Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2735 The attribute panel after transformation into supreme divine power

Chapter 2735 The attribute panel after transformation into supreme divine power

When that warm feeling disappears
  In the end, Tang Yi felt as if an egg shell had been broken, and a sound of breaking an egg shell sounded deep in his heart that only he could hear.

Then a terrifying energy broke the shackles, appeared in Tang Yi's body in vain, and then turned into Tang Yi's power.

At this moment, Tang Yi's body seemed to be reborn, glowing with great vitality and terrifying power.

Tang Yi felt as if he had sublimated and evolved, becoming different.

He felt his power grow stronger.

He felt his body become stronger.

He felt that his perception of the world became clearer.

All in all, a sea change has taken place.

It was as if the whole world was gradually becoming clearer in his eyes. He could see every part of the world clearly, the essence of the world, and every molecule in the air!
  In short, he became stronger!
  And it became very, very strong.

Compared to before the transformation of power, he was much more powerful, and was no longer on the same level.

At this moment, not only Tang Yi felt this way, but Ling Fengtian and the others also felt the change in Tang Yi.

Ling Fengtian and others turned their heads and looked at Tang Yi in surprise, their faces filled with disbelief.

Although Tang Yi has been promoted many times and everyone has become accustomed to it, they are still shocked when they see it here!

Moreover, Tang Yi's promotion this time gave them a completely different feeling from before!

It was as if Tang Yi was no longer a human being, but had become a god and demon.

Although they did not act deliberately, they instinctively showed a respectful attitude when facing Tang Yi, as if they were respectful to gods.

Seeing Tang Yi's changes, Ling Fengtian couldn't help but said in a daze: "Tang Yi, have you been promoted again?"

Tang Yi did not hide anything this time, nodding and admitting: "Yes, I have improved again. And this time the improvement seems to be very big, even I don't know how much I have improved!"


After hearing Tang Yi's words, Ling Fengtian and several other realm kings stared at Tang Yi. Everyone's mouths squirmed, but they didn't know what to say.

After holding back for a long time, Ling Fengtian and other realm kings glanced at each other, and suddenly they all said two words to Tang Yi: "Biandai!"

Isn’t it a side stage?

There is no such thing!
  How can you improve your strength just by walking!
  Just upgrade it once.

It has been improved several times in a row!
  Every time you walk, you will improve!
  This is too exaggerated and too sideline!

Who can improve their strength while walking?
  And it’s such a huge improvement?
  And as he walked, he made a breakthrough, from the fourth level to the fifth level.

It’s not just eating and drinking, how can it be so easy to improve?

However, Tang Yi did it.

What is this if not a side stage?
  Regarding this, Ling Fengtian and other realm kings were envious and jealous. At the same time, they kept cursing Tang Yi Biantai in their hearts. It was so shocking.


Seeing several realm kings scolding him so uniformly, Tang Yi was speechless for a moment, feeling very helpless.

Is it his fault that his strength increases as he walks?

It's not his fault!

Who calls him handsome?

Who told him to have the God of War system?

So, is this his fault? Not at all!

It's the world's fault!

It's his fault that he's too handsome.


"I knew this person couldn't be too handsome, otherwise he would be despised and envied by others. No, he is being envied again. Ouch!"

Tang Yi said proudly.

After feeling slightly proud, Tang Yi opened his personal panel.

[Player]: Tang Yi
  [Title]: Bandit Suppressor Butcher
  [Level]: 515 (fifteen-star fifth-level supreme)

[Supreme Point]: 236343/20000000
  [Supreme Coin]: 22453999
  【Angel Coin】: 34773100
  [Meritorious Service]: 10400
  [Supreme Divine Power Index]: 13
  【至尊技5/5】:天火屏障(0.3),小挪移(0.35),暗影灭魂斩(0.07),风卷破魂斩(0.1),武力沸腾(0.2)    【至尊身法】:金乌神影决(0.25)

[Finishing skill]: Demonic Soul Training Slash (0.5)

[Sub-professional]: Supreme-level alchemy (Alchemy Supreme), supreme-level second-level blacksmithing (Forging the Great Supreme), supreme-level puppetry (Puppet Supreme)...

[Special Column]: False Divine Fire (Extraordinary Fire)
  [Special Parts]: Eye of the Supreme Holy King (0.0005), Supreme Eternal Body (0.0003), Hand of the Ancient Power King (0.00035)

[Halo]: Supreme Ruler (0.00012)


[Forging Column]: Supreme Thundergod Explosive Hammer (0.0001), Supreme Ice and Fire Furnace (0.0001)

[Carrying vehicle]: Xiqin (1.228)

[Weapon Column]:
  Primary Weapon: Demon's Slave (0.4205)

Secondary weapon: Thunder Tower (0.448)

[Armor Column]:
  Helmet: Helm of Divine Power (0.25)

Mask: Mask of the Void (0.3)

Armor: Pluto Armor (0.005)

Cloak: Wings of the Void (0.0025)

Gauntlets: Gypsophila (0.015)

Armguards: Void Armguards (0.35)

Gloves: Black God Gloves (0.0035)

Belt: Sun Belt (0.5)

Ornaments: Supreme Jade Pendant (0.1)

Pants: Dark Demon Pants (0.35)

Leggings: Leiyang Xuanhuo Leggings (0.15)

Shoes: Shadow Blood Thunder Boots (0.0008)

【Accessories Column】

Necklace: Supreme Heart (0.00008)

Rings: Huayu Ring (0.0002), Supreme Xuanling Ring (0.00016), Supreme Tianmei Ziyao Star Ring (0.0001), Supreme Xuanwu Ring (0.00018), Mengyue Treasure Ring (0.001)

Formation Flag 2/3: Five Elements Heavenly Palace Flag (0.0004), Flag of Truth (0.0001)

  Item: Sky Curtain Purple Phoenix Bottle
  Equipment: Supreme Ice and Fire Divine Bow (0.00048)

Supreme special items: Armor Fusion Stone X7, vehicle performance orb x6, spiritual power supreme level orb x37.

Special items: Void Forest Treasure Map, Lingxi Supreme Gem, God's Gold and Iron, Dark Moon Stone, Divine Power Stone, Dark Soul Stone X104, Void Spirit, God's Gift.

This is Tang Yi's latest attribute panel.

I have to say that Tang Yi's attribute panel has become stronger than before.

The level has become level 515, fifteen-star fifth-level supreme!
  At the same time, Tang Yi's Supreme Coins reached a record high of more than 20 million!
  Very wealthy.

of course!

The biggest change on the property panel is not these, but the data!

After converting into supreme divine power, the data on Tang Yi's attribute panel changed dramatically.

All items and supreme combat power index have been forcibly converted into supreme divine power index!
  The Supreme Combat Power Index, which was originally tens of thousands or even millions of points, has now become a Supreme Divine Power Index with multiple decimal points, which has been reduced by ten million times.

To be honest, the data has been shrunk ten million times, which looks very unpleasant.

Compared with values ​​such as tens of thousands or even millions of points, numbers with decimal points are really ugly.


Although it doesn't look good, Tang Yi knows that this string of numbers with decimal points is much more powerful than the previous numbers of tens of thousands or even millions!
  The two are not on the same level at all.

Therefore, although the numbers with decimal points do not look good now, Tang Yi is happy to see such numbers.

After all, strength is the last word!
  (End of this chapter)

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