Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2851 People from the same world

Chapter 2851 People from the same world


Tang Yi and his party quickly boarded the stone platform.

However, the moment they stepped onto the stone platform, they saw that this lifeless stone platform suddenly came to life, and a mysterious force surged out and gathered on the stone platform.

Feeling the gathering of energy, Tang Yi and his party immediately became vigilant and secretly guarded.

Prevent this mysterious energy from sneaking up.

But obviously, the group's worries were somewhat unnecessary.

Due to the gathering of power, the entire stone platform lit up, emitting a golden light.


At this time, the Sanskrit sound sounded, the dazzling stone platform shook slightly, and runes emitting yellow light slowly rose from the ground.

These energy runes slowly rose from the ground of the stone platform, then flew into the air five or six meters away from the stone platform, and lined up in mid-air.

There are probably hundreds of energy runes, and they are neatly arranged in a certain order. They seem to be certain text sentences.

However, Ling Fengtian and his party could not understand these words and sentences at all.

  Just because Ling Fengtian and his group couldn't understand it didn't mean that Tang Yi couldn't understand it.

Tang Yi's eyes widened when he saw the energy runes above his head.

"Tang Yi, do you understand?"

Seeing Tang Yi's reaction, Ling Fengtian on the side suddenly asked in confusion.

Tang Yi nodded and said, "Yes! I understand!"

He didn't hide it, after all, it didn't make any difference to him whether he concealed it or said it openly.

Since there is no impact, instead of concealing and deceiving, it is better to speak out openly.

The reason why Tang Yi can understand these energy runes at this moment is because
  These energy runes are also earth words!

That's right!

Earth text!

In addition to the earth word "return" written on the top of the building before, the earth word appears again at this moment!
  Seeing these words, Tang Yi was immediately very curious. What was the identity of the other strong man who fought against the Lord of Haoyue? Why did he know the earth's words?

"What does it say?"

Ling Fengtian asked curiously.

Everyone looked at these runes curiously and wanted to know what these runes meant.

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Tang Yi immediately said: "Let me read it to you."

As he said that, he raised his head, looked at the runes, and said: "Hello stranger, although I don't know who you are and why you are here, but since you are here and can understand this A string of words means that we are from the same world." After reading this, Tang Yi's body suddenly shook, his pupils shrank, and he was extremely shocked.

But when he thought there were other people around him, he hurriedly hid his shocked expression completely and regained his composure.

Of course, Tang Yi regained his composure on the face, but the shock in his heart was still as turbulent as a stormy sea.

"Come from the same world? What do you mean? Could it be that the other strong man fighting against the Lord of Bright Moon also comes from the earth? He is also a time traveler? No way? There are other time travelers in this world?! No , Impossible, how could there be other time-travelers in this world. However, if this is not the meaning, then why does he know the earth's writing? And why do we say that we are from the same world? Since he knows the earth's writing, and also speaks the same World, what is this if not a time traveler?”

With infinite curiosity, Tang Yi continued to look at the runes above, and continued to read: "Maybe this is incredible. Maybe you will be shocked when you see this, and even doubt whether this is real, and doubt what I said. One world, whether that is what it means. But no matter how shocked you are or how many doubts you have in your heart, I can tell you clearly that this is true. We are the same kind of people, the same kind of people from the same world."


Thinking of this, Tang Yi's heart was filled with shock!
  If we talk about the previous paragraph, Tang Yi still doubted the other party's identity and denied that the other party was also a time traveler.

So now with this passage, all his doubts have been solved.

All doubts are gone!
  The other party is the time traveler.

A traveler from the earth like him!
  There are actually other travelers in Shengwu Continent!
  Knowing this, Tang Yi was as surprised as a stormy sea.

He never thought that there would be other time-travelers in this world.

He never thought that this time traveler would be encountered by him.

"No, if he is really a time-traveler, why would he know that there are other time-travelers in this world? Why would he leave such a text to me? And why would he know that I would come here? Why is this? This is too much Is he a prophet? The time traveler is not a god, so how could he have the ability to predict the future? This is definitely not right! I have to see why he knows this and why he left such a text!"

After suppressing the surprise in his heart, Tang Yi continued to read with curiosity: "Seeing this, I know you must be curious, curious about why I know so much, and curious about why I left such a paragraph. But I'm really sorry, because of some special reasons, I can't tell you the truth. I can only tell you that all the answers are in the relics I left behind. As long as you take my relics to look for it, in the future, you will surely You will be able to solve the mystery and get the answer you want. And the relics I left behind are in this stone platform. As long as you use your special ability, you can get the relics I left behind. Goodbye, fate People, in the future, we might meet in real life."

The text in mid-air ends here.

After reading this long paragraph, Tang Yi was filled with doubts.

"You actually know everything I'm curious about!"

"And you still won't tell me the truth? You want the truth, but you have to find it yourself?"

"This person left me something? And these things are in this stone platform? Can they be obtained by using special abilities? What is this special ability? System?"

Questions appeared in Tang Yi's mind one after another, making Tang Yi full of doubts.

Not to mention Tang Yi's confusion, Ling Fengtian and others were even more confused.

After listening to Tang Yi's gentle reading, Ling Fengtian and others were confused. Everyone looked confused and had no idea what this passage meant.

What came from the same world, what was unbelievable, what was real, what shocked and doubted, they were all confused!

I have no idea what this passage is talking about.

Except for the part where they could understand the last relic on the stone platform, they didn't understand the meaning of the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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