Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2733 It turns out that you are already at level 4

Chapter 2733 It turns out that you are already at the fourth level

Tang Yi's existing Vulcan helmet only increased its supreme combat power index by fifteen thousand points!

Compared with the divine power helmet I just obtained, it is countless times worse.

So there was no hesitation. After seeing the attributes of the divine helmet, Tang Yi equipped the divine helmet on the armor bar without even thinking about it.

Replaced the original Vulcan helmet!

In this way, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index dropped by 15,000 points when he took off the Vulcan helmet, but increased by 2.5 million points when he equipped the divine helmet!

With one addition and one subtraction, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index immediately increased by 2485000 points!
  Tang Yi's supreme combat power index once again increased from 123587896 points to 126072896 points!
  Move on to the next item.

[Stone of the Dark Moon]: The ultimate supreme material.

Attributes: Used for forging or inlaying weapons. Using this item to forge or inlay weapons can make the weapons obtain the effect of ghost energy. Under the influence of the effect of ghost energy, the forged or inlay items will randomly increase the supreme combat power index by 500000~50000000 points. .

Although it is not clear what the effect of the underworld energy is.

But just the random bonus of the Supreme Combat Power Index can already increase the value of the Moon Stone material in a straight line!

Increase the supreme combat power index by at least 500,000.

Increase the supreme combat power index by up to 50 million!

No matter how unlucky he is, he can still increase his supreme combat power index by 500,000. If you are lucky, you can increase your supreme combat power index by 50 million!
  Where can I find such a good thing?

What a good thing!

Tang Yi planned to keep this material and use it when forging again in the future.

On to the next item!
  [Power Stone]: The ultimate supreme material.

Attributes: Used to forge or inlay weapons. Using this item to forge or inlay weapons can directly convert the weapon's attack into divine power.

Under the influence of divine power, the forged or inlaid items will randomly increase the supreme combat power index by 5000000~300000000 points!
  Another material that can randomly increase the supreme combat power index!

Moreover, the material of this divine power stone in front of me is even better than the previous Dark Moon Stone! !

At the lowest, it can increase the supreme combat power index by five million points!

And the highest level reached 300 million points of supreme combat power index!

That is to say!

No matter how unlucky you are, you can increase your supreme combat power index by five million points!
  If you're lucky, you might have a chance to increase your supreme combat power index by 300 million points!
  In fact, this attribute can no longer be described as the best!
  But it’s super, super, super top quality!
  If you are really lucky, your supreme combat power index will be increased by 300 million points.
  That’s developed!
  You must know that Tang Yi's supreme combat power index is only over 100 million points at the moment!

More than 100 million is already extremely powerful and can crush everything.

If it really increases by 300 million points.
  So to what extent should his strength be improved?
  This is simply unimaginable!
  and so!
  Seeing the power stone, Tang Yi showed fiery eyes.

"I must collect as many materials as possible and start another hundred-material forging plan! With such great materials as the Dark Moon Stone and the Power Stone, I will definitely be able to build very good equipment!"

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

With a slight wave of excitement, Tang Yi immediately opened the information panel for the next and final harvest.

[God's Gift]: Special top-quality consumable items.

Attributes: After use, you can gain a divine power. With the blessing of God-given power, the supreme combat power index will be increased by 10 billion points!

Duration: 300 seconds.

One billion!

After using this divine gift, it can actually increase the supreme combat power index by one billion points!
  Tang Yi was shocked when he saw the attributes of God's Gift. He didn't expect God's Gift to be such a consumable item!
  One billion!
  One billion points of supreme combat power index, this is simply terrifying.

You must know that Tang Yi currently only has 100 million points of supreme combat power index, but 100 million points of supreme combat power index are already extremely powerful, already extremely terrifying, and can crush everything. How terrifying would it be with a billion-point supreme combat power index, and how powerful would it be?

This is simply unimaginable.

and so!
  Tang Yi was really shocked when he saw this item.

Because of his surprise, he couldn't help but pause slightly as he walked forward.

Seeing that Tang Yi was a little unnatural, Ling Fengtian, who was walking in front, immediately turned around and asked, "Tang Yi, what's wrong?"

Tang Yi quickly withdrew his consciousness and replied: "It's okay."

Although Tang Yi said it was okay, Ling Fengtian still glanced at Tang Yi strangely. Then, as if he had discovered something, he was slightly stunned and said, "Tang Yi, I don't know why I feel like this. It feels like your strength has improved again compared to just now! This is the second time I’ve felt this way!”

After hearing Ling Fengtian's words, everyone turned their heads.

Then, everyone like Ling Fengtian was stunned for a moment.

"Yes! I feel this way too! And this time it's even clearer than before!"

"I feel that the gap with Tang Yi is getting bigger and bigger! At this moment, he is in front of me. Although he has not used any substantive means, just standing there can put great pressure on me!"

"One person said this, maybe it's an illusion, but two people said it. Tell me, Tang Yi, what exactly did you do, and why did you get promoted again?"

"Yes, it can be said that it was an hallucination when it happened once, but it has happened twice in a row. Isn't it still an hallucination?"


Seeing how sensitive the realm kings were, Tang Yi couldn't help but smile and admitted: "Yes, I have indeed improved again! Just now, I have been promoted to the fifth level supreme."

"Fifth level supreme!"

"Level 5!"

"You've actually been promoted to fifth level!"

Everyone looked at Tang Yi in horror. No one expected that Tang Yi had actually been promoted to the fifth level!

You must know that all the supreme beings present are only at the third level!

Although it is not far from the fourth level, it is not close either. It will take a long time to break through!
  Tang Yi had already become a fourth-level supreme before this!

Just now, he broke through the fifth level of supreme!
  It also
  too exaggerated.

Of course.

If someone else advanced to the fifth level of Supreme, everyone might not be so surprised. At most, they would be envious and jealous.

But Tang Yi is different!
  The fact that Tang Yi became the fifth level shocked and surprised everyone present.

After all, how old is Tang Yicai?

Just eighteen?

Maybe eighteen is still one or two months away!

At such an age, he actually became a fifth-level supreme!

How could everyone not be surprised by this!

"It turns out that Tang Yi, you were already a fourth-level supreme before. No wonder you are so powerful that you can even kill a being like the Heavenly Power God King Ape! In fact, we should have thought of it a long time ago. If Tang Yi was not a fourth-level supreme, how could you deal with it? How could the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape be so relaxed!" Yu Zun said in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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