Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2850 Stone platform in a special building

Chapter 2850 Stone platform in a special building
  Shortly after Ling Fengtian and his party escaped, the shock wave swept through their location and completely melted their location.

Later, the shock wave spread to a location eight thousand miles away.

Fortunately, Ling Fengtian and his party reacted quickly, and they had a strong person like Chu Nianwei who could fight with the Heavenly Power Divine Ape King to take them with them.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

It was with the help of Chu Nianwei that the group of people escaped nine thousand miles and survived.

After luckily escaping, Ling Fengtian couldn't help but said in fear: "I didn't expect that the aftermath of Tang Yi's attack on the building was so strong, and it actually spread so far! Fortunately, we were far enough away, our reaction was fast enough, and fortunately we got the Miss Chu’s help. Otherwise.”

Fire Lord also said: "I thought it was Lao De's own intention to withdraw so far. I didn't expect that the aftermath could really spread so far. It seems that I really misunderstood Lao De. Here, I want to Apologize to Lao De."

Yu Xinzhu opened her small mouth with an incredulous look on her face: "That's amazing. Tang Yi is really amazing. Cousin, I have never seen such an amazing person before."

Bai Zishi also said: "I have never seen such a powerful person. His strength and talent seem to be stronger than those geniuses in the big world."

Seeing everyone's shock, Dezun smiled and said: "This is nothing. When Tang Yi attacked the dividing wall before, the shock wave generated reached more than 17,000 miles. That time, we almost died .”

"More than seventeen thousand miles!"

"This is too exaggerated."

After hearing Dezun's words, everyone showed incredulous expressions.

"The dividing wall is even stronger than the building we just saw. If we were to break it, all of us might not be able to break it if we attack for a million years. This shows how hard the dividing wall is. However, Tang Yi broke through. This is really amazing." Dezun sighed.

Although it has passed, Dezun is still extremely shocked every time he thinks about it.

"It can be used as a dividing wall to block two powerful men. With this method, the defense is naturally strong. And Tang Yi can break it, which is indeed very powerful. There is also the aftermath of 17,000 miles. I I have never seen such a horrific aftermath in my life." Ling Fengtian said.

Everyone nodded, saying that they had never seen it before.

And just when Ling Fengtian and his party were spared and there was a lot of discussion, on the other side.

Tang Yi hit the strange building with one blow, colliding with the power of the strange building.

Then, his power defeated the power of the strange building with the force of withering and decay.


At the moment when the power of the strange building was defeated, the whole building suddenly trembled, and then spider web-like cracks appeared.


The entire strange building collapsed!
  Before, Tang Yi's attack on Lord Haoyue's building only made a gap. If he wanted to break a wall or collapse the entire building, he might have to go all out.

And now!
  Same building.

Tang Yi just threw an ordinary punch and the whole building collapsed.

The difference is extremely obvious.

It can be seen that Tang Yi is much stronger now than before!
  Of course!
  You want to know what Tang Yi's previous supreme power index was?
  It’s only at the level of tens of millions!

And now?

But it has reached the level of 100 million!
  Improved at least ten times!
  This is at least a tenfold improvement. The blessing of strength is not as simple as one plus one, but a thousand-fold increase.

With such a huge improvement, can the gap not be big?

Looking at his powerful hands, Tang Yi looked at the scene he had created in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that my strength has become so strong."

After sighing slightly, Tang Yi then sent a message to Dezun and the others: "It's okay, come here."

Hearing this, Ling Fengtian and others, who were sighing and bragging, were slightly startled, and then flew back quickly. Of course, since they are eight thousand miles apart, it will still take some time for Ling Fengtian and others to fly back.

But Tang Yi wasn't in a hurry, just stood there and waited.

Although the building in front of him had turned into ruins, and Tang Yi could enter the ruins with one step forward, Tang Yi did not choose to go in to investigate, but chose to wait.

After waiting for everyone to return, they started to investigate.

Of course.

Although he did not enter, because the outer walls of the building had all collapsed and the entire building was in ruins, Tang Yi had a clear view of the situation inside the building.

I have been able to take a look inside the building.

And inside the building.
  There isn't much in the building. It's not like the building of Lord Haoyue. There is a huge formation carved on the ground.

There is no formation on the ground of the building in front of me.
  Judging from the current ruins of the building, there are only four huge stone pillars supporting the building inside the building, and a stone platform in the middle with an area of ​​about one to two hundred meters.

There seemed to be something on the stone platform, but because the building was too big, Tang Yi was too far away from the stone platform and couldn't see what was there at all.

However, Tang Yi was not in a hurry. It was not too late to wait until Ling Fengtian and others arrived to see what was on the stone platform.

In this way, after Tang Yi broke the building, he stood there and waited.

Soon, Ling Fengtian and others returned.

After Ling Fengtian and his party returned, they saw that the building in front of Tang Yi was completely in ruins. They couldn't help but widen their eyes with great surprise.

Everyone was shocked.

Even Dezun and Chu Nianwei, who had already seen Tang Yi's power, were shocked and speechless.

Everyone held it in for a long time, and finally Ling Fengtian said: "Tang Yi, you are really too strong."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Tang Yi changed the subject and said, "Let's go in and see what's inside."


The group of people walked through the ruins of the building's outer wall and walked into the building.

And, quickly approached the stone platform in the middle.

Before, Tang Yi looked at it from a distance and thought that the stone platform was only one or two hundred meters away.

But after getting closer, I discovered that the stone platform was much larger than expected. The actual area was at least four to five hundred meters, and it was extremely wide.

Maybe it was because the distance was too far and the area of ​​the strange building was too large that Tang Yi made a mistake in his assessment.

The stone platform is about half a meter high. Tang Yi and his party can see the things on the stone platform at a glance.

Seeing something that seemed to be on the stone platform, Ling Fengtian immediately turned to Tang Yi and said, "Tang Yi, there seems to be something on this stone platform?"


Tang Yi nodded and said, "I saw it before, so I kept coming in this direction. Let's go up and see what's there."

With that said, the group of people rose into the sky and flew towards the stone platform.

(End of this chapter)

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