Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2719 Xiqin is not believed

Chapter 2719 Xiqin is not believed

"Now that the matter has come to this, what can I say? I just hope that there will be no more accidents in the next trip. I also hope that nothing will happen in the Void Forest for more than a month."

"Hey, it seems it will take more than a month to reach the Void Forest."


Several realm kings said this one after another, each of them looking quite helpless.

Originally, going to the Void Forest to explore was both thrilling and exciting.

But after being dealt with like this, being dragged away like this, everyone suddenly lost interest and felt a little disinterested.

In desperation, Yun Zun stretched out his right hand, ready to summon his warship.

However, at this time, Tang Yi suddenly stopped and said, "Maybe it won't take us a month to reach the Void Forest."


Hearing this, Ling Fengtian wondered: "What do you mean? Without a leaping warship like the Luxing Warship, how can we reach the Void Forest within a month?"

The other realm kings also looked at Tang Yi with confusion.

"Who said we don't have warships anymore."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "You haven't asked me yet."

"Tang Yi, do you have a warship?"

Ling Fengtian glanced at Tang Yi in surprise, but after being slightly surprised, Ling Fengtian said again: "Even if Tang Yi has a warship, it's useless. The speed of an ordinary warship is simply not good. At the speed of an ordinary warship, It is simply impossible to reach the Void Forest within a month. Unless your warship also has the ability to leap."

Ling Fengtian certainly didn't believe that Tang Yi's warship also had the ability to leap.

After all, when he set off before, he took out the Luxing warship, but saw the envious look in Tang Yi's eyes.

In Ling Fengtian's view, since Tang Yi showed envy when he saw the Luxing warship, it meant that he did not have the same or more powerful warship.

So after hearing Tang Yi's words at this moment, Ling Fengtian didn't believe that Tang Yi had such a warship.

"That's right, Tang Yi, among us, Yunzun's warship is already very good. But his warship does not have the ability to leap, even if it is good, it will not help. So Tang Yi, your warship."

"It's not that we look down on you, it's just that it's not that easy for this warship to gain the ability to leap. Otherwise, Ling Fengtian wouldn't be the only one among us who has such a warship."

"I once wanted to own a warship with the ability to jump, but the conditions were too harsh, and I had to give up in the end."

"Tang Yi, we recognize your talent, but when it comes to the treasures you master, you are far inferior to us old guys. We have lived for such a long time, and we must have collected more materials and treasures than you. We don’t even have a warship capable of leaping, let alone one.”

Several realm kings said one after another.

In short, not only Ling Fengtian did not believe that Tang Yi could come up with a warship with the ability to leap, but also several other realm kings did not believe that Tang Yi had such a warship.

Seeing that several realm kings did not believe it, Tang Yi did not explain or say anything more. Instead, he summoned Xiqin with a move of his right hand.


With a soft sound, under Tang Yi's call, the huge golden phoenix harp appeared inexplicably in front of everyone's eyes.

Compared with the diagram Tang Yi saw in his mind before, the real harp is more beautiful.

The smooth lines, the beautiful shape, and the subtle and vivid phoenix pattern make this piano so perfect and beautiful that you can't take your eyes away just by looking at it.

Coupled with its huge size, it has a sense of superiority.

In short, the whole piano is very eye-catching, both in terms of appearance and the momentum it exudes, which is unparalleled. Ling Fengtian and other realm kings were all stunned when they saw this kind of piano appearing out of thin air.

"This is."

Ling Fengtian asked puzzledly.

"This is my car." Tang Yi replied with a smile.

"Your car? A piano?" Ling Fengtian was stunned again.

Although as a king of the realm, he has seen many rare treasures and many flying tools, but!

But I have never seen a piano used as a flying tool.

I have never seen such a beautiful, huge, and powerful Qin.

But now, Tang Yi actually said that such a piano was his car?
  Not only Ling Fengtian was confused, but also several other realm kings.

They looked at Tang Yi and then at the Xiqin summoned by Tang Yi. They looked puzzled, not understanding how a Qin could be used as a flying tool.

I don't even understand how fast such a flying tool can go.

"Yes, my car is the piano in front of me!"

Tang Yi nodded and smiled: "It is my daily travel tool. As for its speed, it is useless no matter how much I say here. Why don't you go up and try it yourself."

With that said, Tang Yi smiled and boarded Xiqin first.

Although the Xiqin looks like a harp and has a ring-shaped structure as a whole, there are still many places on it that can carry people.

Especially the Phoenix headstock of Xiqin, the headstock is the widest and has the best view, just like the bow deck of a warship in the past.

Even compared to the bow deck of a warship, the view is better and wider.

In addition, the Phoenix headstock also has a hatch that can enter the piano body.

After entering the piano through the hatch, you will walk into an aisle. At the other end of the aisle is a wide rest area.

There are so many rooms in this rest area.

These rooms are similar to the cabins of previous warships, and are wider and have more rooms than the cabins of previous Western United warships!

When you feel tired after taking Xiqin, you can enter these rooms in the rest area to rest.

After the rest area, there are various areas.

Such as the dining area, such as the practice area, such as the leisure and entertainment area.

In short, the area inside the Xiqin body is very wide, with areas arranged one after another and many functions.

At this moment, Tang Yi, Ling Fengtian and other realm kings came to the widest Phoenix head. Standing on the high head, looking at the dark void, I have to say that the feeling is really different from standing on a warship. !
  There is a feeling of standing on the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains.

"Not bad! Although I don't know how fast your piano is, the appearance and the field of vision alone are very good and attractive enough." Ling Fengtian praised.

Yu Zun also said: "Yes, let's not talk about its functions. Just because of its appearance, I want to own one. It looks very good."

The Fire Lord doubted: "It's true that it looks good, and the view from the top is good. But can such an item really take us through the void? Can it allow us to go to the void forest within a month?" "

Yun Zun was also a little doubtful and said: "Tang Yi, although your piano is indeed beautiful, don't you use it to joke? Is it really your car? It can really allow us to reach the destination in one month. Void Forest?”

(End of this chapter)

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