Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2728 The bravery of the Heavenly Power God King Ape!

Chapter 2728 The bravery of the Heavenly Power God King Ape!

The green sword seemed like a vortex at this moment, constantly absorbing the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

Due to the gathering of countless energies, the green sword was completely wrapped in energy, and its size expanded to a hundred meters in an instant.

And turned into an energy giant sword!
  Just like that, this green long sword wrapped with countless energy erupted into waves of terrifying sound of breaking through the air, tearing apart the layers of space, and shot towards the Heavenly Power God King Ape with great momentum.

After shooting out the long green sword, the mysterious woman sat down on the ground like a deflated rubber ball. All the momentum in her body suddenly disappeared, and she became extremely weak. Her whole body was extremely depressed and her face was pale. .

At this moment, except for her appearance, she looked like a twilight old man, completely weak and weak.

At this time, it seemed that anyone, even a child, could easily kill her!
  And the other side.

Seeing the mysterious woman shooting such a terrifying energy giant sword, Ling Fengtian and others all looked shocked, horrified, and were shocked by the mysterious woman's strength.

Such a blow is very terrifying.

Ling Fengtian and others felt that any one of them, or even all of them working together, might not be able to withstand this attack.

Not to mention resisting, even a little bit of the aftermath of the cyan energy would probably wipe them out!

Such an attack is something they need to look up to!

"Okay, so strong! Who is this woman!"

"Fortunately, fortunately we have Tang Yi! Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. If this woman attacks us, we may all sleep here forever!"

"When I saw a woman fighting with the Heavenly Power God King Ape before, I was not optimistic about this woman and thought she would definitely lose. But now I have changed my mind! With just one blow, the Heavenly Power God King Ape may be finished."

"It seems that the result of this battle is about to come out!"

The realm kings all exclaimed.

And the other side.

The energy giant sword blasted towards the Heavenly Power God King Ape.

Seeing the energy giant sword coming, the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape was not afraid. On the contrary, he even rushed towards the energy giant sword!

I saw the Heavenly Power God King Ape waving his huge arm and punching the energy giant sword! !

The big hand of the Heavenly Power God King Ape struck the energy giant sword, causing a terrifying sound.

The whole ground trembled.

At the same time, it was attacked by the Heavenly Power God King Ape, and the energy giant sword suddenly trembled.

The energy above seemed to be slightly dissipated by this blast.


The Heavenly Power God King Ape obviously underestimated the mysterious woman and the energy giant sword she wielded.

Just after the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape punched the energy giant sword, the energy giant sword suddenly flashed with green light!

A stream of terrifying sharpness suddenly surged out of the giant sword of energy!

These sharp edges are like sharp blades, constantly cutting everything around them!
  No matter what objects or spaces are around, they cannot stop it!

The arm of the Heavenly Power God King Ape hit the energy giant sword, and was immediately cut by the terrifying sharpness, turning it into pieces of blood mist.

With just one collision, the Heavenly Power God King Ape lost an arm!
  The terror of the energy giant sword is not just that!
  I saw the sharpness coming from the giant energy sword, after shattering one of the arms of the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, sweeping towards the body of the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape again.

I want to cut the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape into pieces! But the Heavenly Power God King Ape did not surrender, nor did he wait quietly for the blast of the energy giant sword, but struggled and resisted desperately!

It roared loudly, and exploded all the inexhaustible power in its body, continuously bombarding the energy giant sword.

At the same time, the arms, feet, and various parts of the body began to collide with the energy giant sword, trying to knock down this terrifying giant sword!
  Even if the energy giant sword can continuously cut its body and cause damage to its body, it will not hesitate!

Just like that, the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape and the Energy Giant Sword were exhausted!
  The Heavenly Power God King Ape relies on the strength of his body to continuously consume the power of the energy giant sword. He is not afraid of death and will not retreat even one step!

The energy giant sword also seemed like the scythe of the god of death, not only tearing apart the body of the Heavenly Power God King Ape, but also smashing its body into bloody foam.

Seeing this scene, Ling Fengtian and other realm kings in the distance were shocked again.

I didn’t expect that the Heavenly Power God King Ape was so powerful and could resist the energy giant sword without dodge!
  Even if his body is severely injured, he will not take a step back!
  This is too powerful and brave!
  Ling Fengtian and other realm kings have never seen such a powerful monster!
  Not to mention Ling Fengtian and other realm kings, even Tang Yi was slightly surprised to see how powerful the Heavenly Power God King Ape was.

After all, high-level monsters like the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape usually have spiritual intelligence activated.

Once you have spiritual intelligence, you will no longer fight instinctively like wild beasts, but will understand tactics and conspiracies.

Generally, they will hide when they encounter danger, and if they have the opportunity, they will attack by surprise.

Very shrewd.

The Heavenly Power God King Ape in front of him is obviously a high-level monster, and he must have activated his spiritual intelligence!

It can be seen from its bright eyes that it is not stupid.


But it didn't use any tactics, any conspiracy, and never dodge, it was just a head-on confrontation!

I have to say that there are really not many monsters as straightforward as it.

However, it does have direct capital!
  If it were another opponent, with its inexhaustible terrifying power, I'm afraid every opponent would be able to withstand it!
  Even if it hits directly, it can crush everything!
  On the other side, the mysterious woman was also very surprised. She did not expect that the Heavenly Power God King Ape would directly receive her attack.

Although she had already investigated the information about the Tianli Divine King Ape before coming to challenge it, she knew that the Tianli Divine King Ape was straight-tempered.


But I didn’t know it had reached this level!

He didn't even hide when he was injured!
  This is too straight.


Seeing the Heavenly Power God King Ape using its powerful body to resist his own attack, even if he was injured, he would not retreat even a step. The energy of the giant sword inspired by the Heavenly Power God King Ape was being rapidly consumed under the strong resistance of the Tianli God King Ape.

Somehow, the mysterious woman had a bad premonition in her heart!

And at this moment, it was like she had a bad premonition in her heart!
  The scene that the mysterious woman least expected to see appeared.

After a fierce confrontation between the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape and the Energy Giant Sword, the winner finally emerged!
  And the final winner is the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape!

The Heavenly Power God King Ape relied on his powerful body and terrifying power to finally consume all the power of the energy giant sword!
  Although the Tianli Divine King Ape also suffered extremely horrific injuries, one arm and one foot were missing, half of his body was missing, and a section of his head was cut off.

But he survived in the end!
  And it also has good fighting power!

As for the energy giant sword, all the energy on it has disappeared and it has turned back into an ordinary blue sword.

And the moment the energy disappeared, it turned into powder!

(End of this chapter)

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