Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2784 Fierce battle with the Lord of Bright Moon!

Chapter 2784 Fierce battle with the Lord of Bright Moon!
  Ten minutes ago, although the young man in front of him also possessed supreme divine power, he had just entered the stage of supreme divine power and was not very profound.

But in just ten minutes, the supreme power of the young man in front of him had become extremely powerful.

Even more powerful than him, the Lord of Bright Moon, which is simply incredible.

Li Haoyue had no idea how the young man in front of him did it in ten minutes.

However, after hearing Li Haoyue's words, Tang Yi smiled contemptuously and said, "Didn't I just say that? Give me ten minutes and I can deal with you. Now do you know why I said this? Do you still think it is impossible for me to defeat you?"

"Boy, don't be arrogant. Even if you use ten minutes to improve, so what? You will still not be my opponent. You must know that I am the Lord of the Bright Moon, the most powerful existence in this world, in the sky and on the earth. I am the only one who is good, how can you be my opponent?"

Li Haoyue said contemptuously: "Besides, who are you? Are you worthy of being compared with me? Let's not talk about my identity. I used the Demon Refining Formation to resurrect, and I have obtained the body of a god and demon. I have such a physique. , how can you be my opponent! So, don’t be too happy too early!”

"Oh? Really? The body of gods and demons? Are you the most powerful existence in this world? Are you the only one in the world? You are awesome. I just don't know if your strength is as awesome as you boast. "

Tang Yi sneered.

"Then you can try." Li Haoyue also narrowed his eyes.


Tang Yi sneered and did not reply immediately. Instead, he turned his head and said to Chu Nianwei and Dezun behind him: "You should leave here as far away as possible."



Chu Nianwei and Dezun nodded immediately.

Then without thinking, he quickly left according to Tang Yi's instructions without looking back.

The two disappeared in an instant, and they didn't know where they hid.

After seeing Chu Nianwei and Dezun leaving, Tang Yi turned his head and said to Li Haoyue: "Then let me try and see how strong you, the so-called Lord of Haoyue, are!"

As he spoke, Tang Yi moved and rushed towards the Lord of Bright Moon.

Stretching out his right hand, he made a punch and punched it out suddenly.

"Dingshen Fist!"

[Dingshen Fist]: Supreme Divine Skill
  Attributes: Punch forward, causing horrific damage to the enemy. There is also a certain chance of an immobilizing effect, making the enemy target stand still. At the same time, there is a certain chance of a dilapidated effect. Under the influence of the dilapidated effect, the enemy target's defense is greatly reduced and the damage received will be doubled. (This effect depends on the strength of the opponent. The weaker the opponent, the higher the chance of success, and the stronger the opponent, the lower the chance.)

Tang Yi's punch was very violent. The moment he punched, the space was shattered inch by inch, and the space collapsed wherever it passed.

The entire space became unstable because of Tang Yi's punch.

Although there was no movement on the ground, due to the tremors of the space, the entire space was like a swaying ocean, constantly shaking.


"It looks pretty powerful, but it's not enough to defeat me!"

Li Haoyue snorted coldly, and then punched Tang Yi.

"Haoyue Fist!"


The fists of both sides collided in an instant, and the terrifying shock wave spread instantly centered on the two of them, creating a huge wave of terrifying energy.

Wherever the air wave passes, everything turns into powder.

Even the earth has been chipped away!
  Moreover, at least half a meter was shaved off! !

However, at the center of the collision, after Tang Yi and Li Haoyue exchanged punches, their bodies flew backwards uncontrollably.

They each retreated several hundred meters before stopping.

"Not bad! Come again!"

Tang Yi shouted.

He didn't expect Li Haoyue to be so strong!

Even though his supreme power index exceeded Li Haoyue's by 600,000, Li Haoyue could still be evenly matched with him. This was too strong.      It is indeed an ancient BOSS.

"Come on, come on!"

Li Haoyue was also secretly frightened at this moment.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him would actually improve.

Raised to the same level as him.

Even, it's a little stronger than him.

The collision just now, although it seemed that they were evenly matched, he actually lost slightly.

After all, he could tell that the opponent did not use all his strength, not even half of his strength.

But just now, he used 90% of his power.

Ninety percent of the strength versus half of the strength, but the fight was evenly matched.
  Li Haoyue's eyes narrowed slightly. As an ancient divine lord like Lord Haoyue, he would not be able to give in easily.

Even if the other party really improves.

Even if the other party is really that much better than him.

He still won't admit defeat!

After all, how long had he been preparing for this resurrection?
  How long did you wait for the resurrection?

After spending such a big price and spending so much time, I finally became stronger and finally obtained the body of a god and demon.

Let him admit defeat now?

How can it be!

"I, Li Haoyue, will never lose! It was the same before, and it is the same now!"

Li Haoyue roared in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, his expression condensed and he became more serious than ever.

With a flick of his right hand, he took out his own weapon, the God-Breaking Demon-Sealing Spear!

This gun is seven feet and seven inches long and is made of gold and silver. The body of the gun is like a revolving lantern, with sections of gold and sections of silver alternating with each other.

On the body of the gun, there are also seven sets of mysterious and mysterious inscriptions engraved on it. These inscriptions are hugely different from regular words. They don't look like words at all, but more like seven sets of patterns.

Faintly looking, it looked like patterns of various creatures being stabbed to death by spears, which was full of a sense of terror.

As soon as this spear came out, it added a lot of momentum to Li Haoyue.

It increased his overall aura by at least three times!
  At this moment, Li Haoyue held the God-Breaking Demon-Sealing Spear and rushed towards Tang Yi, with sharp eyes as if he wanted to tear Tang Yi into pieces.

"Well done!"

Seeing Li Haoyue take out his weapon, Tang Yi was not to be outdone and took out his own weapon with a flick of his right hand.

With the five-meter-long demon's slave in hand, Tang Yi's momentum rose instantly, like an ancient god of war, extremely terrifying.

Holding the demon's slave in his hand, Tang Yi's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly exerted force with his right hand, slashing out in the direction where Li Haoyue was flying.

"Mist Cloud Slash!"


The sword light flashed past.

Tang Yi slashed out with his sword, and the whole world shook suddenly. Because the power was so strong, the space was shattered inch by inch, revealing an endless black void.

At the same time, with Tang Yi as the center, a thick white mist appeared within several kilometers of the surrounding area. Under the cover of the white mist, the scene could not see anything clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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