Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2893 Terrifying Arrows

Chapter 2893 Terrifying Arrows
  At this moment, even the heads of the Hong family and the Mo family felt sad, frightened, and looked ugly.

At the same time, I was extremely worried, worried that the next one would attack them.

At this moment, the head of the Hong family, who looked ugly, said with disbelief: "Impossible, this is impossible. How could the eldest lady of the Chu family have such ability! How could she use such means!"

"It's indeed an exaggeration. I know the eldest lady of the Chu family and have met her a few times. Although she has good talent and is indeed a genius among young people, there is still a gap between her and the old strong ones. She is so powerful. The difference is huge. And whether it was the last time we met or the one we met now, she had not broken through the divine power. Since she had not broken through the divine power, her strength could not be so exaggerated! It was also impossible for her to use such terrifying means at the moment. ! There must be something inside of this matter!"

The head of the Mo family also said so with a stern face.

And after hearing the words of the head of the Mo family, the face of the head of the Tianyi Sect became terrifyingly gloomy.

What he was most worried about happened!

Seeing Chu Nianwei taking action and using such terrifying methods, how could he still not guess something.

After all, he is not stupid. He can still guess some things even if others don't explain them.

The eldest lady of the Chu family must not have such strength.

And the reason why she was able to use such terrifying methods must be because the person next to the eldest miss of the Chu family, the person next to the eldest miss of the Chu family, gave her that ability!
  Thinking of this, the face of the Tianyi Sect Master turned into the color of pig liver, which was extremely ugly.

If it was Chu Nianwei's strength, it would be good to say that if the three families of Tianyi Sect, Hong Family and Mo Family unite, they still have a chance to win.

But if that young man helps, it will be hard to say.

"It's a little tricky."

The master of Tianyi Sect thought.

At this moment, he was already thinking about retreating, trying to figure out how to get out of the battle and leave this place quickly with the minimum cost.

Of course, he was still a little unwilling to ask the leader of the Tianyi Sect to leave immediately.

After all, after spending so much effort and such a high price, they finally ushered in the dawn of victory, and finally their Tianyimen was about to usher in its most prosperous moment.

How could he be willing to just give up like that?

Therefore, the Tianyi Sect Master did not immediately announce his evacuation, but was thinking hard about a solution.

In the sky, Chu Nianwei was surprised, happy, and extremely excited when she saw that her attack had achieved such huge results.

She hurriedly turned her head and said excitedly to Tang Yi beside her: "Tang Yi, look, look, I killed at least a thousand people with that arrow just now! Kill all the targets I targeted. Got it!"

Seeing Chu Nianwei's excited face, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said: "Don't even look at whose bow this is. Use my bow to kill a thousand enemies. There is no need to make a fuss. This is just a normal thing." It has to be normal. Besides, I think you are too conservative. I think you can set more goals."

"It's Tang Yi's bow! Tang Yi, you are the most powerful! Okay, I will lock more targets later."

Chu Nianwei said.

After a pause, she looked at Tang Yi and said: "Tang Yi, actually when you couldn't take action just now, I was a little dissatisfied. After all, the people below are from our Chu family, and you came, but you didn't Take action, which makes me a little dissatisfied. But now I understand, it's not that you don't want to take action, but you want me to take action myself and let me rescue the Chu family. Seeing how powerful this longbow is, I Zi then understood, and all the dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared. With this bow at this moment, even if you don't take action, Tang Yi, I can still solve the crisis of our Chu family!"


Tang Yi nodded and said: "Don't talk about this now, you'd better take action quickly. After all, if it continues, more people in your Chu family will die."


Chu Nianwei nodded obediently, then turned her head and looked down at the top of King Chu City again.

Lifting the soul-killing bow, Chu Nianwei took a deep breath.

After seeing the power of the Soul-Destroying Bow and hearing Tang Yi say that more targets could be targeted, Chu Nianwei decided not to be conservative this time. This time, she will target more targets, and the number of targets this time is 10,000!

Ten times more than before!
  Concentrating and calming down, Chu Nianwei aimed at the location of the Tianyimen, Hong Family and Mo Family warriors below, and then activated her consciousness to lock her consciousness on the 10,000 warriors of the three families.

Then, pull the divine bow.


The Soul-Destroying Bow was drawn into a full moon, and the familiar white energy arrow appeared on the bowstring of the Soul-Destroying Bow again.

Holding this arrow made of energy, Chu Nianwei's eyes flashed with a few gleams of coldness.


With a roar, Chu Nianwei let go of her hand, and the white energy arrow turned into a ray of light and flew straight out.


This arrow was the same as before. Although it was aimed downwards, when it was shot, it flew high into the sky.

Then, it fell rapidly from a high altitude in a vertical fall.

Then it turned into tens of thousands of energy arrows, tilting down.

Seeing this scene, the warriors from the Tianyi Sect, the Hong Family, and the Mo Family, who had already experienced the terrifying power of energy arrows, were immediately horrified and horrified.

Their faces instantly turned pale, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and their bodies couldn't stop shivering.

Moreover, he was shaking even harder than before.

They were more frightened and frightened now than before.

After all, you must know that the power of these arrows is extremely terrifying.

Once hit, it will be wiped out into ashes and die on the spot, with no chance of survival.

Who can not be afraid of such arrows?
  They were all scared to death before.

But the arrows that fell before were only a thousand.

Although the three warriors present were afraid, there were at least hundreds of thousands of them.

Hundreds of thousands of people faced a thousand arrows, and they were still able to do so with ease.

After all, the probability of picking one thousand out of hundreds of thousands is still very small, and the chance of becoming the unlucky one is extremely low.

If you are really unfortunate enough to become one of the unlucky ones, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

But it's different now.

At this moment, the arrows falling from the sky were densely packed, like rain. It looked like there were at least ten thousand arrows!

One energy arrow will kill one warrior, and ten thousand arrows will kill ten thousand warriors!
  A thousand arrows might kill him, but ten thousand arrows might not kill him.

The probability of selecting 10,000 unlucky people from hundreds of thousands of people is really too high.

Therefore, seeing the dense energy arrows falling from the sky, the three warriors present were frightened and frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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