Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2852 Excellent Chu Nianwei

Chapter 2852 Excellent Chu Nianwei
  Ling Fengtian and his party looked confused and confused after listening to Tang Yi read the words floating in the air.

Of course, how could they understand it?

They are not time travellers.

If they are also time-travelers and can understand the characters on Earth, they will naturally understand what these characters mean.

But they are not time-travelers, and the meaning expressed by these words makes them feel that they are in the clouds.

"Tang Yi, what do these words mean? It's easy to say the latter part, but I can't understand the first part at all." Ling Fengtian said.

"It should mean leaving your treasures to the destined ones. Actually, I don't quite understand." Tang Yi pretended to be stupid.

After all, he can't tell everyone that he is a time traveler now, and the person who left these words is also a time traveler, right?

Let’s not talk about whether everyone can understand the time traveler. Even if they can understand it, who will believe it?
  No one would believe it.

Therefore, Tang Yi just pretended to be stupid.

"Leave your treasures to the one you are destined to have? I do understand the latter sentence in this way, but I still don't quite understand the first sentence. Maybe it's too profound." Ling Fengtian said.

Others also nodded, indicating that they could not understand.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. In fact, we don't need to understand. We just need to take away this senior's treasure. That's enough." Tang Yi said with a smile.

"That's right, just take away his treasure. But..."

Ling Fengtian said: "But how should we take it away? The senior said that the treasure is on this stone platform. But there is no treasure here."

Fire Lord also said: "If you want to obtain the treasure, it seems that you need to use a certain method, but we have no idea what the method is."

Hearing this, Tang Yi frowned and pondered.

Because he doesn't know what method to use to obtain the treasure.

The words just said that as long as you use special abilities, you can obtain relics.


What are the special abilities?
  But if the special ability is a system, how should it be operated?
  Tang Yi became a little confused.

Seeing Tang Yi frowning and thinking, everyone immediately knew that Tang Yi had nothing to do.

At this time, the Fire Lord said: "Or, let's use brute force to break open the stone platform and have a look? The treasure may be under the stone platform."

Yu Zun agreed: "Yes, we can give it a try. Anyway, there is nothing we can do now! Moreover, since this treasure is not above the stone platform, where else can it be except under the stone platform? So I also agree with destroying the stone platform. tower."

"If there is no other way, then try breaking open the stone platform." Yu Xinzhu also said.

Hearing this, Bai Zishi said, "I'll give it a try. Everyone, please give in."

Everyone jumped off the stone platform and retreated.

When everyone pulled away, Bai Zishi immediately spread out his figure, gathered his strength, and then used a martial arts skill he was good at and blasted away.

"Baiyue is rampant!"


Bai Zishi punched out and hit the stone platform. The huge force roared the moment it hit the stone platform.

  The stone platform was slightly motionless.

Not to mention breaking it, even leaving a trace is impossible!


Seeing this scene, Bai Zishi was a little dumbfounded.

Because that punch just now, although it was not his strongest punch, was still 90% of his strength!

Even if you try your best, it won't be much stronger than the punch just now! However, the punch with 90% strength just now was unable to shake the stone platform or leave a trace on the stone platform. So if you go all out, there won't be much change.

So Bai Zishi was very surprised when he saw this scene.

"So solid! What kind of stone platform is this? Why is it so solid!"

Bai Zishi said in shock.

Others were also very surprised when they saw this scene.

"Master Bai's strength is pretty good, but he can't shake this stone platform. This shows how strong this stone platform is." Ling Fengtian said.

"Let me try." Chu Nianwei volunteered.

Generally speaking, Tang Yi should be the one to take action on a solid object like this. After all, Tang Yi is the strongest. If Tang Yi takes action, he will definitely be able to capture it.


You can't just let Tang Yi do everything, right?

If Tang Yi is done, what do they need to do?
  and so!
  Should we take the initiative to share some, we still have to share some.

Chu Nianwei's eyebrows tightened, and with a flick of her right hand, she took out a green long sword.

Holding the green long sword, Chu Nianwei screamed and stabbed out with all her strength.

"Destroy the Soul!"


The dazzling green light surged, and the eighteen sword shadows turned into eighteen bright lights, shooting towards the stone platform.

The next moment, it hit the stone platform heavily.

Compared to Bai Zishi, Chu Nianwei's attacks were more powerful, and the aura and power she exuded were completely unmatched by Bai Zishi.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xinzhu couldn't help but sigh: "She is indeed the eldest lady of the Chu family. This strength and this explosion are extraordinary."

Bai Zishi also said: "Compared with Miss Chu, I am not as good as him."

Ling Fengtian said: "Miss Chu has such strength at a young age, and her future prospects are limitless."

Dezun nodded and said, "Miss Chu is so beautiful and extremely talented. Whoever marries her will be truly blessed for several lifetimes."

At this moment, everyone was praising Chu Nianwei, but Yu Zun, who was very straight, said: "At this age, Miss Chu is indeed a genius. But Tang Yi is even better."

Huo Zun glanced at Yu Zun with disdain and said: "Lao Yu, did you make a mistake? Can Tang Yi be compared? Is he a human? He is just a monster! Compared with monsters, who can compare with him? Yes? Miss Chu is competing with people, not monsters. Among people, Miss Chu is already the best, very good. There is no need to compare with monsters."

Ling Fengtian nodded and said, "That makes sense."

Others nodded.

On the side, Tang Yi's face was dark, and he complained in his heart: "What the hell! Although I really shouldn't compare Chu Nianwei with myself, why am I a monster? Why am I not a human being? I am also an ordinary person, okay? good?"

Of course, complaints are complaints, but Tang Yi still fully recognizes Chu Nianwei's strength and talent.

After all, at this age, he rarely sees someone with such strength, especially a woman.

A woman, in her twenties, has strength comparable to those in her seventies and eighties, comparable to those immortals who have lived for hundreds of years. This is already very powerful.

Compared with anyone else, he is already a first-class genius.

But recognition is recognition, but Tang Yi didn't think Chu Nianwei's blow would have any effect.

after all
  This is no ordinary stone platform.

The person who built the stone platform was not an ordinary person, but a time traveler.

(End of this chapter)

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