Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2922 Let me give you some color.

Chapter 2922 Let me give you some color.

"You don't have to be afraid. As long as I'm here, it can't hurt you."

Seeing Chu Nianwei's weak appearance, even if she might be misunderstood, Tang Yi still spoke to comfort her.


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Chu Nianwei nodded, but her nervousness remained unchanged.

Seeing Chu Nianwei's look, Tang Yi thought for a moment, and then said: "Let's do this, if you are really scared, then just grab my clothes. Maybe grabbing my clothes will make you feel better. "

"it is good!"

Chu Nianwei nodded, then approached Tang Yi, stretched out her delicate hands, and grabbed Tang Yi's clothes.

Not to mention, holding onto Tang Yi, even though it was just clothes, made Chu Nianwei feel a lot better.

The fear in my heart disappeared a lot.

The pressure from her childhood nightmare was much lessened!

Feeling the fear in her heart weakening, Chu Nianwei immediately grabbed Tang Yi's clothes tighter, as if Tang Yi's clothes were her life-saving straw.

Seeing Chu Nianwei's appearance, Tang Yi felt that it still wouldn't work.

Although Chu Nianwei's fear has eased a lot, she still has not returned to her original state.

This is not a good thing for Chu Nianwei.

and so!
  Tang Yi thought about it again and then made a decision.

Although doing so would cause misunderstanding, he decided to do it in order to heal Chu Nianwei, to make her friend better, and to help her get out of the shadow of her own fear.

After making the decision, Tang Yi stretched out his hand and took away Chu Nianwei's little hand holding his clothes.

When Chu Nianwei was confused and even wanted to resist, he grabbed her little hand in his.

At the same time, he comforted him with a very gentle voice: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Chu Nianwei wanted to struggle at first. After all, Tang Yi's clothes were her life-saving straw. How could she be willing to let go.

But when Tang Yi took her hand in his and spoke comforting words, Chu Nianwei's whole body seemed to be electrocuted. She shook slightly. The body that was trying to struggle suddenly stopped moving, and she looked blankly. Looking at Tang Yi, he kept thinking in his heart: "He, he, he, he, he actually grabbed my hand! Apart from my father, mother, and sisters, my hand has never been touched by any man! And he , actually holding my hand!"

Chu Nianwei was filled with shock, but at the same time, her mood was extremely complicated.

Although she was surprised when Tang Yi held her hand, she did not resist!
  On the contrary, there was some joy.

Being pulled by Tang Yi, all the fears in her heart disappeared, as if she had the best protection, and she was filled with an inexplicable sense of security.

At the same time, feeling the temperature of Tang Yi's palm, her whole heart felt warm, as if she was in a warm space.

Holding Tang Yi's hand and listening to Tang Yi's gentle words, Chu Nianwei felt that her whole heart melted, and she was so excited and moved.

Raising her head slightly and taking a look at Tang Yi, who was full of masculinity, Chu Nianwei was very moved and couldn't help but think in her heart: "This man is so good, no matter what, I have to get him! He is mine!" No matter how many wives he has, I want to be with him. He is the man I want to marry!"

After secretly swearing, Chu Nianwei said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, thank you."

"You're welcome, you should!"

Tang Yi asked: "How are you? Are you not afraid now? Are you feeling better?"

Chu Nianwei replied: "I'm not afraid anymore, I feel a lot better."

"That's good!"

Tang Yi nodded, and then prepared to let go of Chu Nianwei's hand.

But as soon as he moved, he encountered Chu Nianwei's resistance.

He saw Chu Nianwei's hand holding his hand tightly, making it impossible for him to let go.

Tang Yizheng was confused.

I saw Chu Nianwei saying: "Tang Yi, don't let go, I'm scared. The Supreme Bat Dragon Beast is a monster I've been afraid of since I was a child. If you let go of your hand, I will feel very insecure and will be scared."

Hearing Chu Nianwei's words, Tang Yi could only nod and said: "Okay, then I won't let go."    "Well! Thank you Tang Yi."

Chu Nianwei thanked him.

At the same time, a red cloud appeared on his cheeks, and he became a little shy.

She didn't dare to look up at Tang Yi, afraid that Tang Yi would see her blushing look.

After all, it is indeed a bit shameful to make such a request.


She didn't want Tang Yi to be too embarrassed, so she didn't dare to see Tang Yi.

After all, you have to remember that she is still a young lady, not yet married.

But Tang Yi was already a married man.

Holding hands like this is indeed very bad.

While Chu Nianwei was thinking a lot, Tang Yi didn't think so much.

After hearing Chu Nianwei's plea to not let go, he didn't let go, and then turned his gaze to the Earth Bat Beast.

On the other side, the Earth Bat Beast's eyes as big as an elephant also looked at Tang Yi.

A man and an animal were just staring at each other thousands of meters apart.


After glaring slightly, the Earth Bat Beast seemed angry that Tang Yi was not afraid of him and was not intimidated by it, and roared wildly.

With this roar, the entire forest trembled, like an earthquake.

And the magic is.

The roar of the Earth Bat Beast was actually not the sound of a bat, but a sound like a giant dragon.

This surprised Tang Yi very much.

After all, the face shape of the Earth Bat Beast is exactly that of a bat.

He has a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, and is thin and small. However, he roars like a giant dragon, which is quite inconsistent.

When he heard the roar of the Earth Bat Beast, Tang Yi snorted coldly and said, "You dare to yell at me? You really don't know how to live or die! I really don't give you any color, do you think I'm easy to mess with?"

As he spoke, Tang Yi's eyes lit up, and his eyes of deification instantly activated.


The next moment, Tang Yi's eyes flashed with golden light, and a terrifying power suddenly burst out!

[Deified Eye]: An ancient divine eye with great magical powers.

Passive effects: see through, reflect, charm.

Seeing through: being able to see through the essence of some things.

Anti-invisibility: Can see some invisible units.

Charm: Increases a large amount of charm value.

Supernatural powers: deification, forbidden realm, immortality, eyes of fear.

Deification: Activating this magical power can purify the opponent. (The power of deification depends on the strength gap between the player and the enemy target. The more players are stronger than their opponents, the higher the success rate)

Forbidden Realm: Activate this magical power, and the deified eye will release an energy to imprison all living creatures within 10,000 meters. (The confinement time of this magical power depends on the gap between the player and the enemy target. The stronger the enemy, the shorter the confinement time, and vice versa)

Immortal body: When this magical power is activated, the deified eye will emit countless immortal substances to protect the body from harm, and the immortal substance can quickly recover the severely injured body. (The duration depends on the player's strength, with a minimum of three seconds, no upper limit, and can only be used three times a day)
  Eye of Fear: Activate this magical power to emit infinite fear. Under the fear effect, all attributes of the enemy target will be greatly reduced, and the damage received will be doubled.

Supreme divine power index: 55000 points.

(End of this chapter)

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