Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2864 Traces of the War

Chapter 2864 Traces of the War
  Looking at the black warship that had disappeared in the distance, Tang Yi retracted his hand and said lightly: "Solved."



Hearing Tang Yi's voice, Chu Nianwei came back to her senses.

Although she had known for a long time that Tang Yi was very strong, she was still shocked when she saw that Tang Yi destroyed a warship in an understatement, and it was a warship with several strong men.

She just felt that the other party's black warship was a very strong and high-quality warship.

Moreover, there are at least ten powerful men on the warship.

Yes, the Mightiest.

The aura of power exuded by these most powerful men was completely different from the aura of power exuded by him!
  Chu Nianwei could feel that the aura of power exuded by these powerful people was at least one level higher than hers.

At least it has reached the level of Tang Yi!
  The reason why Tang Yi is strong is because his power level is higher.

In short, the one on the black warship
  With such a powerful man and such a sturdy warship, Tang Yi was able to destroy them in an instant.
  This is too strong.

"If Tang Yi comes back with me with such strength, my father and the family will not have anything to say, right? After all, who wouldn't like such a son-in-law? Moreover, so what if he has something to say? How can my father be stronger than Tang Yi? In the family Can a strong man be stronger than Tang Yi? As long as Tang Yi exerts a little pressure, who in our family can stop me? By then, it won't be whatever Tang Yi says? Who dares to force me at that time?"

Chu Nianwei is full of confidence in her future.

As long as Tang Yi helps her solve her family problems, she will be free to fly without any restrictions.

Thinking of this, Chu Nianwei couldn't help but feel happy.

Seeing that Chu Nianwei was inexplicably happy, Tang Yi suddenly asked in confusion: "What are you happy about?"


Chu Nianwei quickly shook her head, and then quickly changed the subject and said: "Let's leave now. Izumo Holy Land is a long way away. At the current speed, we may have to spend a lot of time to get there."

Tang Yi glanced at Chu Nianwei strangely, and then said, "Then I'll try to be as fast as possible."

With that said, Tang Yi urged Xiqin to fly out at an unimaginable speed.

Tang Yi wasn't in a hurry before, so Xiqin didn't fly very fast.

It was for this reason that Tang Yi was caught up by others.

But now, after this experience of being harassed, and after Chu Nianwei said it was a long journey, he no longer held back.

Instead, it pushed Xiqin's speed to the extreme!

Xiqin's speed was pushed to the extreme, not to mention how fast it was.

Seeing Xiqin's speed, Chu Nianwei was shocked.

When Tang Yi controlled Xiqin to move 'slowly' before, Chu Nianwei was already frightened, thinking that it was Xiqin's fastest speed.

After all, even if Xiqin walks slowly, he is still very fast.

But now Chu Nianwei knows that Xiqin's speed before was just a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning at all.

Now, it is the ultimate speed of Xiqin!
  At the same speed as before, it would probably take Tang and Yi several days to reach Izumo Holy Land.

But after Tang Yi pushed Xiqin's speed to the extreme, the two of them might be able to reach the Izumo Holy Land in one day.


In this way, in order to avoid trouble, Tang Yi pushed Xiqin to the extreme, and the two of them headed to the Izumo Holy Land at a terrifying speed.

Bright Moon Battlefield. As time went by, the face of the leader of the men in black who entered the battlefield of Haoyue became more and more gloomy.

If you could see the face of the man in black behind the mask, you could see that his face was the color of pig liver at this moment.

The reason for this is because the huge Haoyue battlefield is already covered with traces of exploration.

Most importantly, the two most critical buildings.

That is, the burial ground of two ancient powerful men has also been explored.

One of the burial places of these two ancient powerful men was in ruins, while the other was directly razed to the ground.

Seeing this scene, can the leader of the man in black not look ugly?

Two key buildings have been explored, so wouldn’t the treasures in the buildings have been taken away?
  In other words, the two men and women who went out before really took away the treasure!
  How could the leader of the men in black be in a better mood after knowing this?

At this time, a subordinate of the man in black quickly came to the leader of the man in black to report.

"How's it going! Did you find anything?" the leader of the man in black asked.

"Reporting to the throne of God, we have explored most areas of the Haoyue battlefield in batches and found nothing. However..." The man in black hesitated to speak.

"But what."

The leader of the man in black looked sharply, exuding a sharp look.

It seemed that if his men hesitated for just a moment, he would kill them.

Feeling the fierceness in the eyes of the leader of the man in black, the subordinate of the man in black looked at him and hurriedly reported: "Reporting to the throne, although we did not find the treasure or any traces of the treasure, but! We found something strange. place."

"Strange place?"

The leader of the men in black was confused.


"We found that there were traces of a great battle near the cemetery of Lord Haoyue. Moreover, they were traces of a shocking battle! The traces left behind by this shocking battle were extremely terrifying. The ground there was lower than the ground nearby. It spread at least a thousand kilometers! And it spread far and wide, at least hundreds of kilometers."

The men in black report.

"A trace of the war? A trace that was thousands of meters deep and spread to hundreds of kilometers?" the leader of the men in black asked in surprise.

"Exactly!" the man in black replied.

"This place is the battlefield of Haoyue. It is an ancient battlefield. Isn't it normal for there to be traces of a great battle? Although the traces of this battle are indeed terrifying, the Lord of Haoyue and the Lord of Earth Spirit are both ancient powerful men. It is also natural to have such terrifying traces. It's not impossible." The leader of the men in black thought for a while and said.

But the man in black said: "But these traces are all new! In other words, just before we arrived, someone had another shocking battle! The intensity of the battle was extremely high! Both sides of the battle were extremely strong. !”

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the leader of the man in black suddenly opened his eyes with shock on his face.

"Reporting to the God Throne, it's absolutely true! My subordinates will never dare to deceive the God Throne!" the subordinate said seriously.

Hearing this, the leader of the men in black thought for a moment, and then said: "Let's go, take me to see it quickly."

In this way, the two came to the location where Tang Yi and Li Haoyue fought before.

Looking at the messy battlefield that had sunk thousands of meters deep, the leader of the men in black said in shock: "It's really the latest thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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