Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2863 1 point of starlight

Chapter 2863 A little starlight

"Okay, I'm right here. I want to see how you use force."

Tang Yi replied.


The other party let out a sigh, as if he didn't expect Tang Yi to say that, let alone that Tang Yi would resist.

After a moment of silence for two seconds, the other party said again: "Are you going to give me a toast instead of eating a fine drink? Are you sure? Do you know the consequences of going against us?"

"If you think so, then so be it! Anyway, I don't have time to talk to that god of yours. Besides, I don't know what the consequences of going against you will be. Even if I know, I won't care!"

Tang Yi said calmly.


The other party sneered and said rudely: "It seems that you really want to drink a toast instead of eating it. Well, if that's the case, don't blame us for being rude."

As he said that, the other party fell silent.

After a moment, the opponent's black warship shook slightly, and then, it lit up with a dazzling light.

For a moment, the void was like day, and the black battlefield became the only light in the void, like the sun in the dark night, extremely dazzling.

Seeing the opponent's warship light up, Tang Yi sneered and said, "Ha! Comparing aircraft with me, can you compare?"

With that said, Tang Yi didn't do anything, just stood there waiting for the other party's movements.


After the opponent's black warship continued to shine for about ten seconds, a roar suddenly broke out, and a huge ball of light burst out from the opponent's warship and shot towards Tang Yi.

Halfway through the flight, the huge ball of light suddenly turned into a giant net in the sky, spread out, fell from the sky, and immediately enveloped Tang Yi's Xiqin.

Facing this giant net in the sky, Tang Yi was calm and unmoved, seemingly not worried at all.

On the side, Chu Nianwei felt slightly nervous because she felt the terrifying power carried by the giant net.

However, even though she was nervous, out of her belief in Tang Yi, she didn't say anything or do anything. Instead, she and Tang Yi stood calmly on the head of the piano.

Seeing Chu Nianwei's performance from the corner of his eye, Tang Yi couldn't help but nod, thinking that this woman would become something great in the future.


At this time, a huge pale yellow net with golden light descended from the sky, all spread down, and covered Tang Yi's Xiqin.

At this moment, no matter which direction Tang Yi controlled Xiqin to escape, he could not escape the blockade of the giant net.

Of course.

Tang Yi didn't plan to escape either.

When the giant net was thrown down, Tang Yi snorted lightly.

next moment.

I saw Xiqin also emitting a faint fluorescence.

If this trace of fluorescence were in the outside world, it would definitely not be noticeable at all.

If it were illuminated by the sun, it would not be visible at all.

But at this moment, this trace of fluorescence was like the light of the bright moon, illuminating the void.

But it is different from the opponent's black warship.

The yellow light emitted by the opponent's black warship was full of impact and very violent.

The light emitted by Tang Yi Xiqin was very soft, as if she was in her mother's arms, giving her a warm feeling.

"Ding ding ding, ring, ring, ring."

And the next moment the Xiqin emitted a soft light, a melodious sound came out.

This sweet piano sound is like a goddess singing, like the earth is calling, and like heaven is resonating.

In short, it is very pleasant, full of rhythms, and full of laws of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the sweet sound of the piano seemed to be composed of notes, floating out from the Xiqin, and then forming a giant network of notes in mid-air.

This giant net just stopped above Xiqin, blocking the giant net shot by the opponent's black warship.

Two large nets collided in the sky above Tang Yi Xiqin.

  Obviously, the large network formed by Xiqin's musical notes is even better.

The big yellow net shot by the other party just hit the big net of musical notes condensed by Xiqin, and it suddenly seemed to be burned, and the places in contact melted away.

Soon, the big yellow net shot by the opponent was like a piece of paper being burned from the middle, slowly burning into ashes, and there was not much energy left to make up the big net. In just the blink of an eye, Tang Yi Xiqin's big net of notes completely blocked the opponent's big yellow net, and even destroyed it.

After resisting the opponent's attack, the large network of notes suddenly turned into melodious notes and melodies again, dispersed into the void, and disappeared.

"That's it?"

After receiving the opponent's attack, Tang Yi sneered contemptuously.

Then, he stretched out his right hand and pointed towards the black warship with a slight finger.


With a tap of Tang Yi's fingers, a bit of starlight shot out from Tang Yi's fingertips and shot towards the opponent's black warship.

Starlight is extremely fast and can fly thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Before even taking a breath, Starlight flew in front of the black warship.

Seeing a bit of starlight coming, the other party seemed to realize something, and the people on the black warship suddenly panicked.

At this moment, it was obvious that the people on the black warship were extremely panicked.

On the deck of the warship, a dozen figures were panicking and looking for a way to escape.

These people found a good direction and prepared to abandon the ship and escape.


It's too late.

Just when the figure on the black warship wanted to abandon the ship and escape, the little starlight shot by Tang Yi had already crashed into the black warship!

With just a soft sound, the entire warship instantly turned into ashes and disappeared into the void.

Although it is a little starlight, the sky is shattering!

The starlight seemed small, but it exerted unparalleled terrifying power.

Those people on the black warship probably never dreamed that this starlight would be so terrifying.

Unexpectedly, this little starlight would make it impossible for them to even escape.

Unexpectedly, the starlight would make them unable to even scream, and they would die on the spot.

They didn't expect that Tang Yi, who was talking to them, was so powerful.

If you know it.

They certainly won't pursue.

They didn't even dare to shamelessly ask Tang Yi to go with them.

Of course!
  There are no ifs or regrets in this world.

Even if they regret it, it will not help.

Besides death, their only ending is death.

In fact, it's not their fault for being careless, let alone their underestimation of Tang Yi.

After all, how could they imagine that the Tang Yi they faced was a super powerful man with hundreds of millions of supreme power indexes?

Unthinkable at all!


Each of these people who come to pursue them is a being with supreme divine power.

Each one placed in the middle world is a very powerful person in the middle world.

Each one can stand alone and suppress one side.

There are a dozen of them in total.

With such strong strength, they already feel that they can face any situation and any opponent.

That's why they speak so forcefully.

That's why they are so confident.

When talking to Tang Yi before, he was so straightforward and made no secret of his purpose!
  They were so powerful, how could they have thought that the opponents they faced would be so much stronger than them?
  How could they have thought that the other party was so powerful that they had no power to fight back, and that they could be killed with just a finger?

Can't think of it at all.

Therefore, they are not to blame for their demise, but they are to blame for their bad luck in meeting an opponent like Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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