Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2798 The Lord of the Bright Moon is sure of victory

Chapter 2798 The Lord of the Bright Moon is sure of victory

"I think Li Haoyue used some special method to absorb the energy and aura from the Black Moon battlefield for his own use, and then used his own methods to recover, so he was able to fight me until now! If not! He certainly can’t last that long!”

"I'm just telling you! How could Li Haoyue's energy be endless! How could he violate the conservation of energy between heaven and earth? That's it! It turns out he absorbed the energy of the Black Moon battlefield! Very good! As long as he doesn't have endless energy That’s it! If he absorbs the spiritual energy in the Black Moon battlefield, let him inhale it! I want to see how much he can inhale and how much he can inhale!"

"As long as the energy in the Black Moon battlefield is exhausted, I'll see how he can absorb it at that time! Once he can't absorb the energy to recover, he will become a fish on my chopping board, and I can ravage him as much as I want."

Thinking of this, Tang Yi tightened his grip on the demon slave's hand, and launched an even fiercer attack on Li Haoyue!

this moment.

Tang Yi has also thought up his tactics!
  Just consume it!
  Consume Li Haoyue to death!
  As long as the energy in the Black Moon battlefield is exhausted, as long as the means in Li Haoyue's hands are exhausted, then Li Haoyue has nothing to fear!

At that time, he can kill if he wants, and do whatever he wants!

And he now has tens of billions of Supreme Coins. He can use this wealth to buy recovery pills and eat them. If he takes one pill every second, he can take it for several years!

So recovery is no problem at all!

As long as Li Haoyue doesn't kill him instantly, he can definitely spend several years with Li Haoyue!

Under such circumstances, why didn't Tang Yi consume it?
  In this way, after Tang Yi formulated the tactics, he launched a more violent offensive and attacked Li Haoyue crazily.

The purpose is to consume Li Haoyue's power faster, so that the energy in the Black Moon battlefield can be consumed quickly!
  Of course.

Doing so would also consume a huge amount of money for Tang Yi.

After all, if Tang Yi attacks crazily, his energy will be used very quickly.

When the energy is gone, he needs to take pills to recover.

In this way, the frequency of using elixirs to recover will become faster!

More pills will be consumed.

Therefore, while Li Haoyue was being consumed, Tang Yi himself was also being consumed rapidly.

But Tang Yi doesn't care!
  After all, he has more than 20 billion Supreme Coins. Even if the consumption speeds up, it will not be possible to use them all in a while.


Doing so is actually worthwhile in Tang Yi's opinion.

You must know that the opponent is the Lord of Haoyue, a thousand-level BOSS.

Isn't it normal to challenge such a BOSS and pay a small price?

Compared to the price, the rewards are definitely richer!
  So it’s nothing to spend a little money at this moment.

Not to mention spending all the 20 billion Supreme Coins he has, Tang Yi is willing to spend even another 20 billion Supreme Coins!
  and so!
  Tang Yi didn't care about consumption at all and just attacked Li Haoyue like this!
  Li Haoyue also felt the changes in Tang Yi and felt the pressure from Tang Yi's crazy attacks.

But at the beginning, he didn't know Tang Yi's plan. He only thought that Tang Yi wanted to end the battle quickly, so he launched a crazy attack.

He even speculated whether Tang Yi's energy had been exhausted? Otherwise, why would it be so crazy to change the attack rhythm?

Therefore, when he saw Tang Yi becoming crazy and attacking ferociously, he not only didn't care, but even showed contempt and disdain.

but! As time went by, Li Haoyue slowly felt that something was wrong!
  Because the opponent didn't show any signs of exhaustion or exhaustion of energy, on the contrary, he became even more ferocious!
  The attacks are getting sharper and stronger!

This situation is very strange!
  After all, the attack intensity has increased so much, and the power has also increased so much, the consumption must be even greater!
  However, even though the consumption has increased so much, and after fighting for so long, there is still no fatigue, and the energy is still not exhausted.
  This is too strange!

It's impossible for normal people to do this!
  Of course, Li Haoyue has discovered this before, and this is not the point!

The point is, why did the opponent's attack suddenly become fierce?

What purpose do you want to achieve?
  Thinking of this, Li Haoyue seemed to suddenly think of something, and blasted Tang Yi away with a sudden blow. After pulling away from him, he said in surprise: "Did you notice?"

"Ha! This is my base. You still want to hide your little trick from me? How can the majestic Lord of the Bright Moon be so ridiculous?" Tang Yi sneered.

"It seems that you really know! You know that I can draw energy from your space force to recover, so you stepped up your offensive with the intention of consuming me and consuming all the energy in the space. At that time, I will Can’t recover! You’re planning to win me like this, right?”

Li Haoyue had to say that she was very smart. After just a little thought, she immediately guessed Tang Yi's plan.

But Tang Yi didn't mind. It didn't matter if Li Haoyue guessed correctly. After all, what would happen if Li Haoyue guessed correctly?

Can it turn things around?

Can you think of a solution?
  It can't be better at all.

So Tang Yi is not false at all.

He even answered frankly: "Yes, you guessed it right, and then what! How are you doing?"

"Although I don't know what method you used to recover your power continuously, but! No matter what method you use, you can't defeat me! Even if I can no longer draw energy from your space, you will still It’s impossible to defeat me!”

Li Haoyue vowed to do so.

Tang Yi smiled coldly and said, "Oh? Really? Then let's give it a try!"

While speaking, Tang Yi rushed forward again carrying the devil's slave.

The two sides soon fought together.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the venue, a bloody storm broke out again.

the other side.

The reason why Li Haoyue was so swearing was because he didn't believe that Tang Yi could recover continuously!

I don’t believe that Tang Yi’s power is inexhaustible!

Because he doesn't believe this, he swears so confidently!
  Although Tang Yi doesn't seem to be tired now, in Li Haoyue's opinion, it is only temporary and he is just trying to hold on. He will not be able to hold on for a while.

At least until all the energy in this space is absorbed, he will definitely not be able to hold on.

After all, no one can achieve inexhaustible power!
  Even he, the God Lord who has survived for who knows how many years, can't do it. How can this junior who has no hair in front of him do it?
  That's why Li Haoyue was so calm and not afraid of competing with Tang Yi for the longest time!

It is because of this that at this moment, Li Haoyue not only did not panic at all, but instead looked confident of victory.

It seems like everything is under his control!
  (End of this chapter)

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