Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2886 Chu Nianwei’s trust

Chapter 2886 Chu Nianwei’s trust

Tang Yi squinted at the Tianyi Sect Master below.
  Some people are confused as to how the leader of the Tianyi Sect dares to put forward such a condition.

How big is his face?

pay the price?

As long as you don't take action?
  How dare you?

However, he didn't feel Tang Yi's emotions, and he didn't know that Tang Yi was looking at him like a fool. Seeing that Tang Yi didn't speak, the Tianyi Sect Master continued: "How is it? Is it okay? Young Master As long as you don’t take action, no matter what you want, our Tianyimen will satisfy you. No, it should be said that no matter what you want, our Tianyimen, Hong family and Mo family will satisfy you!"

"Yes, young master, as long as you don't care about this matter, we can satisfy you whatever you want!"

"Yes, yes, we will satisfy you."

The head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family echoed.

After hearing the words of the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family, the head of the Tianyi Clan said: "Look, the two families agree! Young Master, what do you think?"

"Whatever I want, you can satisfy it?!"

Tang Yi asked.

Hearing Tang Yi's question, Chu Nianwei beside Tang Yi was slightly startled.

Below, the head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, snorted coldly and said in his heart: "Humph, I know that this person has bad character. The reason why he helped our Chu family is because he took a fancy to Xiaowei's beauty. If Otherwise, there is no way he can help! At this moment, someone else promised a more generous reward, and this person immediately changed his mind. This shows that his conduct is very bad! There is absolutely no way I would marry Xiaowei to such a person! snort!"

The head of the Tianyi Sect in the sky, the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family below heard Tang Yi's inquiry and secretly smiled, thinking that Tang Yi really did this.

The leader of the Tianyi Sect said: "Yes, we can satisfy whatever you want! No matter what it is!"


Tang Yi sneered and said, "You don't even look in the mirror when you brag! I want the flying instrument under my seat, do you have it?"



The leader of the Tianyi Sect said: "We really don't have this one!! Master, can you change it to another one?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi waved his right hand and summoned the strange fire.

As soon as the purple flames appeared, the temperature of the entire King Chu City instantly increased by dozens of degrees, becoming extremely hot! !

No matter whether they were ordinary people or those powerful warriors, they all felt a terrifying heat wave.

Under the heat wave, everyone is stressed and sweating profusely!
  After summoning the strange fire, Tang Yi asked the Tianyi Sect Master: "Do you have this? I want this, can you get it?"

"this is"

The leader of the Tianyi Sect stared at the small flame in Tang Yi's hand in surprise and said: "This is the fire of heaven and earth! You actually have such a treasure as the fire of heaven and earth! Legend has it that the fire of heaven and earth was bred by heaven and earth. The unique treasure in the underground. This kind of flame is so powerful that once it appears, it will spread thousands of miles away! At the same time, it has a strong self-awareness, and its consciousness is extremely unruly. It will not surrender to anyone at all. Even if it is suppressed by force, it is difficult to control it! You can actually Possessing such a treasure and taming it at the same time! How is this possible!"

Hearing the words of the Tianyi Sect Master, everyone present looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

Whether it was people from the Hong family, people from the Mo family, or Chu Nianwei, everyone present was shocked by Tang Yi.

You know, that is the fire of heaven and earth!

But the unique fire of heaven and earth in heaven and earth!

A natural spiritual creature with self-awareness and great power!

Such a treasure of heaven and earth is the most precious and rarest treasure in this world.

Such a treasure is difficult for the world to obtain, and even if it is obtained, it cannot be tamed and used!
  The young man in the sky has it!
  Possess this heavenly and earthly precious item!
  This is too awesome. Everyone present did not expect that Tang Yi would have such an item.

After hearing the words of the Tianyi Sect Master, King Chu Ren, the head of the Chu family, couldn't help but be slightly stunned and surprised. At the same time, he couldn't help but think highly of Tang Yi.

  It's just a bit of a high opinion.

In his heart, Tang Yi still did not meet the standards to become his son-in-law!
  And in his opinion, Tang Yi is now imposing conditions on the other party.

It's just that the conditions given by the other party did not satisfy Tang Yi.

As long as Tang Yi's conditions are met, Tang Yi may compromise without hesitation!
  This is King Chu Ren’s idea.

So even if Tang Yi showed the treasure of heaven and earth, the strange fire, and showed his own heritage, he still didn't like Tang Yi.

Even more disgusting.

"Tang Yi, you actually have such a treasure!"

Chu Nianwei said in surprise: "I once read our family's ancient book. The ancient book records that the fire of heaven and earth, also known as the strange fire, is the most powerful and pure creature between heaven and earth. Such a creature is difficult for ordinary people to meet, even if If you encounter one, even if you use force to suppress it, it will be difficult to subdue it and recover it. Even recovering it is extremely difficult, let alone using it freely. And you"

"The fire of heaven and earth in your hand seems to be of a very high level! Although under your control, I cannot feel the power of this fire of heaven and earth, nor can I feel its temperature, but I can know that it is very powerful. The level is very high!”

"And Tang Yi, you have not only tamed such a high-level flame, but you can even use it to the point where you can freely control it! This is so amazing!"

"Looking at your current control, the alien fire can be driven like an arm under your control. Doesn't that mean that as long as you have a thought, you can fly thousands of miles away? Can you let the alien fire burn all over Izumo?"

Hearing Chu Nianwei's words, Tang Yi turned his head and said lightly: "I'm afraid I can't burn the entire Izumo, but I should still be able to burn half of Izumo!"



Chu Nianwei was shocked.

Even though she knew Tang Yi was powerful, she was still shocked when she heard Tang Yi's words.

And just now, Tang Yi didn't deny her words!
  There is no denying her words, that is to say, this purple flame is really the advanced fire of heaven and earth!
  That is to say!

Tang Yi is really driven like an arm!

Just a thought can burn half of Izumo!

Knowing this, how could Chu Nianwei not be shocked.

As for Tang Yi who suddenly made a condition to the leader of Tianyi Sect just now,
  Chu Nianwei didn't take it to heart at all.

Although she was confused, she would not question Tang Yi!
  She believed in Tang Yi very much.

I believe in Tang Yi's character and I believe that Tang Yi will not give up on her.

After all, he was different from the head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren.

King Chu Ren has never been in contact with Tang Yi, but she, Chu Nianwei, has been in contact with Tang Yi for some time. She knows Tang Yi's character.

The head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, didn't know Tang Yi's character, so there was such a misunderstanding.

But she knew Tang Yi's character, so there was no misunderstanding!

Although Chu Nianwei didn't understand why Tang Yi did this, Chu Nianwei believed that Tang Yi had his reasons.

Tang Yi will definitely not betray himself.

(End of this chapter)

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