Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2883 The eye of deification, the power of deification

Chapter 2883 The eye of deification, the power of deification

The divine light that just erupted from Tang Yi's eyes covered the three city walls, covering at least tens of thousands of warriors from the Chu family and two to three hundred thousand warriors from the three combined forces.

And these warriors who were covered by the divine light, as long as they were warriors of the Chu family, all received an increase without exception.

Strength is greatly increased, momentum is greatly increased, recovery speed is greatly increased, and injuries are healed instantly.

On the contrary, the warriors of the three forces combined, without exception, all turned into starlight and disappeared from this world.

It was as if it had never appeared.

Even the top-level warriors from the Tianyi Sect, the Hong Family, and the Mo Family were not spared, and none of them escaped turning into starlight.

At this moment, the entire scene was empty.

In the place that was previously illuminated by the divine light, all the warriors from the three families disappeared, leaving only the warriors from the Chu family.

The originally crowded city became extremely empty.

At this moment, there was no killing, no smell of blood, no corpses, nothing at all.

What was left at the scene were countless stars.

Even the corpses, bloodstains, and various flesh and blood that had been piled up on the top of the city all turned into starlight and disappeared into this world.

The entire city became extremely clean and tidy.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an ordinary warrior from Tianyi Sect and earning 123454 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an elite warrior from the Tianyi Sect and earning 45814561 Supreme Points and 1000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a top expert from the Tianyi Sect and earning 95421524 Supreme Points and 10000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an ordinary warrior of the Hong family and earning 256252 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an elite warrior of the Hong family and earning 9521524 supreme points and 1000 supreme coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a top expert from the Hong family and earning 56825141 supreme points and 10000 supreme coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an ordinary warrior of the Mohist family and earning 324521 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an elite warrior of the Mohist family and earning 5258542 Supreme Points and 1000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a top powerhouse of the Mohist family and earning 65214521 Supreme Points and 10000 Supreme Coins."


"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Ten-star ninth-level supreme. The supreme power index has increased by 10000000 points."

Tang Yi's mind was filled with at least hundreds of thousands of reminders.

Under his feet, a light-colored halo also lit up.

Among these tips, there are tips for killing Tianyi Sect warriors.

There are tips for killing Hong family warriors.

There are also tips for killing Mohist warriors.

All kinds of things.


Because these warriors were all warriors with low strength and low level, they did not give Tang Yi too many supreme points.

Therefore, these hundreds of thousands of tips only promoted Tang Yi to one level.

It has been upgraded from level 909 to level 910, which is the ten-star ninth level supreme! !
  He is only the last ninety levels away from becoming the top supreme.

To be honest, Tang Yi is very much looking forward to what state he will be in after the Supreme and how strong he will be!

So at this moment, he very much hopes to reach the top level and then break through!

Of course, although I really want to reach the top level now, this is also a long-term thing and there is no rush.

After all, after being promoted to the level of ninth level supreme, the speed of promotion slows down. Every time you advance to a level, you need a huge amount of supreme points.

Such a level of difficulty cannot be achieved just by reaching the top level.

It is estimated that it will take a lot of killing monsters, or accumulating for a period of time.

Moreover, after reaching the top level of supreme, it is not possible to break through just by thinking about it.

According to past experience, after reaching the top level of supreme, if you want to break through to the top level of supreme, you must meet several conditions. For example, some spiritual power, such as Supreme Coin.

In short, there are several conditions that are difficult to achieve.

Only if these conditions are met can you advance.

Therefore, Tang Yi can't rush now.

And at this moment when all kinds of reminders were flying in Tang Yi's mind, the scene was extremely silent.

It seems that the location is not the Chu family, but a wilderness or desolate mountain top.

Because at this moment, the sound of weapons clashing throughout King Chu City disappeared.

The shouts of fighting disappeared.

Even the sounds of voices and the slight friction sounds from body movements disappeared.

The scene was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that this was not the King of Chu's city, but a dead city.

It was too quiet.

And that's why it's so quiet.

It's because of this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The people in Tianyimen are stupid.

The Hong family members were stupid.

The people of the Mo family were stupid.

Even the people of the Chu family were all dumbfounded.

At this moment, the only remaining members of the Chu family on top of the city looked at each other. They all stared at each other, their faces full of confusion, and they had no idea what was going on.

He had no idea why his opponent had disappeared.

I don't understand at all why the city, which has become extremely crowded, is empty.

They also don’t understand at all that their opponents are in trouble and why they are fine.

Not only were they okay, their condition actually got better!

There seems to be endless strength!

This scene is too magical and exaggerated.

It was so miraculous that no one in the Chu family could understand it, and so exaggerated that it was beyond everyone's understanding.

As for the people of the Hong family, the Mo family, and the Tianyi sect, they were not in the same mood as the Chu family.

These people were not illuminated by Tang Yi's divine light and survived.

And the number of these people is only 200,000 to 300,000.

In other words, Tang Yi's attack just now directly killed half of the troops of the three forces.

The three forces were almost defeated together.

It was more than the Chu family had killed in such a long fierce battle.

And these surviving troops, although they are equally shocked, equally confused, and equally stupid at this moment.

But unlike everyone in the Chu family, they were frightened!
  Moreover, he saw such a terrifying scene, saw his companions turn into stars and disappeared, and saw most of his troops disappear in an instant.

They are all in bad shape!
  Fear surged into their hearts instantly, causing their bodies to tremble.

After all, since that burst of divine light could kill their companions, it must also be able to kill them!

Among those people just now, some are still the top combat power among the three of them!

There are still strong ones!
  That burst of divine light was able to kill even their strong men.

So, how can they not be afraid?
  But what puzzled them was.

It was clear that the Chu family was also at the top of the city, and that burst of divine light also shone on the Chu family. Why was it that the Chu family was fine, but the people from the Tianyimen, Hong family and Mo family turned into starlight and disappeared? Already?
  (End of this chapter)

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