Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2888 Tongtian Mirror

Chapter 2888 Tongtian Mirror

"Since you can't bring it out, why are you still talking arrogantly, saying that anything you say can satisfy me?"

Tang Yi said with a sneer.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the leader of the Tianyi Sect said sarcastically: "Young Master is laughing at us. Our Tianyi Sect is just a small sect in the middle world, and there is indeed no treasure that can impress the Young Master. However, if you, Young Master, If you don’t mind it, you can take away the inherited treasure of our Tianyi Sect.”

The Tianyi Sect Master waved his right hand and took out a shining golden round cylinder, and continued: "This cylinder is called the Tongtian Cylinder, and it is the inherited treasure of our Tianyi Sect. Since this cylinder is an ancient treasure, We don’t know much about this tube. After years of exploration and use, we only know that it can see scenes thousands of miles away.”


Hearing this, Tang Yi used his celestial eye technique to throw towards the golden cylinder called the Heavenly Cylinder.

[Tiantian Mirror]: special item
  Attribute: distant view.

Far View: Through this mirror, you can see some special targets and special events thousands of miles away.

Special attributes: The sword of thousands of miles, the journey of thousands of miles.

Sword of Ten Thousand Miles: Through this mirror, you can launch a long-distance divine sword attack on special targets thousands of miles away. The attributes of the target under attack will be greatly reduced.

Journey of Ten Thousand Miles: You can use this mirror to carry out a long-distance teleportation, with a maximum teleportation range of ten million miles. Can be used once every fifteen days.

Increase in supreme divine power index: 5000 points.

(Tip: This item has not been released from the seal, and the above attributes, except the ordinary attributes, cannot be used)

(Tip: This item requires 100 billion Supreme Coins to remove the seal. You can perform the operation by saying silently to remove the seal)

Seeing the properties of the golden cylinder, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

Because he didn't expect that this cylinder was actually a mirror to the sky!
  Moreover, the attributes are actually very good, but the increase in the supreme power index is a bit low.

Of course!
  It doesn't matter that the Supreme Power Index is low, because this is an item that has not yet been unlocked.

If it is not unblocked, it means that his attributes are incomplete!

After unblocking, some attributes will be released.

Therefore, the value of the increase in the Supreme Divine Power Index is completely unimportant and there is no need to look at it.

Of course, even if the Supreme Divine Power Index is low, this is still a good special item.

Tang Yi really didn't expect that Tianyimen could actually come up with such an item.

the other side.

Seeing Tang Yi's expression, the Tianyi Sect's leader was overjoyed, secretly thinking something was wrong, and immediately said: "Sir, what do you think? As long as you don't take action, then this inherited treasure of our Tianyi Sect belongs to you! We Although this inherited treasure is incomparable to the Young Master’s treasure, it is still a good thing and I think it can still be used, especially in the hands of the Young Master, it will definitely be able to exert considerable power.”

"Master, no!"

"Master, this is a treasure that our Tianyi Sect has inherited for thousands of years. How can you give it away!"

"Sect Master, you must not do this. Even if we, the disciples of the Tianyi Sect, die in battle, we must not give this treasure to others!"

"That's right, Sect Master, this is the heritage of our Tianyi Sect! It is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by our Tianyi Sect. It represents each era. Sect Master, you must not give it to others."

"How powerful this person can be, we don't have to ask him! If he takes action, then just take action. I don't believe that with so many people from the Tianyi Sect, the Hong Family, and the Mo Family here, we are no match for him."

"Although this person does have some means and some strength. But so what? It's not like our Tianyi Sect has no chance of winning!"

After hearing the words of the leader of the Tianyi Sect, before Tang Yi could speak, all the senior officials of the Tianyi Sect present started to dissuade him.

"That's right, Master Xu, you don't have to compromise! At worst, we just have to fight him!"    "There are so many people here, how can we still be afraid of him?"

"Although he killed many of us at once, his method can only be used once, so we don't need to be afraid of him at all!"

"As long as you speak, Master Xu, we in the Mo family will have no objection and will fight to the end."

"So do we! We, the children of the Hong family, are not cowards, and there is no need to compromise!"

"The Chu family has already suffered terribly from us. As long as we work harder, we can destroy them."


The warriors from the Hong family and the Mo family also said one after another.

"Shut up!"

However, despite everyone's dissuasion, the leader of the Tianyi Sect received a warning!

I saw the Tianyi Sect Master shouting: "Are you the Sect Master or am I the Sect Master! Are you in charge or should I be in charge? While I am in charge, you shut up! Stop talking!"

The Tianyi Sect Master was furious.

He really didn't understand why the children of the Hong family and the Mo family were so stupid!
  Why can't you see the situation now?

Why can't you see how powerful that young man in the sky is?

Is this young man something they can handle?
  How dare you talk about fighting to the death?
  You will die, but whether you can fight to the end is another matter.

He takes himself too seriously and dares to say anything about fighting to the death.

You know, the other party is someone who can produce multiple treasures, and he can kill hundreds of thousands of people in an instant.

Such a character? Do you want to fight him to the death?

Even if all the people present were added together, there was no way they could be his opponent!

Whether Tianyimen, Hong family and Mo family can escape is a question!
  If the other party wanted to, none of the three families could escape!
  Therefore, it is simply ridiculous to talk about fighting to the death.

Of course.

The children of the Hong family and the Mo family are stupid, so that's it.

The Tianyi Sect's disciples were actually so stupid, which made the Tianyi Sect's leader incomprehensible.

This made the Tianyi Sect Master very angry.

After all, if his own sect cultivated such a stupid disciple, who would be the sect leader and not be angry?

If you are not afraid of death, you are not afraid of death, but it would be foolish to risk death.

After shouting angrily and making everyone present, including the Tianyi Sect Sect Master, the Hong Family and the Mo Family Sect, stay silent and stop talking, the Tianyi Sect Sect Master calmed down slightly, and then his face seemed to change. From his original anger, Chong Chong turned into a bright smile in an instant, and said to Tang Yi: "How is it? Young Master? As long as you agree not to take action, this inherited treasure of our Tianyi Sect will be yours. Never break your promise! Our Tianyi Sect will never break your promise! I have the final say and no one can stop this decision."


Tang Yi sneered and said, "Really? As long as I agree not to take action, will this inherited treasure be mine?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, King Chu Ren, the head of the Chu family below, frowned slightly again.

Although his view of Tang Yi had changed slightly before, King Chu Ren became unhappy again when he saw that Tang Yi changed his position again under the other party's inducement and looked like he was moved.

(End of this chapter)

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