Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2720 Xiqin’s maiden voyage

Chapter 2720 Xiqin’s maiden voyage

As if afraid that Tang Yi would be angry, Yun Zun added: "Tang Yi, I'm not looking down on you, but flying instruments with the ability to leap are too rare. Moreover, your instrument is so special, so That’s why I had my doubts.”

"I see."

Hearing everyone's doubtful words, Tang Yi was not angry. He smiled slightly and said, "When I first met Xiqin, you were also suspicious. This is normal. Since everyone is doubtful, let's try it. Do you already know?"

With that said, Tang Yi thought and activated Xiqin.

To be honest, Tang Yi really didn't know how fast Xiqin was.

Although Xiqin's attributes are very perfect at the moment, and Tang Yi also gave it a magical ability.

But Tang Yi knew nothing about what kind of ability Divine Walking was and how fast it was.

After all, I haven't tried it.

and so!
  Tang Yi had no idea about Xiqin's speed.


Although I feel unsure, but!
  Tang Yi still believed in Xiqin, after all, it cost him hundreds of thousands of supreme coins.

After spending hundreds of thousands of supreme coins, could it not be compared to Ling Fengtian's Luxing warship?

This is impossible, right?
  While Tang Yi was thinking, Xiqin started.


The moment Xiqin started up, a soft sound came from the void.

Then, a piano sound sounded.

The sound of the piano is melodious, and the phoenix crows from time to time, as if singing. It is full of joy and vitality, making people feel happy after listening to it.

Along with the melodious sound of the piano, Xiqin lit up a golden light, but this golden light flashed away and soon dimmed.

And as the golden light dimmed, Xiqin actually disappeared from the place as the golden light dimmed.

When they appeared again in the next moment, they were no longer in their original position.

Instead, it appeared in an unknown location.

At this time, Xiqin flashed golden light again as before, then disappeared from the same place, and then appeared in another place.

that's it.

With the flash of golden light, Xiqin's position kept changing, which was dizzying.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, and no one understood what was going on.

What's more, I don't understand where Xiqin wants to take everyone, and whether the speed is fast or slow.

Not to mention that Ling Fengtian and others didn't understand, even Tang Yi, the owner of Xiqin, was a little confused.

Even Tang Yi himself didn't understand where Xiqin was going or where Xiqin was now.

When Tang Yi activated Xiqin before, he just drove it according to the map given by Ling Fengtian, and then stopped driving it.

Unexpectedly, after Xiqin turned on the light, he immediately changed into a confusing position.

Just after changing positions for the first time, Tang Yi was already confused about the direction and was completely confused.

At this moment, although Tang Yi was the owner of Xiqin, even he didn't know where he was and was completely lost in the void.

This made Tang Yi embarrassed and helpless.

After all, this was the first time he had driven Xiqin. Tang Yi didn't know what was going on with Xiqin's magical behavior. Moreover, now Tang Yi does not dare to drive the warship again.

Because Tang Yi has lost his way now, he is afraid that if Xiqin is driven randomly, his direction will be even more lost. When the time comes, he will be lost in the void, which will not be good.

Now that Siqin is no longer driven, maybe Siqin can still take them to the Void Forest.

After all, the direction has been set before, so it stands to reason that Xiqin should not wander around.

But now if Xiqin is touched, that may not be the case.

Therefore, Tang Yi could only let Xiqin move on his own.

At this time, Ling Fengtian asked: "Tang Yi, what's going on? What are you doing with your piano? Where are we heading now?"

"Yes, Tang Yi, what is going on? Why do we appear in another place every time your piano flashes with golden light? Is this teleportation? It shouldn't be! Even if it is teleportation, there are traces If you can find it, you can know which direction to go and where to go. But now every time your piano flashes, it appears in a strange place. There is no trace at all, and you can't find the direction at all. This is too strange. .”

"I feel like I've been lost in the void because I can't feel my direction at all!"

"I have never seen such an ability! How does this piano move? What method is used to move it?"

"Tang Yi, is your piano reliable? Are we going to get lost in the void?"

Several realm kings said one after another.


Hearing this, Tang Yi replied: "Actually, this is the first time I have used it. As for how it moves and how it moves, I don't know anything about it. Even where it is now, I don't know. It’s not clear at all. However, it should take us to the Void Forest soon, I believe in it.”

"Ah! What?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the realm kings present were stunned and looked at Tang Yi in disbelief.

"In other words, this is your first time using this piano?" Ling Fengtian asked.

Tang Yi nodded: "Yes."

"Then you don't know the direction now? You don't know where we are now, and you don't know where we are going?" Ling Fengtian asked again.

Hearing this, Tang Yi nodded again: "Yes."

"Oh my God! Tang Yi, you are so unreliable!" After hearing Tang Yi's answer, Ling Fengtian stroked his head helplessly.

The Fire Lord said speechlessly: "Tang Yi, no way? This is the first time to use it, how can you guarantee that we will reach the Void Forest within a month!"

Yun Zun was speechless and said: "It's over, it's over. Now I've even lost my direction. Let alone going to the Void Forest in a month, it's a bit difficult to even leave the Void."

"Tang Yi, hey!"

Seeing that Tang Yi was so unreliable and had the best temper, Dezun didn't know what to say at this moment.

Yu Zun had no scruples and said bluntly: "Tang Yi, although you just saved us and were our savior, you can't cheat us like this! Now we're in trouble."

Hearing the words of the realm kings, Tang Yi immediately comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone, although it is my first time to use Xiqin, even though I don't know where Xiqin is now, even though I don't know every time Xiqin flashes , where exactly will it go. But I believe that it will definitely be able to take us to the Void Forest, I guarantee you this!"


After hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone wanted to say something, but before they could speak, Xiqin flashed golden light again and changed position.

After changing positions this time, a dense forest appeared in the void in front of Xiqin.

This forest is floating in the sky, very dense, and at a glance it is green and full of vitality.

At the same time, patches of mist filled the forest, making it look strange and mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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