Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2721 Arriving at the Void Forest, Xiqin’s terrifying speed.

Chapter 2721 Arriving at the Void Forest, Xiqin’s terrifying speed.

Seeing this misty forest, Ling Fengtian and other realm kings were slightly startled at first, and then their eyes widened with incredible expressions on their faces!

"This is."

Ling Fengtian said in surprise: "Void Forest? This is actually the Void Forest? We have actually reached the Void Forest? No way!"

Ling Fengtian was stunned.

"Impossible! How could we reach the Void Forest! Where we were before, even if we took the Luxing warship, it would take at least a few days, and how long has it just passed now? How many minutes? No more than three minutes Right? We reached the Void Forest in three minutes?"

"Yes! I don't think it's possible either. It's too fast. Could the forest in front of me not be a void forest?"

"No, there is the Void Forest in front of us! The fog and the 100-meter-old ancient trees in the forest all indicate that this forest is the Void Forest!"

"Yes, I have visited the Void Forest before, and this is the one in front of me! I will never admit it wrong!"

"If the forest in front of us is really the Void Forest, then it means that it only took us three minutes to reach the Void Forest? Hiss. So fast?"

Having said this, the realm kings looked at Tang Yi one after another, their faces full of disbelief!

Not to mention the realm kings, even Tang Yi was full of disbelief and was shocked.

He knew that Xiqin was very fast. After all, it had been upgraded, and Tang Yi also purchased the ability to travel for it. If it wasn't fast, it would be too bad, and it would be a waste of so many Supreme Coins.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was that the Xiqin warship, which had the ability to travel, would actually reach this level!
  He was actually able to reach the Void Forest in less than three minutes.

You know, if the Luxing warship originally came and left, it would have taken several days.

The time was shortened from several days to three minutes. This improvement is simply unparalleled.

It can be seen that Xiqin is much faster than Ling Fengtian's original Luxing warship!

"That's the speed! Tsk tsk! Over 600,000 supreme coins worth!"

Seeing Xiqin's speed, Tang Yi couldn't help but feel satisfied.

On the side, Ling Fengtian looked at Tang Yi's Xiqin warship, his eyes full of fire, and asked: "Tang Yi, your piano is called Xiqin, right?"

Tang Yi nodded and replied: "Yes, Xiqin."

"It's really good."

Ling Fengtian praised, his eyes full of envy, and he was still looking at Xiqin. The more he looked at her, the more he liked her, and the more he looked at her, the more jealous and envious he became.

When Ling Fengtian took out the Luxing warship before, Tang Yi's face was full of envy.

However, not long after, the scene was reversed and Ling Fengtian envied Tang Yi's Xiqin.

I have to say that the pace of change is disappointing.

Seeing the envy in Ling Fengtian's eyes, Tang Yi was very satisfied and happy. He couldn't help but secretly thought: "I asked you to show off before, show off again!"

On the side, hearing Ling Fengtian's words, the Fire Lord agreed: "Tang Yi's piano is not only good! It is simply divine. It is a divine object! Really, I have never seen such a flying instrument, let alone such a flying instrument. It’s incredible how this kind of equipment moves! It takes just a blink of an eye to reach a certain location, and it takes just three minutes to cross a very far distance and reach the Void Forest. This is too exaggerated.”

"Yes, it is indeed a divine object! If such a divine object were given to me... ahem, to be honest, I wouldn't dare to take it, it would be too hot! It might attract countless people to covet it!"

Yu Zun also said.

"Coveting is for sure, more or less, and this piano will definitely attract countless people to covet it! Even I couldn't help it. If Tang Yi wasn't our good friend, if Tang Yi wasn't so powerful , maybe he will have some wrong ideas." Yun Zun joked.

Hearing this, Tang Yi also smiled and said: "Yunzun doesn't look like this, and there is no need for Yunzun to think about it. If there is a chance in the future, when I am able, I will definitely send Yunzun a boat. "

"This is what you said!" Yun Zun looked at Tang Yidao with burning eyes.

At this moment, Yun Zun took Tang Yi's words seriously.

And I was extremely excited and happy,
  after all.

Seeing Qin who is so beautiful, so powerful, and moving so fast, it would be a lie to say that she is not moved.

Of course Yun Zun was also moved.

However, no matter how tempted he is, he can't take away what others like, and he can't take it away.

Therefore, any heartbeat has no effect except to bury it in the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, Tang Yi said that he would give him a boat, which couldn't be better!

Can Zun Yun be unhappy or excited about being able to obtain such a treasure for nothing? of
  Although Tang Yi's words are just a promise, and I don't know when this promise will be completed, but...
  Does it matter?

Not important at all!
  From Yun Zun's point of view, Tang Yi doesn't want people who talk nonsense, but once they say it, they will definitely do it.

Therefore, Yunzun believed that Tang Yi would keep his promise.

Besides, what does it matter if it takes longer?
  It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as it can be completed.

So Yun Zun was very excited when he heard Tang Yi's promise.

When the others heard that Tang Yi had promised Yun Zun, they immediately became sour.

They all said they wanted it.

Tang Yi immediately smiled and said: "Okay, okay, if I have the opportunity in the future, when I am capable enough, I will give you a boat for each of you! Never break your promise! I, Tang Yi, will let you know today and give each of you a boat like mine." If the equipment is not completed, it will be struck by lightning and the whole body will be dead. Don't worry, I believe it won't take too long, maybe a few months, maybe it can be completed after the Haoyue ruins come out."

Tang Yi's words are not a joke, he really has this ability.

As long as you have enough Supreme Coins, how many Siqin do you want?

And if you go to the Haoyue Ruins this time, you will definitely be able to earn a lot of Supreme Coins.

and so!
  After coming out of the Haoyue ruins, Tang Yi might actually be able to give Ling Fengtian and others a Xiqin-level carrier.

Hearing that Tang Yi made such a poisonous oath and said it so sincerely, Ling Fengtian was very moved. He immediately raised his hands and said, "Then let's thank brother Tang Yi here first. If you need anything from Tang Yi in the future, just ask. Your business is our business!"

"Thank you Brother Tang Yi!"

"That's right, Tang Yi, no matter how much you ask from now on, as long as I can do it, I will do whatever it takes."

"From now on, your business is our business!"

The other realm kings also said one after another.

Tang Yi nodded and said, "Okay, we'll talk about these things later. Now let's go to the Haoyue Ruins first."

Everyone nodded.

In this way, the group got off the Xiqin. After Tang Yi put the Xiqin away, the group walked into this huge forest in the void.

The early steps and exploration of the Void Forest were carried out by Yun Zun alone.

So after entering the Void Forest, Yun Zun led the way and took everyone to the Haoyue Ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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