Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2724 The Heavenly Power God King Ape and a Woman

Chapter 2724 The Heavenly Power God King Ape and a Woman

"Tang Yi, do you think we should move forward?"

Ling Fengtian asked Tang Yi.

The other realm kings also looked at Tang Yi.

It seems that everyone wants to know Tang Yi's opinion.

Tang Yi didn't expect that Ling Fengtian would ask him, and was slightly stunned.

After reacting, he thought for a moment and then said: "I think we should continue to move forward. No matter who is fighting, we have to take a look. Moreover, the road ahead is the way we want to go. If we take a detour, I am afraid we will waste a lot of money. time. And it may not be safe to take a detour. In this case, why don’t we go to the front and take a look to see who is fighting. If possible, we can borrow a path with them. If it is really unavoidable, it is really If we have to fight, then we will just fight through it.”

Since everyone wanted to hear their opinions, Tang Yi simply expressed his opinions.

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Ling Fengtian said immediately without thinking, "Okay, then let's continue moving forward and see what is fighting."

"it is good!"

"no problem!"

"Tang Yi said go, then let's go and have a look."

Everyone nodded.

Hearing this, Tang Yi asked: "Do you believe me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will lead you into a pit of fire? Aren't you afraid that there is danger ahead and you won't be able to come back?"

"If we don't believe you, why should we ask you?"

Ling Fengtian smiled and said: "Besides, is the danger only in front? Isn't it in other places in the Void Forest? Since there are dangers, what's the use of us being afraid."

"That's right, I just believe in you, Tang Yi, that's why everyone wants to listen to your opinion."

"Since we dare to come to the Void Forest, we don't have to be afraid of the word, only whether it is worth it or not. Now go ahead and take a look. It is obviously worth it. Otherwise, we will have to take a long detour."

"Dangers are everywhere, and you can't avoid them just by hiding. And there may not be dangers ahead. Maybe we can pass by safely?"


The other realm kings said one after another.


It made sense. Tang Yi couldn't refute it at all. He could only nod and said: "Then let's go to the front and see what happens."


Ling Fengtian nodded and said: "Come on, let's go to the front and take a look. I want to see what is fighting that can actually generate such a powerful air wave."

While talking, the group continued walking forward.

Moreover, it also speeded up.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the place where the battle took place.

All he saw ahead was a mess, with rubble, destroyed flowers, plants and trees everywhere.

In addition, the ground is also covered with various potholes, large and small, and trees are lying in various directions, creating a messy scene.

  Apart from this messy scene, Tang Yi and his party have not yet seen the instigator of the battle here.

"It seems that the fighting was quite fierce, but I don't know who the two sides of this battle are." Ling Fengtian said.

"Although I don't know what is fighting here, looking at the level, it is obviously not simple, so we still have to be careful." Yu Zun said cautiously. "Well. Let's go, keep going."

Everyone continued to move forward.

And the further forward, the more terrifying the scene ahead becomes.

When they first arrived at the battlefield, Tang Yi and others could still see intact flowers, plants and trees, large trees that had not collapsed, and areas that were not in a mess and had no potholes.

But the further you go, the fewer big trees that are intact, the fewer places that are not messy, and the fewer places that are free of potholes.

Even at the end, large areas of wasteland began to appear in front of Tang Yi and others.

Everything was destroyed and turned into ashes!

Even the ground has been shaved off, making it several meters shorter than the ground in other parts of the Void Forest!
  Everywhere is covered with fly ash and some debris, and you can faintly see splatters of blood!
  "Boom boom boom!"

After Tang Yi and his party walked forward for about five minutes, there was another rumbling sound in front of them.

And the sound was extremely clear, no longer unclear from far away, but like a sound coming from nearby.

The further we go, the clearer and more intense these sounds become.

After walking forward for a while, Tang Yi and his party could already feel the vibrations on the ground.

at this time!
  Everyone finally saw the culprit who destroyed this forest!
  The two sides fighting are a monster and a human?

The monster is more than ten meters tall, has a single horn, and looks a bit like an orangutan.

But compared to the orangutan, the body is stronger, and there is no hair on the body. It is very glorious and looks like a human body.

If this monster didn't have a single horn on its head, a purple gold crown, and ferocious fangs on its mouth, it would really look like a human being.

And the humans on the other side
  That's a woman!
  This woman is extremely beautiful, no less beautiful than Mu Xianling and other girls, and she is also at the level of one who will conquer a country!

She was wearing a black windbreaker and her waterfall-like hair was tied into a ponytail, looking extremely capable.

And the whole body exudes a special temperament that is unforgettable and cannot be taken away from one's eyes!
  During the fierce battle with the orangutan-like monster, the woman's face was filled with indifference and coldness, as if she were an emotionless killing machine that made people afraid to approach.

"That is."

Seeing the man and the beast, Ling Fengtian was surprised and said: "That is the king of the Void Forest, the Heavenly Power God King Ape!"


"That's actually the Heavenly Power God King Ape?"

"Isn't it? Our luck won't be so unlucky, right?"

"It's so unlucky!! That's really the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape! It is said that the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape has the power to explode the planet with one punch. It is very terrifying, and its horn can continuously restore it. Energy allows it to use its power endlessly, and it will not be exhausted or exhausted no matter how hard it is fought.

The ape beast in front of us, whether it is its appearance, its attack methods, or the force it generates when bombarding the ground, all show its identity. It is the Heavenly Power God King Ape, the king of the Void Forest! "

"I'm so speechless! Why are we so unlucky! When we came to the Void Forest, we met the Void Dragon King, the overlord of the void, on the road. And when we came to the Void Forest, we actually met the king of the Void Forest, the God of Heavenly Power. King Ape! These terrifying monsters keep appearing as if they have a grudge against us."


After hearing Ling Fengtian's words, several realm kings said helplessly.

"What should we do now? Should we avoid it? The Heavenly Power Divine King Ape is a more terrifying existence than the Dragon King of the Void. It is simply not something we can handle. If we go over there rashly, we may also be attacked by it as an enemy. ." Yun Zun said.

(End of this chapter)

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