Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2923 Crazy Earth Bat Beast

Chapter 2923 Crazy Earth Bat Beast
  The magical power of the Eye of Deification was used by Tang Yi!
  After using this skill, Tang Yi's eyes flashed with golden light, and a terrifying power suddenly burst out from his eyes.

Since Tang Yi has special effects from the air, he can attack from the air no matter what method he uses.

So after Tang Yi's eyes flashed with golden light, the magical power of the deified eye immediately hit the earth bat beast.


There was a roar, and the Earth Bat Beast's huge body shook suddenly.

The terrifying power is raging crazily on it!

  What Tang Yi didn't expect was.

Normally, after the Eye of Deification is activated, the creatures illuminated by the golden light of the Eye of Deification will usually be purified by the power of the Eye of Deification and eventually be annihilated.


After the earth bat beast in front of him was illuminated by the golden light of the deified eye, it was purified, but it was not directly annihilated!
  I saw its body burst into flames, as if it had been burned, and its entire body was on fire.

Especially the pair of black wings burned the most intensely.

The pair of black wings were like fuel. When burned, they immediately ignited into a sky-high fire, and the fire spread throughout the sky!

Completely illuminate the originally misty forest!
  Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was very surprised.

After all, according to the past, the Earth Bat Beast at this moment should be purified, and then its body should turn into starlight and disappear.

But not now!
  But its body was burning strangely, and it was still struggling fiercely!

What Tang Yi didn't expect was!

The Earth Bat Beast actually resisted!
  After being purified and burned, the Earth Bat Beast did not collapse and turn into powder. Instead, it withstood Tang Yi's attack!

This is something unprecedented!
  After all, Tang Yi's supreme power index has exceeded 100 million, which is hundreds of times that of the earth bat beast.

In this case, the power of the Eye of Deification should be very powerful.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the Earth Bat Beast to withstand such terrifying power.

Under attack, it is impossible to survive.

but now!

The Earth Bat Beast survived.

Of course, although it survived, the Earth Bat Beast's condition wasn't very good either!
  Its entire body was scorched black, and its original earthy yellow body was completely burned into a pitch black color.

And the pair of dark, demon-like wings were burned into nothingness at this moment.

Now all that is left of the Earth Bat Beast is its thin body that was burned to a coke-like appearance!

As long as you are not blind, you can clearly see that the Earth Bat Beast was seriously injured, its condition was very bad, and its combat effectiveness was completely reduced.

In other words, Tang Yi's blow did not kill the Earth Bat Beast, but only seriously injured it!

This surprised Tang Yi extremely!
  "It seems that its defense is indeed very high!"

Seeing that the Earth Bat Beast survived his attack, Tang Yi commented.


Being seriously injured by Tang Yi, the Earth Bat Beast was very angry.

The little eyes that had been burnt to charcoal were full of anger.

It roared angrily, then moved its charred limbs and rushed towards Tang Yi!

Not to mention, even though the claws of the Earth Bat Beast have been burnt to charcoal, they are still extremely flexible and move as fast as ever.

  To no avail at all.

what's the point?
  So what if the speed is faster?

What harm can a seriously injured body do to Tang Yi?
  Not to mention that the Earth Bat Beast is seriously injured now, even if it is in peak condition, it still won't help!
  Although Tang Yi couldn't kill it instantly using the magical power of the Eye of Deification, he could also use other means to kill him. Therefore, this wave of resistance from the Earth Bat Beast has no effect at all.

Seeing the Earth Bat Beast rushing towards him quickly, Tang Yi sneered and said, "It's such an incompetent rage. Is it useful? Ha!"

As he spoke, Tang Yi waved his right hand and slapped it in the direction of the Earth Bat Beast!


The next moment, a terrifying energy crossed the space and flew towards the Earth Bat Beast.

At this moment, Tang Yi didn't need to use any powerful methods or martial arts at all, he could easily deal with the earth bat beast!

After all, no matter how powerful the Earth Bat Beast's defense is, it is still seriously injured at this moment.

How could a seriously injured person block Tang Yi's attack?
  Tang Yi would definitely be able to kill it without using any means.

In this way, Tang Yi's attack flew towards the Earth Bat Beast through the air separation effect.

However, facing Tang Yi's attack, the Earth Bat Beast ignored Tang Yi's attack and went straight up.


Just like that, without any surprise, Tang Yi's attack hit the Earth Bat Beast.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was!
  It stands to reason that the seriously injured Earth Bat Beast's body should be extremely fragile, and it should be able to kill it with just a casual move.

But the magical thing is that just when Tang Yi's attack was about to land on the Earth Bat Beast, the Earth Bat Beast's body suddenly lit up with a strange red light.

It was this layer of red light that completely blocked Tang Yi's attack!
  Then, the Earth Bat Beast was wrapped in such a layer of red light and came straight towards Tang Yi.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was very surprised. He never expected that the Earth Bat Beast could withstand his attack.

After all, no matter how strong the Earth Bat Beast's defense is, it is limited.

Moreover, he was in such a seriously injured state at the moment.

How could he withstand his attack in such a state?

But now the Earth Bat Beast is resisting.

This surprised Tang Yi extremely.

But Tang Yi didn't have time to think too much now, because the Earth Bat Beast had already rushed over.

Tang Yi himself was not afraid of the Earth Bat Beast. Even if the Earth Bat Beast rushed closer, Tang Yi was sure to resist it!

But Chu Nianwei can’t!

Even if Tang Yi can resist in time.

But it will also frighten Chu Nianwei to a certain extent!

Tang Yi finally calmed down Chu Nianwei. If Chu Nianwei was frightened again, then he would be too incompetent as a bodyguard.

After all, when entering the forest, Tang Yi vowed to protect Chu Nianwei's safety.

If she was frightened at this moment, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

and so!
  It was impossible for Tang Yi to let the Earth Bat Beast rush forward.

However, just when Tang Yi thought that the Earth Bat Beast was about to rush over and do something, he was about to stop the Earth Bat Beast.

I saw the strange red light on the Earth Bat Beast's body. The light suddenly swelled and became even more intense!
  It seemed to be burning.

Like a huge fireball burning with red flames.

Wrapped in this layer of strange red light, the Earth Bat Beast's eyes were red, and it became crazy, exuding an extremely violent aura.

It seemed like it was going crazy and rushed towards where Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei were. Although you couldn't see the expression on its dark face, you could feel the madness on its face.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi secretly thought something bad, and then immediately raised his left hand and cast a divine barrier!
  (End of this chapter)

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