Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2892 Kill people instantly!

Chapter 2892 Killing thousands of people in an instant!

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, it was like rain in the sky, with dense white energy arrows falling down.

The sound of these energy arrows was very terrifying, and when they fell, there were bursts of sound piercing the air.

It was like a series of thunders, with great momentum.

At this moment, the entire sky was filled with rumbling sounds, as if it was the end of the world.

And below.

At the beginning, when they saw that it was Chu Nianwei who launched the attack, everyone present, whether it was Tianyimen, the Hong family, or the Mo family, didn't care at all.

They looked down on Chu Nianwei at all and didn't think Chu Nianwei could do anything to them.

The head of the Tianyi Sect, the head of the Hong family, and the head of the Mo family showed disdain.

If Tang Yi hadn't been there, they wouldn't have been able to sneer. They might have sneered a few words at this moment, saying that Chu Nianwei was overestimating her abilities.

After all, in their view, even the head of the Chu family may not be their opponent.

How could Chu Nianwei, the daughter of the head of the Chu family, be their opponent.

What can a junior do to them?
  Therefore, how could they think highly of Chu Nianwei, and how could they care about Chu Nianwei's attack.

But the next second.

When they saw countless white arrows falling from the sky and felt the aura of power coming from these white energy arrows, those who had not taken Chu Nianwei seriously at first were shocked and their eyes widened. , with a look of disbelief on his face.

At the same time, they hurriedly evaded.

He looked like a timid mouse in a panic.

Even the high-level combat powers of Tianyimen, Hong Family and Mo Family are like this at this moment.

He was also extremely shocked and panicked, like a rat crossing the street, scurrying here and there, escaping like crazy.

Because the aura emitted by these energy arrows was so strong that it put a lot of pressure on them.

At the same time, it gave them a huge sense of crisis.

They can feel the threat these energy arrows pose to them.

It seems that as long as it is hit by this white energy arrow, it will be wiped out.

This feeling does not come out of thin air, but is felt personally.

So seeing these more than a thousand energy arrows flying straight down, sloping down like rain, the warriors from Tianyimen, Hong Family and Mo Family present panicked to avoid them.

At the same time, their faces were full of disbelief.

Because they couldn't believe that Chu Nianwei could actually perform such an attack.

At this moment, even the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family were like this.

Because even the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family felt tremendous pressure and felt threatened.

Only the Tianyi Sect's leader was slightly better, and he only felt a hint of threat.

This slight threat does have the possibility of killing him, but the possibility is extremely low.

It does not pose a fatal threat to his safety.

Therefore, except for the leader of the Tianyi Sect, everyone else present felt the pressure from these more than a thousand energy arrows and had to avoid them.

Just like this, the warriors from the Tianyimen and other three families fled to the location covered by more than a thousand energy arrows.

The position covered by the white energy arrows was vacated in an instant, and a large area was left vacant.

Everyone escaped cleanly.

It has to be said that the warriors from Tianyimen, Hong Family and Mo Family reacted very quickly, and they all dodged the energy arrows the moment they landed.    If these thousand energy arrows were ordinary energy arrows, the warriors from these three families might have been completely safe.

Energy arrows no longer pose a threat to them.

The position it fell in was completely unable to hit them.

But what a pity!
  These thousand energy arrows are not ordinary energy arrows, but tracking arrows that can be tracked!

Chu Nianwei had locked onto more than a thousand targets before, and the white energy arrows she fired also flew straight towards these more than a thousand targets.

At this moment, these more than a thousand targets were dodging one after another, and the white energy arrows flew past like a hound that had smelled the scent of meat!

They chase these targets. Wherever these targets hide, the white energy arrows will follow.

Seeing this scene, the more than a thousand targets who were being chased became panicked and frightened.

The targets they were chasing were so frightened that their pupils shrank and their bodies trembled.

At this moment, seeing the energy arrows chasing after them, they hurriedly fled in panic again without choosing the right path.

  This is of no use.

These white energy arrows are all tracking arrows.

As long as Chu Nianwei locks onto the target, these tracking white energy arrows will continue to pursue the target's location.

Unless they hit their target, unless their energy is exhausted, or unless they are stopped by someone, these energy arrows will not stop and will chase you to the ends of the earth.

Of course, the premise is that you can run to the end of the world!
  Because the speed of the white energy arrow is very fast, ordinary people cannot outrun it.

and so!
  For these targeted targets, escaping is completely futile and meaningless.

Soon, they were overtaken by white energy arrows.


The white energy arrows caught up with the targets one by one, blasting them into blood mist. The scarlet blood clusters bloomed in the sky like patches of red drizzle.

Facing the terrifying tracking arrows, these targets locked by Chu Nianwei were completely unstoppable and unavoidable. They could do nothing but die.

Even a scream could not be uttered.

Just like that, more than a thousand blood flowers bloomed in the sky.

Although it is a blood flower, although it is full of the smell of blood, it is still very magnificent when it blooms in the sky.

It's like red flowers blooming in the sky, the scene is very beautiful.

  At this moment, no one appreciates the beauty of these blood flowers in the sky.

Seeing the bloody flowers blooming in the sky, everyone present had different reactions.

The people of the Chu family were confused. They had no idea what was going on in their family and how they had become so powerful.

King Chu Ren and the elders also stared blankly at this scene, staring blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar Chu Nianwei standing on the Shen Yunzheng in the sky.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Everyone couldn't figure out when Chu Nianwei became so powerful.

But the people of Tianyimen, Hong family and Mo family felt different.

Although they were equally shocked, although they were also equally surprised.

But compared to shock and surprise, they are more afraid!

Nonsense, can you not be afraid?

The energy arrows just now could threaten even the heads of the Hong family and the Mo family.

It can also kill thousands of people at the same time!
  Who is not afraid of such means?
  If such methods were used against them, who wouldn't be afraid?
  (End of this chapter)

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