Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2884 Everyone’s reaction

Chapter 2884 Everyone’s reaction

Not far away, the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family were shocked when they saw a large number of children from the three families turning into starlight.

If ordinary tribesmen and ordinary disciples die, forget it.

There are so many people like this. If that doesn't work, just give birth to a few more or recruit a few more. It's not a big deal, it's very easy to solve.


There were many elites who had just disappeared together with the ordinary tribesmen and disciples and turned into starlight!

These people, the geniuses of their family, have spent countless resources to cultivate elites, and they are the elites among the elites!
  These people are precious resources for the three of them!
  It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge wealth.

However, just say that and it’s gone!


Not even a body was left behind!
  This is too heavy!

Seeing this scene, the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family were shocked, angry, confused, and heartbroken.

Various emotions, very complex.

Actually at this moment.

The most shocked person was not the heads of the Hong family and the Mo family, nor the joint disciples of the three families present, but the head of the Tianyi sect in the sky who was watching the battle as an outsider!
  His current mood is simply more turbulent than the stormy sea!

His eyes were widened with a look of disbelief.

After all, he knows more than everyone present!
  I also saw Tang Yi take action with my own eyes!

He had no idea that the young man standing on the guzheng flying instrument had such ability!
  As soon as his eyes glowed with golden light, the children of the three families were instantly wiped out!
  Moreover, the number reaches hundreds of thousands!
  With just one glance, hundreds of thousands of warriors were killed.

What kind of skill is this?
  What method is this?
  What kind of strength does this require?
  The leader of the Tianyi Sect was completely stunned!
  After all, you must know that among the hundreds of thousands of people who were killed, there were elite warriors.

These elites have extremely high combat power.

Among them, there are existences with the highest level of divine power.


He also sent down twenty Tianyi secret guards just now, who are also top-notch combat power and have extremely high supreme power.

Looking at the world, he is also at the top level of powerhouses!
  However, such a being actually turned into starlight and disappeared just like other ordinary warriors!

Even such an existence cannot stop it!

At this moment, the Tianyi Sect Master glanced around and saw that of the twenty-five Tianyi secret guards he had sent out, less than five were left. Moreover, these five people had been frightened and were in extreme fear. He seemed to be frightened by the attack just now!

This is too scary!

If the leader of the Tianyi Sect tries his best, even performs beyond his level, or even uses various means, he still cannot display such strength at all!
  It is completely impossible to achieve such an effect!

He can kill hundreds of thousands of people in an instant.

But killing hundreds of thousands of warriors in an instant, and warriors with top supreme divine power, he simply cannot do this.

Therefore, the young man killed so many people and so many strong men just by looking at them, which shocked the leader of the Tianyi Sect.

Seeing that the other party used such terrifying methods and produced such horrific results, the Tianyi Sect Master's face became extremely gloomy.

Seeing that strange guzheng flying instrument, he had a bad feeling.

Seeing the other party using such terrifying methods at this moment, the bad premonition in his heart became even worse. ,

After pondering for a while, the Tianyi Sect Master calmed down a little, raised his head towards Tang Yi in the sky, and asked in a deep voice. "Did you do this?"

"Otherwise? Who else?" Tang Yi responded with a smile.

Although the voice was soft, it spread throughout the audience.

Hearing Tang Yi's voice, the whole place was in an uproar.


King Chu Ren, the head of the Chu family, was shocked when he saw a strange man standing next to Chu Nianwei. Moreover, this strange man was so heroic and had just admitted that he was the one who had done the trick.

At the same time, he also looked confused!

He really couldn't figure out when Chu Nianwei knew such a terrifying existence!

I can’t even figure out how such a young man could be so capable!

It is both a large-scale cure and a large-scale destruction of enemies. These methods are too exaggerated and too powerful.

King Chu Ren has been the head of the Chu family for so many years, but he has never seen such a powerful young man.

"Could it be that the person who just took action was not actually him? But someone else? He just stood up to cover up the existence of the person behind it? Otherwise, how could such a young man have such ability? !”

"I have never seen this young man before. I think Xiao Wei met him outside!"

"Maybe he fell in love with my Xiaowei's appearance and wanted to marry our Chu family, so he followed Xiaowei to join us now!"

"This young man may have an extraordinary background and a very powerful backing. His strength may not be very good, but behind him there is an extremely terrifying strong man. It may have been the strong man behind him who acted just now."

After thinking for a moment, King Chu Ren suddenly realized that he thought he had figured out the truth of the matter.

Thinking that Tang Yi fell in love with Chu Nianwei's appearance, so he helped Chu Nianwei.

Even though Tang Yi had just admitted in person that he was the initiator, King Chu Ren still felt that Tang Yi had an extraordinary background, had a backstage, and had strong people protecting and taking action in secret, which resulted in the shocking result just now.

I think it was because this powerful man was too strong that the people present didn't notice it.


The face of the Tianyi Sect Master was extremely gloomy.

He and the head of the Chu family have different ideas.

He didn't think that the person who just took action was the strong man behind Tang Yi.

In his opinion, the person who just took action was the young man sitting on the guzheng flying instrument in the sky.

After all, he was close and had been observing the young man. When the young man took action just now, when his eyes were shining, he saw everything!

Therefore, compared to the head of the Chu family, he can understand better who is responsible!

At this moment, hearing Tang Yi's personal admission, the Tianyi Sect Master's heart sank to the bottom of his heart, and he began to retreat.

But he was still a little unwilling to back down like this at this moment!

After all, he has worked so hard for this day.

In order to defeat the Izumo Holy Land, he also made countless plans.

They have worked so hard to achieve this, and they almost succeeded. As long as the Chu family is destroyed, the middle world of Izumo Holy Land will be theirs.
  Their Heavenly Sect will then be able to control both realms and develop even stronger.

It's easier said than done to ask him to give up now!
  Therefore, although he was retreating in his heart at this moment, although he had a bad premonition and felt that this time it was impossible, the leader of the Tianyi Sect still decided to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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