With a supreme combat power index like his, would he still be afraid of the Dragon of the Void, which only had a supreme combat power index of 25 million points?
  Of course not!
  Dragon of the Void?

  In Tang Yi's eyes, these dragons of the void are probably insects of the void.

And the Dragon King of the Void is just an Insect King of the Void!

  Seeing everyone's extreme fear, Tang Yi became nervous, thinking he had encountered something extraordinary.

But when he saw that the Dragon King of the Void only had a supreme combat power index of 25 million, he immediately felt relieved, and the look he looked at the Dragon King of the Void was full of contempt.

As for the other four void dragons
  The strongest Void Dragon King only has a supreme combat power index of 25 million, so how strong can the other four smaller Void Dragons be?

So, why bother?

However, Ling Fengtian and others did not know what Tang Yi was thinking, nor did they know that Tang Yi's supreme combat power index had reached a terrifying 90 million points.

While Tang Yi was deep in thought, several realm kings from Ling Fengtian had already begun to gather momentum and prepare to stop the Void Dragon.

Six realm kings, including Ling Fengtian, were seen attacking the five void dragons in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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