Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2933 Queen Bat Nest

Chapter 2933 Queen Bat Nest

"Since it's useless if others take it, but it's only useful if you take it, Tang Yi, that's fine. I won't tell others about it, and it will also help you get more special stones!" Chu Nianwei said.

"Yes! Thank you!" Tang Yi thanked him.

"Let's go!"

Chu Nianwei said calmly: "In addition to our stones, Tang Yi must also want to get more stones, right? Without further ado, let's get on the road quickly. Maybe we can find them later."


Hearing this, Tang Yi nodded.

The two of them set out on the journey again.

Along the way, the two of them went deeper and deeper into the forest.

At this moment, they could no longer see the sky, because the lush branches and leaves above their heads had completely blocked the sky, and all they could see was a lush patch of green.

And because the sky is blocked, the sky in the forest is very dark. If you have poor eyesight, you will not be able to see clearly.

Coupled with the thick fog in the forest, the vision is even worse.

And the further you go inside, the darker and gloomier the sky becomes, and the weird atmosphere is suffocating.

Originally, Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei left one after the other.

But as the atmosphere became more and more gloomy, the sky became darker and darker, and there were some monsters roaring in the distance from time to time. Because Chu Nianwei was too nervous, she immediately walked to Tang Yi's side and pulled Tang Yi's clothes away. .

When Tang Yi looked at her doubtfully, she put on a wronged expression, and said she was afraid that the Supreme Batdramon would appear again.

Since Chu Nianwei is a girl, men should be considerate of some girls, so Tang Yi went with her.

Just pull it, it won't cause any problems anyway, and there won't be any missing pieces of meat or anything like that.

In this way, the two of them went more than ten kilometers deeper.

Along the way, neither of them encountered anything else, nor did they find any other special stones. Along the way, there were only flowers, grass, trees and vegetation.


After going more than ten kilometers deep, Tang Yi seemed to feel a special energy.

It can’t be said to be energy.

In short, Tang Yi discovered something during his investigation.

The location where the special energy was discovered was five kilometers away to the right of Tang Yi.

So Tang Yi took Chu Nianwei and rushed to that place without stopping.

Soon, Tang Yi arrived at the location of the incident.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was.

The energy he sensed turned out to be a huge nest!

A lair hanging on a giant tree!

The giant tree was thousands of meters high, blocking out the sky and the sun, like a pillar supporting the sky. It was very shocking.

Looking from a distance, the top cannot be seen at all, and its top has been submerged in the clouds.

When blown by the strong wind, all the leaves and branches swayed in the clouds.

In addition to the extremely high height of this big tree, its main pole is also extremely thick. It seems to be several hundred meters wide, and thousands of people may not be able to surround it.

In short, this is an extremely huge tree.

And in such a big tree, a huge honeycomb-like nest hung high on a branch of the big tree.

The nest, like the bee's hive, was oval in shape and had many holes in it. The only difference is that the nest hanging high on the ancient tree in front of you is golden in color. It is a golden nest. At the same time, it is very huge, at least several hundred meters long. It looks wider and bigger than a football field.

In short, the hive is also a giant.

And just when Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei came to the ancient tree and saw the ancient tree and the huge nest on the ancient tree, they saw countless black shadows coming through the holes in the nest. Carrying the fruits of the ancient tree back and forth, carrying the fruits from the tree into the nest, it seemed very busy.

These black shadows have two silver antennas on their heads. Their faces are round, their eyes are like two balls, and their noses are slightly protruding outwards.

Its body is thin and its tail is bloated. It has a pair of black devil wings that look very inconsistent on its body, and there is a sharp and shining thorn hanging from its tail.

The black shadow looks like a combination of a bee and a bat!
  Combine the body and wings of a bat with the head and tail of a bee!
  It looks very weird.

Seeing this scene, Chu Nianwei was immediately surprised and said: "Tang Yi, what is that."

Tang Yi glanced at it slightly, and then threw it forward with a Heavenly Eye Technique.

Name: Tiangong Black Bat Bee (God Realm BOSS)

Level: Level 799 (eighth level supreme beast)

Description: The cubs of the Supreme Queen Bat in the Divine Mist Forest are gregarious creatures with super attack power and speed. Once they encounter an invading enemy, they will attack the enemy in groups and are not afraid of death.

There are barbs on its tail, and the barbs are full of terrible poison. This poison is very powerful. Once it is stung or scratched by the barbs, it will be difficult to cure, and it may be life-threatening.

Supreme divine power index: 12888888 points.

"Tiangong Black Bat Bee!"

"Eighth level supreme beast!"

"The cub of the Supreme Queen Bat!"

Tang Yi was slightly surprised when he saw the information from Tiangong Black Bat Bee.

From the Tiangong Black Bat Bee's attribute panel, Tang Yi got some information.

That is, on top of the Tiangong Black Bat Bee, there is also a Supreme Queen Bat!

Because these heavenly black bats are all the cubs of the Supreme Queen Bat!

That Supreme Queen Bat is the real BOSS!

Maybe this BOSS is hidden in the dark hive above his head!

Thinking of this, Tang Yi couldn't help turning his head and asked Chu Nianwei on the side: "Have you never seen them before?"

Chu Nianwei shook her head and said: "No! I have never seen these things! I have never seen this ancient tree! Not to mention me, even the elders in our family have never seen these things. ! Because the forest is too dangerous, we have never gone so deep before!"

As she spoke, Chu Nianwei looked at the Tiangong black bats and bees in the sky and sighed: "I didn't expect that there would be such a huge ancient tree and such a weird monster in the forest!"


Hearing Chu Nianwei's words, Tang Yi said: "They are called Tiangong Black Bats. They are a kind of gregarious monster beast. Their attacks are very powerful and their speed is also very fast. If they encounter the enemy, they will swarm They attack in groups, which is very powerful. And these heavenly black bats are the cubs of the Supreme Queen Bat. I think there is also a Supreme Queen Bat in the nest."

"Tang Yi, do you know these monsters?"

Chu Nianwei was very surprised when she heard Tang Yi's introduction. She didn't expect that Tang Yi actually knew these monsters.

After all, it was only the first time for her to see these monsters!

They may have never even met the elders in their Chu family.

But at this moment, Tang Yi recognized and told the origin of these monsters!

This surprised Chu Nianwei.

(End of this chapter)

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