Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2726 You are not qualified to know who I am

Chapter 2726 You are not qualified to know who I am
  Hearing the woman's words, Tang Yi and his party were all slightly startled.

Ling Fengtian stood up and said loudly: "This girl, it's not that we don't want to leave, it's because our way is blocked by your fighting. So we can't leave!"

However, after hearing Ling Fengtian's words, the woman's cold voice came over again: "Can't you hear what I said? I let you leave!"

The voice was cold and very rude.


Ling Fengtian was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

If the opponent was a cat or a dog, or someone of the same level, Ling Fengtian could still choke.

But the other party was a woman, and a woman who was countless times more powerful than him, which made it difficult for him to speak out.

Therefore, Ling Fengtian could only look at Tang Yi helplessly.

Feeling Ling Fengtian's gaze, Tang Yi said lightly: "Ignore her."


Hearing this, Ling Fengtian nodded, then stopped talking and continued to watch the battle.

On the other side, the mysterious woman saw that Tang Yi and his party had not left yet, and were still standing there watching the battle. She frowned, and quickly distanced herself from the Heavenly Power God King Ape in a flash, and then moved towards Tang Yi and his party. The person's direction shouted again: "Didn't you hear that I asked you to leave? Four is no more than three. If you don't leave, I won't be polite!"

Once again threatening Tang Yi and his party.

But this time it was no longer Ling Fengtian who replied, but Tang Yi replied: "I will leave if you ask me to leave? Who do you think you are?"

Although this woman is very beautiful, so what?
  Can you let people leave just because you are beautiful?
  This is not her home!
  Moreover, even if it was her house, if Tang Yi wanted to stay, who could drive her away?


Since the other party is so rude and speaks dangerous words repeatedly, Tang Yi does not need to be polite to her. The enemy is the enemy, and he should be treated as he should be.

Tang Yi would not show mercy to her just because she was good-looking.


Hearing Tang Yi's answer, the woman sneered and said, "It's true that I won't shed tears until I see the coffin! Well, since you are unwilling to leave, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As she spoke, the woman abandoned her opponent, the Heavenly Power God King Ape, and rushed directly towards Tang Yi.

At the same time, when she rushed towards Tang Yi, her hands were flying and she made several spells.

Golden butterflies were pinched out one by one under her jade-like hands, and then they flapped their wings and flew towards Tang Yi.

These golden butterflies were about the size of a fist, and there were five of them in total. They shone with golden light and contained indescribable divine power.

This power is powerful, terrifying, and at the same time full of a sense of fearlessness and fearlessness.

As if flying towards Tang Yi, these butterflies never thought of going back safely, as if they were going to die together with Tang Yi.


Five golden butterflies flashed with golden light and rushed towards Tang Yi fiercely.

Seeing these five golden butterflies, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully.

When five golden butterflies flew in front of him, Tang Yi took action and waved them out gently!

And with a wave of his hand, the five golden butterflies instantly turned into ashes and turned into countless golden light spots, dissipating in the air.

Seeing this scene, the mysterious woman was slightly stunned and looked very surprised.

It seemed that Tang Yi could resist her attack with such ease.

After all, although the method just now was not her strongest method, it was still a middle-ranked method among her several methods.

Her method is very powerful and can be easily dealt with by supreme beings below level five.

But unexpectedly, he was actually resisted by the young man in front of him who didn't look very young.     This is quite unexpected.

However, although she was surprised, although she was very surprised that Tang Yi resisted her attack, the mysterious woman had no intention of stopping.

The five golden butterflies were just her appetizer. If she couldn't kill the opponent, she still had her trump card to use.

She was seen approaching Tang Yi quickly with unparalleled speed, and then she raised the green long sword in her hand and struck Tang Yi head-on with one sword: "Destroying Soul!"


The green long sword turned into eighteen sword shadows, and each sword shadow emitted a green-purple light.

That blue-purple light exuded a very terrifying aura of destruction, as if it would be destroyed as long as it was hit by this sword.

Just like that, eighteen sword shadows of green-purple light struck Tang Yi head-on, covering the entire top of Tang Yi's head, making it impossible for Tang Yi to avoid it.

From the woman's point of view, this sword will definitely kill the young man in front of her.

With her speed, the young man in front of her could not react at all and had no time to resist.

Even if he reacts, he can't resist it at all.

But what the mysterious woman didn’t expect was!
  At this critical moment, facing his terrifying sword, the young man actually grinned and showed a bright smile.

He's actually smiling?
  Can you still laugh at a time like this?

Moreover, after the young man smiled slightly, he actually extended his hand.

He actually wanted to block this sword with his hands?
  After being slightly surprised, the woman suddenly became disdainful and looked at Tang Yi with eyes full of contempt.

I feel like Tang Yi just overestimates his capabilities!

I think Tang Yi is out of his mind.

Only those who overestimate their abilities and have a bad mind would resist her sword with their hands.

  What the woman didn't expect was that the young man in front of her, who she thought was overestimating his abilities and having a bad mind, actually blocked her sword! I saw the eighteen sword shadows wrapped in blue-purple light suddenly falling. The young man did nothing but stretched out his hand slightly to block his head.

Suddenly, no matter how sharp the sword shadow was, no matter how terrifying the power it was filled with, it just couldn't advance an inch.

All the power, all the sharpness, were all resisted by that hand that didn't look strong, and could even be said to be somewhat slender!

Seeing this scene, the mysterious woman was stunned again, with an incredible look on her beautiful face.

She never imagined that the young man in front of her who looked young could actually block her attack! !


So easy!

He actually blocked it with one hand!

Not only did he not use any martial arts, he didn't even use any means.

He blocked her attack just by relying on his strength!
  This is incredible.

"Nothing is impossible! There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the world. There are people better than you everywhere!" Tang Yi said calmly.

Hearing this, the mysterious woman took a deep look at Tang Yi and asked, "Who are you!"

However, when he heard the mysterious woman's question, Tang Yi smiled again, glanced at the Heavenly Power God King Ape not far away, then turned his head and said: "You are not qualified to know who I am now, and besides, you are not qualified to know who I am now. Time knows who I am!"

As he spoke, Tang Yi waved lightly, and a strong wind pushed the mysterious woman out and towards the Heavenly Power God King Ape!

Facing Tang Yi's gentle wave, the mysterious woman was unable to resist at all. She could only let the strong wind blow and her body retreated uncontrollably!

Of course, although she couldn't stop it, the mysterious woman still kept working hard, using all her strength, and using anything she could to help stop her body.

(End of this chapter)

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