Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2725 Threat from a mysterious woman

Chapter 2725 Threat from a mysterious woman

"It is really possible that it will attack us! Because it will think that we are with that woman. Also, that woman doesn't know who she is, but she can actually fight with the Tianli Divine King Ape inextricably. This It’s too powerful.” Fire Lord said in surprise.

Ling Fengtian pondered for a moment, then turned his head again and asked Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, what do you think we should do now?"

Everyone turned to look at Tang Yi again, wanting to hear Tang Yi's opinion again.

But Tang Yi didn't answer immediately, but instead threw a Heavenly Eye Technique at the Heavenly Power God King Ape!

Name: Heavenly Power God King Ape (Forest God-Demon Level BOSS)

Level: Level 699 (Level Supreme Beast)
  Identity: King of the Void Forest.

Race: none
  Description: The mutated descendants of gods, demons and apes. Because of the mutation, he was abandoned by the gods and demons in the Void Forest, and then became the overlord-level existence in the Void Forest.

Supreme combat power index: 50000000 points.

"Sixth level supreme!"

"The mutated descendants of gods and demons!"

"Fifty million points of supreme combat power index!"

Seeing the attributes of the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, Tang Yi couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Power God King Ape is a sixth-level supreme beast.

The sixth-level supreme beast, this is already the highest level that Tang Yi has ever seen, and it is also the monster with the highest combat power!

If such a monster had been encountered before Tang Yi killed Lu Li, he would have died without even knowing how.

If Ling Fengtian and others met alone, it would be even worse to die or to be saved.

Fortunately, he encountered it at this time. Tang Yi's supreme combat power index also exceeded 100 million points, and he was fully capable of dealing with such a monster.

In addition, what surprised Tang Yi the most was that the woman who looked so beautiful was actually able to fight inextricably with the Heavenly Power God King Ape! !

It doesn't look any weaker than the Heavenly Power God King Ape!

That is the Heavenly Power God King Ape!
  The supreme combat power index is 50 million!
  This beautiful woman can actually fight with the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape with a supreme combat power index of 50 million?

So what is her strength?
  This really shocked Tang Yi.

Of course.

It's not that Tang Yi underestimates women.

It's just that in this world of jungle, it is more difficult for women to cultivate than men, so generally, women's cultivation level will be lower than that of men.

Of course, this is not absolute.

Just like this woman in front of me.

With her strength, how many men in the world can match her?
  Seeing Tang Yi in a daze, Ling Fengtian asked again: "How is it, Tang Yi, what should we do next."

Hearing this, Tang Yi replied: "Let's take a look at the situation."

"Look at the situation?"

Ling Fengtian was slightly startled and asked: "Tang Yi, what are your chances of winning against the Ape King, the God of Heavenly Power?"


Tang Yi thought for a moment and replied: "Probably 100%."

"Ten percent? Tang Yi, are you kidding me? That is the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, a being even more powerful than the Dragon of the Void!"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Huo Zun said in surprise.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Tang Yi said with a smile.


The Fire Lord stopped talking for a moment.

Because Tang Yi really didn't look like he was joking.

And Huo Zun knew that Tang Yi was not a joking person. Since he said it, it must be true. "Since you are 100% sure, Tang Yi, let's take a look at the situation here."

Ling Fengtian said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

The group of people just stood around and watched the battle between Beauty and the Beast.

Needless to say, it’s quite fun to be a bystander, especially watching such a powerful and exciting battle!

Such a battle is particularly exciting and full of visuals.

Moreover, feeling the powerful and terrifying power gave me a surging feeling.

In front of him, the well-dressed woman seemed to be a master of swordsmanship. She was holding a three-foot blue long sword and danced in a dazzling way. The sword light continued to shoot out from her green long sword, which was astonishingly powerful.

Moreover, this well-dressed woman moved very fast, flying around, and her phantoms were everywhere, making it difficult to figure out.

The reason why the well-dressed woman was able to fight with the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape was because of her extraordinary speed.

"I don't know who this woman is, but she is so powerful, and her speed is too fast! I can't keep up with her speed." Fire Lord exclaimed.

"It is indeed powerful! If it weren't for Tang Yi, she would probably be stronger than us combined!" Yu Zun nodded.

"She shouldn't be from the Three Thousand World! There is no such a strong woman in the Three Thousand World." Dezun thought for a while and said.

Shi Zun said: "She should be a member of a hidden family or a certain force three thousand worlds away. We cannot afford to offend such a person."

Having said this, Shi Zun looked at Tang Yi and said, "Tang Yi, is it really okay for us to watch here? If we anger that person"

Tang Yi replied: "No problem, just watch."

"Okay." Shi Zun said.

The group continued to watch the battle.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a rumbling sound in the venue.

The Heavenly Power God King Ape didn't know how long he had been fighting with the mysterious woman. He seemed to be a little irritated at this moment. He kept waving his arms and violently bombarded the ground, shaking the ground!

Faced with the explosion of the Heavenly Power God King Ape, the mysterious woman seemed to be struggling a little, her face showed a little fatigue, and her figure was no longer as elegant as before, and she felt a little sluggish.

Of course.

Although her speed is still very fast, these slight sluggishness are not obvious at all.

But compared to its previous heyday, it is still a bit worse.

And it was because of these shortcomings that she suddenly fell into a disadvantage. She even found herself in dangerous situations several times, and was almost hit by the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape!
  However, in this case, the mysterious woman did not want to explode and deal with the Heavenly Power God King Ape, nor did she want to retreat temporarily.

  Instead, he said loudly in the direction of Tang Yi and others: "You guys, you have to leave this place within ten seconds, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

She was not thinking about how to defeat the Heavenly Power God King Ape, nor was she thinking about retreating, but was she thinking about threatening Tang Yi and others to leave?

After hearing the mysterious woman's words, Tang Yi and his party were immediately confused.

Whether it was Tang Yi or Ling Fengtian, they all thought about being discovered by a woman.

After all, the supreme combat power index of Ling Fengtian and others was just like that, and the woman in front of him was someone who could fight with the Heavenly Power God King Ape.

The supreme combat power is not 50 million, so that’s not much different!

If the existence of such strength cannot discover Ling Fengtian and others, it will be too inferior.

Unless Tang Yi takes the initiative to hide Ling Fengtian and others.

But Tang Yi didn't do that.

Therefore, the mysterious woman knew about the existence of Ling Fengtian and others.

But what everyone didn't expect was that during the fierce battle with the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, this woman was not thinking about how to defeat the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, nor how to retreat, but
  Threaten Tang Yi and others to leave?

(End of this chapter)

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