Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2785 Spin and jump with my eyes closed

Chapter 2785 Spin and jump with my eyes closed

This fog not only blocks the field of vision, it can even block consciousness!
  In this mist, consciousness cannot penetrate at all. Even if others are close at hand, if they cannot hear the sound, they cannot see or feel it at all!
  It can be said that this is a real fog.

However, in such a fog, Tang Yi's eyes were not affected by anything.

His eyes were like seeing through the fog, able to see everything around him clearly.

Everything around him cannot escape his eyes.

In this way, in this heavy fog, Tang Yi found Li Haoyue's location and slashed him with a sword!
  Li Haoyue's consciousness was blocked and he couldn't see, so he could no longer know Tang Yi's location.


Although he couldn't see Tang Yi or feel where Tang Yi was, he relied on instinct and rich combat experience to find a position and blasted out with one shot!

However, this location is where Tang Yi is!

The next moment!

The two collided again.

A gun and a sword collided with fierce sparks.

The rolling energy once again swept through the surrounding areas like a torrent.

The land that had already been shaved off one layer was cut off again after this fierce collision!
  If you look at it from a distance, you can see that with the two people at the center, a huge basin has been formed on the ground, which is no less than ten meters deeper than the nearby ground!
  In addition, this basin is also in a mess, with rubble everywhere and not a single flower or grass to be seen. It seems that all life has been wiped out the moment the energy burst out.


Tang Yi and Li Haoyue clashed for the second time with swords and guns.

This time, because Li Haoyue has no vision and cannot sense, his power is slightly weaker!
  In addition, Tang Yi's supreme skill was more powerful than the supreme skill used by Li Haoyue, so Li Haoyue was slightly defeated by this attack.

After the two sides collided, Li Haoyue seemed to have been hit by a mountain, and flew out like a kite with its string broken.

It flew for dozens of kilometers until it hit the ruins of a building and slid for a few more kilometers, splashing countless smoke and dust, and then stopped!

But then, Li Haoyue flew out of the ruins and returned to the original battlefield.

After Tang Yi finished using Mist Cloud Slash, the misty fog had disappeared, and the figures of both sides were clearly visible.

At this moment, Li Haoyue stared at Tang Yi closely, her eyes cold, as if she wanted to eat Tang Yi.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a gloomy expression: "Very good, this is the first time I, Li Haoyue, have suffered such a big loss! You are very good! But that's it. Next, you won't Don’t take any advantage!”

"Oh? Really? Then we'll see."

Tang Yi replied calmly.

"Then just open your eyes and watch carefully! See how I stab you to death one by one!" Li Haoyue said through gritted teeth.

He is very angry at the moment!

Very angry!
  Eyes on fire!

And the reason why he was angry was because of Tang Yi's attitude!

Tang Yi was too indifferent.

Seeing Tang Yi who was so indifferent, Li Haoyue was so angry.

He was gnashing his teeth here, but Tang Yi was extremely calm, as if he was nothing.

You know, they are fighting!
  But it’s a tense moment!
  Moreover, it is still a high-level battle.

It’s still a battle of equal strength!
  At such a moment, shouldn’t we be nervous and serious?

Why are you acting so indifferent?
  This made Li Haoyue feel looked down upon by Tang Yi.

It felt as if this battle was not a battle with the same level, but a battle between children and adults.

Faced with Tang Yi's non-serious attitude, how could Li Haoyue not be angry!

"You're dead!" Li Haoyue gritted her teeth.

After saying that, he immediately jumped up and rushed towards Tang Yi again. The spear in his hand was dazzled by his dance, and terrifying energy torrents continued to pour out of his spear.


Li Haoyue suddenly stabbed Tang Yi with a spear and shouted: "Suppress the soul!"


The spear thrust out and the divine light was dazzling.

Li Haoyue's shot was urgent and fierce, full of endless power!

At the same time, there was a very terrifying gray energy wrapped around the spear.

This gray energy brought a huge sense of threat to Tang Yi.

And this feeling comes directly from the depths of the soul.

It seemed that this gray energy could directly threaten his soul.

Tang Yi has always believed in his intuition, so after feeling that this energy might threaten his soul, he immediately became vigilant.

At the same time, he kept a distance from Li Haoyue!

With a flick of his right hand, he replaced the demon slave in his hand with the Sun God Tower.

Lifting the Sun God Tower, Tang Yi hit it with the Sun God Tower's additional skill 'Thunder Shock Five Nights'!

After upgrading to the ninth level, the Tower of the Sun no longer needs to draw thunder from the air, but has its own divine thunder inside the tower.

Moreover, it is a tempered divine thunder!
  The tempered divine thunder will be more powerful, and the power of thunder and lightning it carries will be even more terrifying.

Just like that, a golden divine thunder was inspired by Tang Yi, shot out from the Sun God Tower, and flew towards Li Haoyue!
  Li Haoyue's eyes narrowed and he immediately dodged.

His figure moved left and right, very ethereal, and there were many figures. It seemed that he used some mysterious movement technique and could not be locked at all.

Under the influence of his body skills, Tang Yi's divine thunder strike had no effect. He blasted it away and only hit the ground, blasting a terrifying deep pit into the ground.

However, Li Haoyue used her body skills to not only avoid Tang Yi's golden thunder, but also quickly approached Tang Yi.

Feeling the strange gray energy on Li Haoyue's spear, Tang Yi certainly didn't dare to fight at close range.

So the moment he saw Li Haoyue approaching, he also started to move.

"Yao Huang Fei Shen Jue!"

Tang Yi shouted.

Immediately afterwards, his body moved, and he quickly distanced himself in the other direction at an unimaginable speed and angle.

As he moved, bursts of golden light appeared all over Tang Yi's body, wrapped in golden light. Tang Yi was like a golden man, like a moving little sun, extremely dazzling.

At the same time, when Tang Yi moved, his trajectory was also very erratic.

Sometimes it rotates and jumps to the right, and sometimes it jumps up and down, leaving golden tracks.

These golden tracks have no rules and cannot be captured at all.

And the trajectories of Tang Yi's movements are, let alone, very beautiful.

It's like painting in mid-air, carving out vivid and beautiful golden patterns.

Although it doesn't have a decent shape, the ghost-like trajectory pattern is still extremely artistic.

Feeling his own movement trajectory, Tang Yi not only did not feel as nervous as during the battle at this moment, but on the contrary, he could not help but sing a ridiculous lyric in his heart.

Spin, jump, I close my eyes.
  (End of this chapter)

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