Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2734 Power Transformation? Supreme divine power?

Chapter 2734 Power Transformation? Supreme divine power?
  "What you said is incorrect!"

Huo Zun denied Yu Zun and said: "The Heavenly Power God King Ape should be a fourth-order or fifth-order existence, most likely sixth-order. It may even be seventh-order. Such an existence, ordinary fourth-order supreme It's definitely impossible to deal with it. Let alone dealing with it, whether you can survive or not is a question. So Yu Zun, your statement is incorrect. Tang Yi is at the fourth or fifth level. This is not the main reason. The reason why Tang Yi was able to kill the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, I don’t think it’s because Tang Yi is the fourth or fifth level, but because he is Tang Yi, and just because he is Tang Yi, he can easily kill the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape!”

"That's right! I agree with Lao Huo's statement. As far as I know, this Heavenly Power Divine King Ape in the Void Forest has already been promoted to the sixth level. Moreover, I heard that it is only one step away from the seventh level and is already half a century old. Only one foot has stepped into the seventh level. It has long been the most powerful existence in the Void Forest. Such an existence cannot be defeated by ordinary fourth-level supreme beings, let alone fourth-level ones, even if they come from fifth or sixth level, It couldn't be defeated. It couldn't even be defeated, let alone kill it easily. But Tang Yi killed it easily. So the problem is not with the fourth or fifth level, but with the fourth level or the fifth level. It's because he is Tang Yi! Because he is Tang Yi, that's why he did this!" Shi Zun said.

"Tang Yi said that he was the fourth level, so he definitely wasn't deceiving us. After all, he didn't need to deceive us. It's just that his fourth level may be much stronger than our fourth level, so he can completely crush us with his fourth level strength. Heavenly Power Divine King Ape. When he was at the fourth level, he had such great strength, so now he has been promoted to the fifth level."

Yun Zun looked at Tang Yi with burning eyes and said excitedly: "It seems that this trip is really the right one. It is really an honor for me, Shi, to get to know Tang Yi. This time we have Tang Yi here, and we will definitely be able to meet him." I have gained something from the Haoyue Ruins, and there is no problem even turning the Haoyue Ruins upside down!"

Dezun took a deep look at Tang Yi and said resentfully: "Tang Yi, you really hide it so well! If we had known you had such strength, what would we be afraid of! Why have we made so many preparations? It should have been long ago Come over here and collect all the treasures from the Haoyue Ruins."

Hearing this, everyone nodded!
  Isn't it!

If they knew that Tang Yi was so powerful, why should they be afraid of the Void Forest?

Why should we fear the ruins of Haoyue?
  Being able to easily kill a being like the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, there are other places that he cannot enter such as the Void Forest and the Ruins of the Bright Moon!


This was only possible when Tang Yi was at level four.

Now that Tang Yi has been promoted to the fifth level, his strength has become stronger and he will have more terrifying power.

Tang Yi at the fifth level will be even more unstoppable!
  With such strength, what does it mean to break into a mere Haoyue ruins?
  Therefore, everyone present agreed with Dezun's words. Everyone looked at Tang Yi with resentment, feeling that they had been deceived by Tang Yi.

"This is nothing. You are exaggerating. I am just lucky. Okay, stop talking, you just have an idea of ​​my strength. Everyone, keep moving forward and strive to reach the Haoyue Ruins as soon as possible. .”

Tang Yi said perfunctorily, not wanting to say too much on this matter.

After all, there is no need to say it. Everyone just has an idea of ​​his strength, so there is no need to boast too much.

After hearing what Tang Yi said, everyone immediately restrained themselves and said nothing more.

But everyone looked at Tang Yi with a little more respect than before.

That is the awe of the strong.

Facing the awed looks of everyone, Tang Yi didn't know what to say and could only let them go.

After all, he can't control others, right?
  After the group continued on the road, Tang Yi sank into the system again.

"Although this God-given item is a one-time consumable and only lasts three hundred seconds, it is enough! I can keep it as a trump card until I encounter a BOSS or someone I can't deal with. exists, or when you encounter danger, then use it to kill the BOSS in one fell swoop!"

"Not bad!"

Tang Yi was very satisfied with the divine gift.

No, it should be said that Tang Yi was very satisfied with this harvest. He was even more satisfied than the previous harvest when he killed the Dragon King of the Void. After checking the gods’ gifts and this time’s harvest, Tang Yi has finished checking them all.

After seeing what he had gained, Tang Yi was ready to break away from his wandering state and exit the system in his mind.

However, at this moment, a change occurred, and a reminder suddenly sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, it has been detected that player Tang Yi's power data has exceeded the limit of this stage. The system will automatically transform the player's power into a higher level of power."

"Ding, the player Tang Yi currently has a supreme combat power index of 126072896 points. This power will be upgraded for the player to a higher level."

"Ding, the supreme combat power index 126072896 points will be converted into supreme divine power according to the ratio of 1:10000000."

"Promoting conversion"

"Ding, the promotion transformation is successful, player Tang Yi's supreme combat power index is cleared, and the supreme power index increases to 13 points."


"Power transformation?"

"Convert existing power into a higher level of power?"

"Supreme divine power?"

Tang Yimeng was stunned when he saw the prompt in his mind. He didn't expect that the system would take the initiative to help him improve his strength.

And what kind of transformational power is it?
  What supreme divine power is being transformed?
  Is it just one word different from the original supreme combat power?
  At this moment, before Tang Yi could react or understand what this supreme divine power was, his body made a soft sound.


As this soft sound that only he could hear came, Tang Yi felt that mysterious power continuously poured out of his body from his dantian and poured into his limbs.

This force is very warm. After it gushes out from the Dantian, it is distributed everywhere in the body, even in every cell and blood vessel.

Start to warm and nourish all his cells and blood vessels, every part of his body.

Tang Yi felt as if he was bathing in the sun at this moment, his whole body was warm, his body and spirit were nourished, and he felt very comfortable.

In this way, Tang Yi was moving forward on the surface, but in fact, he was immersed in a state of enjoyment, constantly receiving the nourishment of that mysterious power.

I don't know how long this process lasted. As time passed quickly, this warm feeling gradually weakened until it disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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