Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2887 All are treasures

Chapter 2887 All are treasures
  "It's okay, but not great!"

Tang Yi said calmly to Chu Nianwei, then turned his head, looked down at the Tianyi Sect Master below and said: "Don't talk nonsense, and don't introduce me to the things in my hands. I'm just asking you, I Do you want something like this?"



"Sir, this thing of yours is too precious. How can we, Tian Yimen, get it! Can you change a condition? Change it to something that the three of us can afford!"

The master of Tianyimen said.


Tang Yi sneered, then flicked his right hand, and dense treasures appeared in the sky.

The devil's slave, the whip of the god, the wine pot, the fog forest stone, all kinds of treasures were taken out!

These treasures are all exquisite!

Weapons and equipment are all supreme artifacts!

When all these treasures and weapons and equipment appeared in Tang Yi's palm, the scene suddenly shone with all kinds of lights!
  Various rays of light bloomed in different colors in mid-air, dazzling everyone's eyes!

Seeing the items Tang Yi took out, everyone present was dumbfounded again!

Completely stupid.

As long as you are not a fool, as long as your eyesight is good, you can see that the items Tang Yi took out are all high-quality, and the weapons and equipment he took out are all artifacts.

These items are not something ordinary people can possess!
  Not something that ordinary people can get!
  Just one thing about Tang Yi, no one is present!
  Whether it is the Chu family, the Hong family, the Mo family, or people from the Tianyi sect.

None of them had items of Tang Yi's level.


They are not eligible to own it either!
  and so!
  Seeing these treasures, everyone present was stunned.

At this moment, they were not jealous or had any thoughts.

Some, there is only shock and shock.

Even the head of the Chu family was shocked by Tang Yi this time.

In his entire life, he has never seen so many treasures.

Nothing more than strange fire!

Actually, the weapons and equipment are all treasures.
  Actually, a flag is also a super rare treasure.

This is too exaggerated.

At this moment, the head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, couldn't help but start to think about who the young man next to his daughter was!

at the same time!

At this moment, he also began to reflect, was his idea just now too narrow?

The other person may not be the kind of person with bad conduct.

The other party may not want to gain anything, or even want to negotiate any terms with Tianyimen.

After all, what conditions do people with so many treasures need to negotiate?
  Can he see the items promised by the master of Tianyi Sect?

Maybe, you don’t like it at all?

In the sky.

Seeing Tang Yi take out countless treasures at once, which was dazzling, Chu Nianwei was slightly stunned at first, and then she felt happy and smiled knowingly.

At the same time, I was extremely moved and relieved, secretly thinking that I had indeed not trusted the wrong person.

He secretly thought that his vision was indeed correct.

Chu Nianwei is a smart girl. Through Tang Yi's performance, how come she still doesn't understand what Tang Yi wants to do?
  Tang Yi was obviously teasing the other party!

He was just teasing the other person!

Tang Yi wants to negotiate terms with the other party? What does Tang Yi want to get from the other party?
  Not at all!
  Tang Yi has so many treasures, how could he care about the other party's things!

So talking to the other party at this moment is just teasing the other party, just despising the other party, despising the other party who has nothing to offer, but dares to say arrogant words!

Knowing this, Chu Nianwei breathed a sigh of relief and felt sweet in her heart.

While King Chu Ren and Chu Nianwei, the heads of the Chu family, were thinking deeply, Tang Yi sneered and said to the Tianyi Sect Master below: "Can you get any of the items I have here!"


"Sir, these items of yours are all peerless treasures. Such treasures are rare even in a large world. Our Tianyimen is just a force in the middle world, how can we possibly get them. You are really kidding me!" The master of a sect said with a smile.

If the leader of the Tianyi Sect was only afraid of Tang Yi before, then now, the leader of the Tianyi Sect is afraid of Tang Yi!



Previously, the leader of the Tianyi Sect was still lucky, thinking that he could not defeat the opponent and could leave safely under the opponent's hands.

Although the other party is powerful, they can't do anything to them.

but now!

After the other party took out a large amount of treasures, he no longer thought so.

I don’t dare to think that way anymore!
  After all, how could someone who could produce so many treasures be a simple person!

How could he, Tian Yimen, be able to deal with such a person?

You know, any treasure above is not something he can possess!
  It's not just him!
  Even some of the top wealthy families and some of the top forces in the big world may not have it!

Even one piece!
  You may not even own it!

But the young man above has so much!

Each piece is a treasure, and the aura of each piece is extremely powerful.

Several of them exuded golden light, exuding an unparalleled aura, giving people a lot of pressure.

It seems like mountains are floating in the sky.

This kind of item is absolutely unparalleled!

The items that seemed to be artifacts and treasures in the eyes of everyone could not compare with the items that the young man in the sky took out!
  It’s the fire of heaven and earth, and it’s dozens of treasures.

The other party can bring out so many treasures, how can the master of Tianyi Sect not be afraid!
  Anyone can obtain the treasure, but it is hard to say whether it can be kept.

And the other party not only owns, but also keeps so many treasures.
  It is obvious how strong the opponent is.

How could they, just one Tianyi Sect, be able to deal with such a person?

Thinking of this, the Tianyi Sect Master couldn't help but tremble slightly.

  This trouble is big!


Tang Yi snorted coldly in mid-air, and his voice was like a huge wave, spreading out with endless momentum, and suddenly the head of Tianyi Sect was buzzing.

Even the leader of the Tianyi Sect, who is as powerful as the Tianyi Sect, is unable to withstand Tang Yi's momentum!
  And this huge wave of momentum could not be resisted by even the master of the Tianyi Sect, let alone others.

I saw only the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family.

As well as the top experts from the three families, they were all shocked and dizzy.

The ordinary warriors from the three families collapsed directly to the ground, bleeding from their seven holes due to the shock, holding their heads on the ground and wailing in pain.

Since this wave of momentum is aimed at the warriors of the three families, the warriors of the Chu family have no impact at all!

Tang Yi snorted coldly, and after shocking everyone present, he said coldly: "Since you can't take it out, why can you still talk arrogantly and say anything you can to satisfy me?"

(End of this chapter)

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