Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2799 Li Haoyue is scared

Chapter 2799 Li Haoyue is scared
  But what Li Haoyue didn't expect was that this time he calculated wrong!
  He misjudged the situation and underestimated Tang Yi's methods!
  He didn't expect Tang Yi to have a system.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yi could use the system to purchase elixirs to recover!
  Using this method, Tang Yi was really able to recover continuously.
  The power is really inexhaustible!
  It was Li Haoyue's underestimate that led to his misjudgment.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

At this moment, although Li Haoyue continued to absorb the energy in the Black Moon battlefield to replenish himself, he was fighting with Tang Yi inextricably.

But as time goes by, as Tang Yi launches a crazy offensive, the energy in the Black Moon battlefield is rapidly decreasing!

An hour passed, and the energy in the Black Moon battlefield could clearly be felt passing away rapidly.

Three hours later, the energy in the Black Moon battlefield has been reduced by at least a quarter.

Seven hours have passed, and the energy in the Black Moon battlefield has gradually changed from the original rich state to ordinary, and slowly changed in the direction of thinning.

Fifteen hours have passed, and the energy in the Black Moon battlefield has been reduced by more than half. Compared with the beginning, the rich spiritual energy has become much thinner.

If we really want to compare, the energy in Black Moon Battlefield was as thick as a wall before, but now the intensity of energy is as thick as a piece of paper. I don’t know how much thinner it is!
  At the same time, the overall magnitude has also been reduced from the level of the sea to the level of the river.

In terms of quantity, it has been reduced by at least one level.

Twenty hours have passed, and the energy and spiritual energy in the Black Moon battlefield have become so thin that they are no longer as good as a piece of paper.

Compared with the original size, it is not even as large as a creek.

At this moment, as long as you are not stupid, you can feel the changes in the energy and spiritual energy in the Black Moon battlefield.

Anyone with a little bit of brain would know that the energy and aura in the Black Moon battlefield are decreasing at the current rate.

Soon, perhaps the energy and aura will disappear completely.

Maybe three hours, maybe an hour before it disappears.

By then, the entire Black Moon battlefield will become a dead place without a trace of energy and aura. No matter what method is used, the power will be greatly reduced.

At that moment, Li Haoyue wanted to draw energy and aura from the Black Moon battlefield?

Don’t even think about it!
  At this moment, no matter how stupid and conceited Li Haoyue was, she understood the seriousness of the matter.

At this moment, he finally panicked!

Li Haoyue really didn't expect that the young man in front of him had such strong endurance.

I can actually hold on to this moment!
  More than twenty hours!
  More than twenty hours have passed!

More than twenty hours had passed, and the young man in front of him was still attacking like a mad dog.

It's like a mad dog with no emotions and no fatigue!

The most exaggerated thing is that his energy is inexhaustible. More than twenty hours have passed, and he still has terrifying energy and can still use terrifying methods!

Still attacking crazily.

This is too exaggerated and incredible.

Li Haoyue was dumbfounded at this moment.

As the Lord of Haoyue, even though he has an incomparably vast knowledge, he has never seen such a scene.

He has never seen anyone possess such heaven-defying means!

Yes, an outrageous method!

Tireless and inexhaustible, what is such a method if it is not a method that goes against the will of heaven?
  With such means, who would be his opponent?
  Others will get tired from fighting, and there will be a limit to the methods they can use.

But he didn't.

As his opponent, who will not collapse!
  As long as you are a human, no matter how strong you are, you have a limit!
  But he has no limits at all.

More than twenty hours have passed, and not only does his face not look tired, but on the contrary, he is still full of energy.

The strength in his body is still extremely full!
  The intensity of the attack was still huge and still crazy. Who can compare to this terrifying endurance?
  This is too exaggerated.

At this moment, Li Haoyue was really scared, really scared.

He was afraid that if he kept fighting, he would really run out of strength.

He was afraid that if he continued to fight, he would really be killed by the young man in front of him!
  However, this result was unacceptable to him.

After all, he had just been resurrected!
  He has just been resurrected from the Demon Refining and Returning Heaven Formation!
  I haven’t gone out to see the world thousands of years from now, and I haven’t enjoyed the prosperity of this world yet.

I haven’t gone out to experience the feeling of being above tens of thousands of people and overlooking all sentient beings.

You haven't experienced any of this yet, but you are about to be killed.

No one would be able to accept this.

Not to mention Li Haoyue, who has a strong self-esteem.

So, he was afraid at this moment.

He was scared.

His strong heart was shaken.

He doesn't want to fight Tang Yi anymore!

"and many more!"

Li Haoyue stopped.

However, Tang Yi ignored him at all, and the devil's slave in his hand was already waving like a dragon and a phoenix, opening and closing.

Terrifying attacks continued to hit Li Haoyue.

He looked like he was determined not to rest until Li Haoyue was killed.


How could Tang Yi stop!

In more than twenty hours, he spent at least several billion supreme coins, and finally consumed almost all the energy and spiritual energy in the Black Moon battlefield.

It took a lot of effort to suppress Li Haoyue!
  It was not easy to see the dawn of victory!
  Waiting for the energy and spiritual energy in the Black Moon battlefield to be exhausted, then give Li Haoyue a good kill.

Now let him wait?

Tell him to stop?

How can it be!

Seeing that Tang Yi did not stop and had no intention of negotiating peace at all, Li Haoyue said while dealing with Tang Yi's attack: "Friends, we have been fighting all day, can we stop fighting? How about we stop and talk?”


Tang Yi sneered, kept moving his hands, and replied: "Don't you think it's too late to say don't fight now? And we have nothing to talk about. Either you die today or I die, otherwise none of us can Get out of here."

"Are you really going to do this? We have no grievances, so there is no need to fight to the death, right?" Li Haoyue said.

"Why is it not necessary? Today we must decide the outcome! Either you leave alive, or I leave alive!" Tang Yi said decisively. Li Haoyue was not given any room for negotiation.

According to Li Haoyue's character, after hearing Tang Yi's disrespectful words, Li Haoyue might have gone crazy or even taken action.


At this moment, Li Haoyue was really scared and really didn't want to fight.

So although he was angry at the moment, he still endured it and continued to beg for peace: "You entered the Haoyue battlefield, definitely not to kill me, right? You must be to get something, right? Tell me, what do you want, as long as I can get it I can give you whatever you can get out of it! Let’s just forget about it!”

(End of this chapter)

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