Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2727 The mysterious woman’s trump card

Chapter 2727 The mysterious woman’s trump card
  With the efforts of the mysterious woman, her figure finally stopped.

However, just when she turned back angrily and wanted to continue attacking Tang Yi.

I saw the Heavenly Power God King Ape dragging his huge body and rushing toward the mysterious woman with great momentum. He raised his hand and slapped the mysterious woman with one slap.

The mysterious woman evaded in a panic, narrowly escaping.

But the Heavenly Power God King Ape refused to give up and chased after him again.

The two sides were entangled again.

Tang Yi and his party once again became bystanders.

This made the mysterious woman very angry, but she couldn't vent her anger.

After all, now that she was being held back by the Heavenly Power God King Ape, even if she wanted to vent, she couldn't.

And the other side.

Seeing that Tang Yi easily withstood the mysterious woman's attack, he also calmly pushed the mysterious woman back and let her go back to continue fighting with the Heavenly Power God King Ape.

Ling Fengtian and others were shocked again.

He was shocked by Tang Yi's powerful strength.

You know, that mysterious woman can fight with the Heavenly Power God King Ape.

Such an existence is extremely powerful.

Faced with such an existence, Ling Fengtian and others believed that they were unable to deal with it. Even in front of such an existence, they had to retreat, otherwise their lives would be in danger.

However, facing such an existence, Tang Yi was able to block her attack with one hand.

This is too exaggerated.

Most exaggeratedly,

Tang Yi easily pushed her back and let her continue fighting with the Heavenly Power God King Ape!

He directly challenged her!
  Tang Yi was so calm and calm, yet so powerful.

How could Ling Fengtian and others not be shocked.

Although I was shocked to the point of numbness today, my understanding of Tang Yi was refreshed again and again.

But even so, they were still shocked.

Seeing Tang Yi's strength, Ling Fengtian and others felt more and more that coming with Tang Yi was a wise choice.

Fortunately, Tang Yi was brought here.

Otherwise, they might all have perished when they encountered the Dragon of the Void.

the other side.

As time goes by, the mysterious woman faces the Tianli Divine King Ape, and it becomes more and more difficult. The Tianli Divine King Ape seems to never try its best, full of endless vitality. After fighting for so long, it is still A state of prosperity.

Although the mysterious woman is very fast, her condition has gradually declined due to fatigue and various reasons.

She had already fallen into a disadvantage before, and as her condition gradually declined, this disadvantage slowly began to expand.

Seeing that she was gradually at a disadvantage, the mysterious woman became more and more irritable. She also gritted her teeth against Tang Yi and others, wanting to kill them quickly!
  "These people deserve to be damned. I have warned them many times to leave, but they still don't leave! Do they really want to be oriole? How disgusting! And that person! I want to deal with him, but he actually dares to fight back. , and dared to push me away! Huh! If it weren’t for these people, how could I end up in this situation? If they had left, I would have killed the Heavenly Power God King Ape long ago!” The mysterious woman became more and more angry as she thought about it. The more I think about it, the more I hate it.

The reason why she wanted to drive the other party away was because she wanted to use her trump card.

And after using her trump card, she will enter an extremely weak state.

In this state, she loses all combat power and anyone can do whatever they want to her.

Therefore, it was for this reason that she wanted to drive away the other party and his group.

After all, to the mysterious woman, the other party and his group are strangers, and they don’t know whether they are friends or foes.

Without knowing whether the other party is friend or foe, it would be very dangerous for her to enter that weak state.

Therefore, she thought of driving away all the opponents, and then used her trump card to deal with the Heavenly Power God King Ape.

But who knows that the other party just won’t leave!

Moreover, among the opponent's group, there was a young man who was very strong and resisted all her attacks!
  Let all her plans fail!
  Even at this moment, he was reduced to a situation where he was being pressed step by step by the Heavenly Power God King Ape.

If you continue to fight, your life may be in danger!

Faced with such a situation, how could the mysterious woman not grit her teeth!
  "What should I do? If I continue like this, I'm afraid I will die at the hands of the Heavenly Power God King Ape. Let alone kill the Heavenly Power God King Ape. If we continue to fight, I won't be able to escape even if I want to."

The mysterious woman frowned and thought while dealing with the Heavenly Power God King Ape.

After pondering for a moment, the mysterious woman finally decided: "No, I still have to take action. The Heavenly Power Divine King Ape is my must-kill target. I must get the Heavenly Power Crystal on its head! If I lose this opportunity, , I am afraid that it will be difficult to find traces of it in the future. Therefore, I must make good use of this opportunity! Even if I will fall into a weak state after performing the stunt, even if I enter a weak state, those people will be detrimental to me! I will also We must get the Heavenly Power Crystal of the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape! Even if I die, I will send the Heavenly Power Crystal back! After all, Ayu is still waiting for this Heavenly Power Crystal to save his life!"

After thinking about this, the mysterious woman's eyes became extremely firm.

I saw the mysterious woman's eyes condensed, and then suddenly exploded, using the green long sword in her hand to strike back with a sudden blow, knocking back the Heavenly Power God King Ape!

After repelling the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape and keeping distance from the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, the mysterious woman raised the blue sword in her hand, pointed the sword at the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, and then shouted: "Blue Sky Divine Sword!"

The next moment, her face was blood red from holding back, and veins were popping out all over her body, as if she was exerting force all over her body.

At this time, her body was emitting bursts of milky white light visible to the naked eye.

This stream of milky white light seemed to be some kind of energy. After pouring out of her body, it continued to converge on her right hand like water, and quickly traveled upstream.

In just an instant, this mysterious woman's right hand was wrapped in a ray of light.

Her right hand was wrapped in milky white light and turned into a hand of energy.

But at this time, the mysterious woman's eyes were condensed, and veins were exposed in her right hand. She suddenly exerted force and shouted again: "Cut!"

While they were drinking, the mysterious woman suddenly threw away the cyan sword in her hand!


The green long sword roared out at once, the speed was extremely fast, like a stream of light, blooming with overflowing colors.

On the way out, the blue sword burst out with a sharp light, and waves of unparalleled terrifying power came from the blue sword.

At this time, the heaven and earth seemed to be attracted by the blue sword, and waves of energy from the world continued to gather, converging on the blue sword.

(End of this chapter)

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