Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2723 Encountering a battle

Chapter 2723 Encountering a battle
  The Void Armguards are also a good piece of equipment.

After reading the attributes of the Void Armguard, Tang Yi immediately equipped the Void Armguard, and then replaced it with the Bright Moon Armguard.

[Bright Moon Arm Guard]: Supreme equipment.

Attributes: defense, damage reduction, vitality, attack power, attack power bonus.

Passive special effect: Protection of the Bright Moon

Bright Moon Protection: When attacked, a powerful defensive shield will be automatically generated and the wearer's defense will be increased at the same time.

Additional skills: The power of the bright moon.

Power of the bright moon: After being stimulated, it can produce the power of the bright moon. Encapsulated by the power of the bright moon, the wearer can greatly improve attributes, attack power and defense power.

If it is dark night, the wearer can also absorb the power of moonlight for his own use.

Supreme combat power index increase: 16000 points.

This is the attribute of the Bright Moon Armguard, which is very different from the Void Armguard, so Tang Yi also had no hesitation in being eliminated.

After replacing the Void Arm Guard, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again (3500000-16000) points.

From 103189896 points, it increased to 106673896 points!
  The distance to 110 million is not far away!
  Looking at the supreme combat power index that had exceeded nine digits, Tang Yi felt a sense of pride in his heart.

It's not easy!

And with Tang Yi equipped with the Void Arm Guard, all the gains from killing the Void Dragon this time have been checked out.

After checking the harvest, Tang Yi exited his mind.

However, at this moment, Ling Fengtian suddenly turned his head, glanced at Tang Yi doubtfully, and said, "Tang Yi, why do I feel that you have improved again. You seem to be different from just now. You are more mature than just now. Much stronger.”

Hearing Ling Fengtian's words, Tang Yi had to sigh, a veteran strong man is a veteran strong man, and this sense of power is powerful.

Of course.

Although Ling Fengtian saw it, Tang Yi still wouldn't admit it directly.

"Have it?"

Tang Yi pretended to be stupid.

"Of course, I feel like you have inexplicably improved in the process of taking action." Ling Fengtian said.

At this time, Yun Zun also turned around and said, "I feel the same way. I also feel Tang Yi's improvement. He seems to have become stronger."

"Me too. I really didn't expect that Tang Yi, who is already so strong, could actually become stronger during action." Fire Lord also said.

"I feel it too! I believe my feelings are not fake." Yu Zun also said.

Including Ling Fengtian, four of the six realm kings actually said that they felt Tang Yi's improvement.

It can be seen how powerful the sensing power of these realm kings is.

Tang Yi had just put on equipment on his front foot to increase his combat power index.

These kings of realms sensed it in the next second.

Moreover, when Tang Yi improved, he also deliberately suppressed his aura.

There was definitely no breath leaked just now.

And without the aura leaking, several realm kings were able to discover that there was really no one else with this kind of sensing power.

Smiling slightly, Tang Yi continued to deny: "Improvement at every step? Do you think it is possible? You must be delusional. After all, at our stage, how can we improve so easily?"


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Ling Fengtian nodded, feeling that it was very reasonable, and said: "At our stage, it is really not that easy to improve."

"Maybe it's really our misunderstanding." Yun Zun also said. "Perhaps Tang Yi is too strong, which is why we had this illusion." Yu Zun said.

However, everyone said that, but they still felt that they were not delusional just now.

They thought Tang Yi should have been promoted.

And in the process of moving forward.

It's just that they have no way to prove it.

"With Tang Yi here, we might really get something good from this trip."

Ling Fengtian thought in his heart.

The group continued moving forward.

After walking for a long time, Yun Zun said: "Now we have walked about half of the journey. According to the map, we should still have half a day to reach the Haoyue Ruins. But the last time I came here, I only walked here. , As for what the situation ahead is, and whether there will be any danger, I don’t know.”

"Then everyone should be more vigilant. Once danger is discovered, we will retreat immediately, change another path or wait until the danger has passed before moving forward." Ling Fengtian said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded and moved on.

It has to be said that the Void Forest is really the first forest outside the three thousand worlds. It is very dense. The trees inside are thick, overgrown with weeds, and covered with vines. Looking at it, it is green.

Walking inside, you can't see far away at all.

The distant view is blocked by countless thick, dense trees with many roots and branches.

When everyone moved forward, they could only see a field of view within a few dozen meters at most, and nothing could be seen except a green color.

And just because nothing can be seen, everything ahead is unknown to everyone, and people cannot take strict precautions.

"Boom boom boom!"


However, just as everyone was moving forward cautiously, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the front, as well as a blast of air produced by some method!

At the same time, there were waves of terrifying air rushing in from the location where the sound came from.

The air wave was so violent that even Ling Fengtian and others felt the pressure.


Ling Fengtian reminded.

As he said that, his body suddenly shook and he deployed his defensive shield to block this wave of air.

The other realm kings also used their own defensive methods to resist this wave of energy.

Tang Yi's performance was much more relaxed. He just stretched out his hand slightly without using any means, but saw that Tang Yi's defense in front of him was blocked by some kind of transparent membrane, and all the air waves were blocked.

No matter how turbulent the air waves were, they could not break through his palm.

After everyone resisted all the terrifying air waves, Ling Fengcai looked at the position where the strange movement was coming from ahead, and said to everyone: "There seems to be some people or creatures fighting in front! Moreover, their strength is not weak! From the moment he used it just now, I can feel their terrifying power in the air waves that come."

"Absolutely not weak!"

The Fire Lord nodded in agreement: "The person or creature that is fighting is at least not weaker than us, and may even be stronger than us!"

"Then what should we do now? Should we continue to move forward? Or should we avoid it? It is not easy for people or creatures to appear in the Void Forest and generate such ferocious air waves. If we continue to move forward, we may There is quite a bit of trouble." Yun Zun said.

Hearing this, Ling Fengtian suddenly frowned and began to think deeply, as if he was thinking about whether to move forward.

After thinking for a moment, Ling Fengtian suddenly turned his head, looked at Tang Yi, and asked, "Tang Yi, do you think we should continue to move forward?"

(End of this chapter)

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