Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2934 The gentle and kind-hearted Chu Nianwei

Chapter 2934 The gentle and kind-hearted Chu Nianwei
  "Well, I happened to see it in a certain treasured notebook before! So I know a little bit about it."

Tang Yi explained.

"I see!"

Chu Nianwei was stunned, and then asked: "Tang Yi, how strong are they? Are they powerful? Can you deal with them?"

"These Tiangong black bats are powerful, but it's easy for me to deal with them!" Tang Yi said confidently.

"That's it."

Chu Nianwei thought for a while and then said: "Tang Yi, you just said that there is a more powerful monster in that nest, called the Supreme Queen Bee Bat. Can you deal with it?"


Tang Yi confidently said.

"Okay! Then it's okay." Chu Nianwei said.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, she felt extremely relieved.

Even if there is an ancient tree in front of her, even if there is a terrifying nest in the ancient tree, even if there are countless terrifying monsters in the nest, she is not afraid at all.

In this way, the two of them were talking while approaching the Qingtian Ancient Tree.

However, at this moment, Chu Nianwei suddenly pointed at the honeycomb-like nest in mid-air and exclaimed: "Tang Yi, look, that's the stone with words engraved on it that you're looking for!"

Tang Yi hurriedly looked in the direction that Chu Nianwei was pointing, and immediately saw the stone that Chu Nianwei was talking about.

Those stones seemed to be at the entrance of the nest hole.

Because there was a shining light there, and that light was exactly the same as when they found the special stone before.

Of course, since Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei were still far away, they could only see the shining light and knew that there were stones there, but it was not clear how many there were.

Seeing the stones in the nest, Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei quickened their pace and rushed towards the ancient tree.

  When they arrived under the old tree and looked up at the nest hanging in mid-air, they were stunned!
  I saw that the nest in mid-air was covered with dense stones!

At a glance, you can’t tell how many there are!


It's the kind of stone Tang Yi wants!
  A stone with the words of the earth engraved on it!
  The kind of stone with a psychic core embedded in it!

This kind of stone is now densely scattered on the surface of the nest above!
  It seems to have been used as a nesting material and was embedded there!

Those heavenly black bats and bees in the sky actually use special stones to build their nests! !
  Although not all of the lair is made of special stones.

But it seems so densely packed that there must be at least a thousand of them!
  And, this is just the surface!
  There seems to be so much on the surface, but what about inside?

How many should be in there?

"I've made a lot of money! Now I can buy anything!"

Tang Yi said with great excitement and excitement.


"Tang Yi!"

"A lot! A lot of those rocks!"

At this moment, even Chu Nianwei couldn't help but take a breath when she saw the scene above!
  "I saw it." Tang Yi said excitedly.

"What do we do now?"

Chu Nianwei asked.

"Since this lair has what I want, I naturally have to go and try it! Of course, even if there is nothing I want in this lair, I will still go and have a look at these days. Just how powerful the worker black bat is, let's also take a look at how powerful the supreme queen bat is!" Tang Yi said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you here?" Chu Nianwei said tentatively.

"No, come up with me!"

Tang Yi said.

"Then Tang Yi, take me with you. I don't like things that look like bugs and have spikes on their tails." Chu Nianwei said.

"it is good!"

Tang Yi agreed without hesitation.

Then he stretched out his hand and took Chu Nianwei's hand.

The two of them just pulled each other, flew up the ancient tree, and flew towards the nest!


In the lair, when they saw Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei flying in, the black bats and bees discovered the outsiders, flapped their wings and flew towards Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei!

In just an instant, more than two hundred of them flew over, so densely packed that they covered the sky and the sun.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei were slightly surprised. After all, there were only a dozen Tiangong Black Bats shuttled back and forth in the nest before. At first glance, there were not many. They did not expect that they could fly out of the nest. So many heavenly black bats.


This is not all!

In the nest, countless heavenly black bats and bees were still pouring out, and then joined the army and attacked Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei.

Not long after, the heavenly black bats and bees covered the sky with darkness.

Their eyes were red, exuding a murderous aura.

It was as if Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei were their lifelong enemies, or as if they had done something heinous to them, arousing their public indignation!
  The most amazing thing is!

On the way to Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei, they were actually arranged in an orderly manner, very neatly.

Moreover, a square formation was also set up, as if some kind of formation or formation was being used.

And with the blessing of this formation or formation, this turbulent field of heavenly black bats looks even more amazing, and the murderous aura and lethality exuded seem to have increased!
  Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but comment: "These bats and bees don't seem to like others intruding into their territory. In other words, we exude a little hostility and they sense it, so when they see us, they become confused." All of them rushed over. Moreover, they are very smart, and they actually understand the formation, and now they have set up a formation to deal with us."

"Tang Yi, what should we do now? There are too many of them! It seems that there are at least a thousand now, and they are still pouring out from the nest. If this situation continues, it is estimated that The number of bats and wasps attacking us will be thousands or more, or even more! I don’t know what kind of nest is made of, but it can accommodate so many bats and wasps.”

After a pause, Chu Nianwei said again: "The aura of these bats and bees is very powerful. They seem to be high-level monsters. These monsters are not something I can deal with. It will be very difficult to deal with one. If it is like this If Duo Yi comes flying, I will probably capture him without any help."

When speaking, Chu Nianwei was full of worry. She seemed to be worried about her own safety, and she seemed to be afraid that Tang Yi would be affected because of herself.

"Don't be afraid, no matter it's a thousand or ten thousand, as long as I'm here, they can't hurt you! Just don't worry." Tang Yi confidently said.

"Okay! Tang Yi! Since you are sure, then I won't worry. However, I still want to say, if you feel that I have influenced you and made you constrained, then please give up on me decisively and go to the exhibition yourself. Fist and kick, don't let your life be threatened because of me, okay?" Chu Nianwei reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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